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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. Yes, its not help in anything only ruin others in missions uh while i firmly believe it needs to be tweaked , it does help with letting random support help against being dominated by someone during the mission. i do not believe the first option is the truth because of it , but suspect people who say this would be the ones who keep getting bountys instead
  2. bye see you later we will still be playing i almost missed that he is doing that again. sigh NO IT WASNT I WATCHED THOSE VIDS
  3. a handful of people who have intent to threat shame does not equal an epidemic You are seeming to be holding onto those feelings from the past and finding new ways to justify them , all the while not realizing you're rebuilding that spiral , not destroying it. what you replied with does show why I commented with what I did.
  4. ok i like trying new foods so i can honestly say id try that once or twice but in that photo's case it looks like they didnt adjust the batter for the pickle juice , but id still try it
  5. I've only seen one suspicious person during the Halloween even time frame , who seemed to perfectly out shoot anyone 1 on 1 no matter the gun or range , who also disappeared mid match to never be seen again by me
  6. *pats on head* its ok shh its ok its a whiskey tango foxtrot all over this , we know...shhh its ok
  7. Have you either used or owned an act 44 ???? they are not the same so it is not a reskin
  8. CookiePuss answered that part best. A slight problem with this , is the very " toxic nature " you are talking about is what you are clinging to as well and is shown in your comment. The community is far less toxic than it used to be , but you still seemed wounded by the past. " heal up " - D.va
  9. my stance is hard to explain , but i dont do favorites but want things fair as possible. kinda like every ship has to adjust course because random winds blow. Merged. did i give you this one yet? just posted it on nfas thread https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ellie-krieger/pulled-bbq-chicken-sandwiches-recipe-1953251
  10. sigh 1 youre assuming way too much about me when you dont even know me 2. "way to go" was just a jest , a tease , no different than anyone else would , so try to not blow it up. i was goofing off like i normally do. (which is proof you don't know me , i wasn't sure at first) 3 a recipe for you to show im just jesting and not to take it personal with me. (peace offering plus i tend to share recipes) https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ellie-krieger/pulled-bbq-chicken-sandwiches-recipe-1953251
  11. i listened to most of your post then had to see you act like i dont do this stat in silver with my nfas ...... way to go
  12. theres a few people who go gold in bronze who are not gold regularly. like seldom type of regularly. there are some who are borderline but choose to run from golds in silver , who do not dominate but can still get gold in bronze (people discussed that one a lot since LO took over) then theres a handful *** (see note) who , when they do come on are absolutely a dethreated gold , those i have no pity if they get in trouble for it , up to a perm ban. however some of the ones calling for " ban the golds" on this thread coudlnt care less who it really is , so long as that color turned gold ban them .....thats not right. note *** literally a handful its not as high a number as some claim. some of the people claiming higher numbers also report for anyone going gold , getting a bounty more than once , or just killing them.
  13. and thats why i hope its updated soon
  14. they have been openly saying they have been working on a global networking.....
  15. please do not make multiple threads on the forums when one is already active *facepalm*
  16. every time i see this i think of peoples family trees and look for the monkeys swinging on the branches do the consoles still get performance issues? I do not know if that bug was updated or not. if they still have that bug it might mess it up too
  17. pc is not > than console. PC is behind console and can fix the consoles afterwards when it is ported over. pc is kinda like a raw picture file. easy to convert to other types without as much chance of data corruption. but yes i hope consoles get an update too ,and a larger playerbase.
  18. a real mask in the store comes with the same features of nose and mouth
  19. while i do not agree with detheating , i will not condemn people running for their lives. that could be from 30 up to 60 percent of the population. when it comes to detheating , some do so to destroy bronzes , and that is not running from dying but invading. i would only consider judgement on those. even then however , if you kill the game by destroying the population , would you take pride in that? you do not save patients in the hospital by killing them. you save them by treating the sickness and healing them. in the case of APB that is being attempted by phasing to treat the sickness rather than treating the symptoms which would offer no real benefits and only weaken the body
  20. exactly why some adjustments are needed until we find our groove
  21. not possible APB is my drug Edit : down voted for this? really? rofl wow you're so salty Edit 2: those who downvoted because I love APB and claim they hate APB/quit/etc are only closets or they wouldn't be here rofl
  22. irrelevant as in nothing important from armas and just something that wont hurt their budget. Little Orbit has shown a desire for new clothing just like you said.
  23. cant i hope they'll think of something irrelevant and possibly new like a scarf maybe?
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