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Everything posted by Keshi

  1. Came home, decided to give APB a try(NA) and i played on my stable 88ms and did not teleport, jesus did not took my wheel and grenades did not stick to my hands and teleport me back to a wall and cause me to suicide. I enjoyed APB with the 2hours i had today and hope it can remain like this for as long as it can. Thank you LO
  2. Agreed. There comes a time where you gota go to the next step. Obv preventing the attacks isnt working so the next step must be taken. what if it's not exactly DDoS? *plottwist*
  3. I'm curious about the ursus tho...i mean on the console it has bullet piercing on it as a second default mod with the 3th slot empty..
  4. while the game is constantly lagging, even if LO brought thousands of players back...its still dead to me because its UNPLAYABLE
  5. theme not that bad tbh...only theme that triggers me is the "PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" one
  6. now lets hope jericho is the same tomorrow.... u gave me hope to open the game tomorrow now
  7. game doesnt need a premium pauze.. BUT with the current lag issue honestly i wish i could pauze the 30day premium i got going on now because it IS UNPLAYABLE...
  8. I got allot as well but was too lazy to upload... but you got me dying at work here lmfao
  9. spend 90bucks on apb today and got lagfested my butt out to island of nyne
  10. I teleport ever 10seconds yet there are people with like 1ms and never feels it with perfect hitreg and 0lag How do u guys do it?
  11. would take up to a month to get a reply tho
  12. Been using steam ever since apb was available via steam This is recent lol
  13. in other news..i cant use my steamwallet...
  14. i mean i got the nano glow... worth it?
  15. That the steam wallet payment is gone from the purchase? Those with their linked account to steam cant use their steam wallet to purchase g1c
  16. l m a o pretending you have a gf xDDDD well ok bro lmfao....
  17. Post the worst thing that happend to you with lag/teleport https://plays.tv/video/5b4ae3cb51115dcfc4/apb-lag-in-a-nutshel
  18. I mis gifting my gf stuffs...cuz idk what to spend money on now... but people always ruin shit for people... what i dont get is "g1 doesnt allow refund" but yet for somereason can chargeback
  19. i mean he was there since....the release of himself...
  20. Atm i think the only thing cool that can happen with crosshairs is if u can change the colors
  21. they saw the car driving up so ofc they gonna expect people there BUT he fired before they even showed up. Thats what makes it suspicious
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