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Everything posted by Keshi

  1. I got no premium so its hard af for me :') Waiting for the game to be fixed to start throwing money again
  2. We are impatient because we've been waiting for years... Nope my patient is not there either but nothing else that can be done lol
  3. Community, why are the gold districts always empty? 'Because everyone wants to go to silver district to play against other golds' Why is waterfront always empty 'Because financial is better'
  4. trust me...doing this will make people spend more on JMB's... And i know allot of people who'd go broke for this.... even in APB...
  5. if u use advanced launcher you can make the game look plain as hell, disable muzzle flash and everything and play more buttersmooth than a vanilla person
  6. ditching the boxes is a terrible idea but, letting someone spend hundreds on a box without getting a legendary is also bad...maybe they gotta do something with the legendary droprate, like on each drop the rate of getting a legendary increase
  7. just tried it and can confirm that issue 2 and 3 seem to exist still
  8. if u want to put a crosshair without getting banned. back in my early days i used a tape with a black dot market onit, and attached it on the middle of my screen
  9. the forums were down an hour ago as well. anyone know why?
  10. I used to make tons of money off theme's before my old account got banned..maybe if i do get unbanned and can successfully login to my old account, i'll get back into theme's and symbols.
  11. The only p2w gun OP is the yukon. Other than that the ntec is free, hvr is free, carbine is free. FBW is your starter pistol. So ye everything else are fine with me What needs to be looked into tho, are the USELESS guns we have in the game that people barely to never use
  12. Ladies and gentleman, if you are still following this topic. You can now add your own Custom background. Enjoy Check the post for updated screenshots If there are any bugs plz do comment
  13. so second wave of unban is out and no one got unbanned? smh... this would of end sooner if they just unbanned everyone and let battlEye do its job once its on
  14. honestly now i remember that G1 did fix this one time but the community complained about it and they removed it... i am 100% positive this was "fixed" before
  15. i mean its been there for years altho its not supose to be a thing, its not the biggest issue in the game...
  16. bro the carbine is heavily nerfed....a little nerf now and the ntec will be the most OP gun in the game. the carbine was sooo OP back in the days that g1 nerfed it...dont kill the guns. buff other guns that are currently useless
  17. Come on. Can't always complain right? Gotta bring the positives out where they at as well :) ikr...i played for like 4hours... i got 5hours left of sleep now before work thanks to the smoothness... #worthit :D
  18. I just wanted to say from my laggy "mitigation" experience last night, i've been playing for 2hours today and so far its silky smooth. <3
  19. Was fixing the image paths and code reading to prevent the guns and icons from not loading. There you guys go Will work on the custom background later on or tomorrow
  20. if u have a characterbound weapon it should be posible to make it account bound...you will only be paying for the upgrade and not the whole gun...unless that changed?
  21. Every online type games has market outside the game itself. APB is 1 of them who only allows us to use the market store "reserved for a person" to send a gun
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