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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. As CookiePuss and others have mentioned in multiple threads this past year , APB has not made profit , so again..... are we talking about APB still?
  2. That is why Little Orbit changed anti cheats. It's because they are doing their part. As for legal action ; A thread that I believe willy wonka made suggested this in that thread. or maybe it side railed to it i don't know for sure. but in it i said that as long as Little Orbit could afford to , then I would be for legal action against those who make /use the cheats. It is not an easy task to prove in a court of law and not all countries would recognize it regardless
  3. while true for some others have a 200 dollar comp from the shelf so it makes a difference.
  4. Well since we are sharing stories..... A long time ago the clan I am in let a particular girl in. one day she admitted to it but then it got weirder than that. she punched her laptop because her boyfriend got mad at her because she was cheating on him with a girl. That girl got mad at her as well by the way. later she punched her laptop again while we were all playing because then they started seeing each other and blew her off. she killed it. my story is worse I win..... by the way I'm not trolling , I give you all my word it did happen. ok back on topic. no anti cheat is 100% effective ; it is impossible to do so. some people on here have comps that are a minimum of 3,000 American dollars and share their builds. in bronze and silver I have not seen anyone suspicious lately but that obviously does not mean they do not exist. Little Orbit changed anti cheats because they believe in doing good for APB. One final thing : everyone please make sure to not blame Little Orbit for what cheaters chose to do to Little Orbit. It is not fair to blame a victim.
  5. How about " NO THANK YOU " for an option.
  6. Anyone can get 5 star notoriety its easy to. cops arrest crims crims ram raid and trash the city. some people have good graphics cards so the lag is less noticeable to them. A GTX 1050 TI or higher is advisable. ( newegg.com price around 140.00 ) its why on laggy days it does not hit me as hard as others.
  7. ........... are we talking about APB still? Because if not , then it doesn't belong here.
  8. oh god no not again..... last time I got so dizzy my forehead smashed my keyboard broke some of the keys back then glad i can get a cheap one for a few bucks
  9. Yeah lets not kill APB just because you feel like it.....
  10. Was getting work done so I coudlnt. Read how the server was having trouble
  11. From what some on the forums said , Jericho had server trouble of some sort yesterday. As for your personal experience , I honestly doubt you ran into hackers. Since I play on bronze as well as silver and have not seen anyone suspicious in around a month now.
  12. google shows nothing for me. i tried
  13. the third thread wanting name and shame..... and the reply's will be the same..... NO THANK YOU
  14. title : The APB community have the right to know who has been Banned Reply : At no time am I or anyone else ENTITLED to know anything to begin with. Do not confuse openness of Little Orbit with rights.
  15. This is an Engine Upgrade , not a Graphics upgrade The graphics look better which is a bonus , but they are still working on lighting and other things
  16. yes APB is noticeably less toxic , however people who are toxic cant tell because they are too busy causing it and are blaming the other people for defending themselves. use a /report ; its what it is for.
  17. Yes it is funner to play without the toxicity from it and no its clearly less toxic without it. if you subtract you subtract And no it is about the same number of players without it , there was a different thread recently showing the stats on how many players. Merged. you're causing some with it right now....
  18. *facepalm* and here we go again they just gotta tease each other lol Someone I talked to said they even got a ban over making spray pics n stuff. so being banned in itself before little Orbit doesn't mean as much as people think.
  19. google translate is terrible lost in translation is google translate fault
  20. Want a vote to have sale.... want sale to include a 4 slot Fresno for us to spend money on to get. want new car kits for Fresno too. ( I do not believe a Fresno has any kits at all ) not expecting it anytime soon its a lot of work...... I'm just dreaming a good dream. A dream I would spend money on
  21. multiple threads list a good 15 to 20 things that Little Orbit did for APB 2 posts Joined Aug 2018 just who the heck are you?
  22. I think it was one of the tiggs rage bans but i do not know for sure. CookiePuss posted what it was about before but I forget.
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