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Posts posted by Keshi

  1. 8 hours ago, Nymphi--DoubleDee said:
    Documentation showing that they scammed, generally multiple people, out of legendaries and money.

    Meanwhile, there was a LOT of just banned people, with NO documentation. No reason showing that they were banned. Obviously enough bans with no documentation what so ever, to warrant LO to make the choice to unban all those without documentation.

    HUGE difference. 
    if cheaters can lose their money and JT
    Then scammers should lose money, jt and all their legendaries. seems fair enough? 🤔

  2. 34 minutes ago, Lokislav said:

    So some people told me it's at 99% with only few bugs to be ironed out. I doubt that, I believe and hope we'll get the engine upgrade in the following months, if it's not out by October then it means something went really bad. I expect it mid-September. Hopefully it's tomorrow. Or in an hour. It got already released in the paralel universe under G1 though, so not sure why you guys are complaining.

    I mean...If you download OTW2 you will legit see the game launching on UE3.5 and there's a 64bit folder in the OTW2 folder... So they going places

    EDIT: I remember @Tobii recorded this 

    And ofc it's on PC because you can see your steam login on the bottom left. Sadly the version i downloaded (2.0.0)has the current login splashscreen but in UE3.5
    • Like 1

  3. 2 hours ago, BingoBookBG said:
    5 hours ago, Keshi said:

    Be patient laddy

    how u call me!?
    i mean.... be patient Bingo :classic_sad:
    2 hours ago, Mightyena said:
    They probably realized halfway through how easy trading would be to implement and how needed it really is / was, after all with 30% of the support cases being that one problem alone it was probably eating up a ton of their time, and more worth it to implement now to clear out the support cases.

    Then they also released the Showstopper which was supposed to be #3 in focus, but it was also a way for them to start learning the game's systems which could help out with tweaking the rest of what's already there, which is something that everyone agrees we need.
    true. That's why i am somewhat patient because so far LO delivered on what they had on the roadmap. So i am confident that once the trading system is live, we will hear some news about UE3.5
    Either good news or bad news i am sure Matt will share it with us

  4. 49 minutes ago, Unclean said:

    I'm not sure if I like it or not.. I haven't had an instance where I could kill with it in 3 shots without an assist, but I do like that when you run out of ammo, you load one shell at a time so you can get extra panic shots out instead of waiting for a full reload

    i tried it for 30minutes(had no premium) and i killed 4 people in 3 shots
    • Like 2

  5. 2 hours ago, BingoBookBG said:

    With the speed things r goin probably never.Instead focusin on dat 3.5 they make this weapon balance nobody cares about(besides couple of people on forum)I start thinkin dat  they delay things deliberately and wonder why..

    according to the roadmap, weapon balance was part of the thing, and also trading system (1.19.7) which should come next week on OTW or LIVE i'm not sure
    But after 1.19.7 we should be getting more news on UE3.5

    Be patient laddy

  6. 7 hours ago, Nymphi--DoubleDee said:
    The reason a large amount of cheaters got unbanned, is because of the poor documentation by RP why they got banned. So LO thought it was in the best interest of fairness, that they be unbanned. 

    No one was false banned for scamming other players, though.
    which, i do agree.
    But still some people that WERE cheated got a second chance. Cheating and scamming are 2 different things but it's still "Breaking the ToS" if you put it like that.
    But everyone has their opinion tho.
    Some thinks everyone should of stayed banned regardless.
    Some thinks the false bans should be unbanned(Which they end up unbanning everyone who got fairfighted)
    Some thinks everyone deserves a second chance if even players(Who did cheat) got a second chance

    And what would make it fair to give the "scammers" a second chance as well, is after the trading system is implemented.
    Man if someone gets scammed while the game has a trading system then it's their own fault lol

  7. 49 minutes ago, TrinityFSB said:

    Midtown doesn't sound like a bad idea considering we are in need of a new district to spice things up. 
    Although the way the community whines about waterfront, I'd expect something more akin to financial if anything. 

    39 minutes ago, Deceives said:

    I kinda like the idea of Midtown or just any new map, it will give us something to explore for a while because I'm sure players are sometimes tired of playing the same map every time. 

    maybe if UE4 is a success...we are indeed..in need of a new district .-.

  8. 29 minutes ago, Fenton said:

    Car featured in the images above does look rather like the Coywolf.

    subaru probably warned them to not copy their car... :classic_sad:
    3 minutes ago, GhosT said:

    The city pics you posted aren't even from midtown.
    Most of the midtown content went into financial, so there's that too.

    It's unlikely we'll ever see midtown.

    Are you talking about where seung bloodrose is?
    12 minutes ago, Ebola-Chan said:

    new districts ware going to split the community since the district would probably be with contacts over 255...
    well with its current population, mostly on jericho true...maybe if UE3.5 or UE4 is a success and actually bring everyone back, and maybe keep the new players...then maybe...
    • Like 2

  9. 22 minutes ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:
    32 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Yeah, Ive been avoiding apb at work cuz it can make me irritable. 
    Been watching Netflix instead. 

    I haven't played APB for 8 days, feels good.
    18 minutes ago, B0N3EZ said:
    32 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Yeah, Ive been avoiding apb at work cuz it can make me irritable. 
    Been watching Netflix instead. 

    I haven't played APB for 8 days, feels good.

  10. Just now, Nite said:
    13 minutes ago, Keshi said:

    Now that i'm thinking...the frenzy shoots faster than the ntec (without CJ3 ofc) right? i havn't use it in a long while.
    Maybe i am confused between the frenzy and rabid

    120ms fire interval for Frenzy/Rabid vs. 140ms for the NTEC. Not a difference you could notice. Its the Manic that fire faster than the NTEC.
    ah. noted
    Maybe increasing the fire rate in a way it wont be an ntec n'or an atac, can give it something a little unique 🤔
    10 minutes ago, Softdeath said:
    14 minutes ago, Keshi said:
    Now that i'm thinking...the frenzy shoots faster than the ntec (without CJ3 ofc) right? i havn't use it in a long while.
    Maybe i am confused between the frenzy and rabid
    why would you care about firing speed if it has as much bloom as an Ntec? this is what makes it worse, its nearly identical to ntec just recovers a little faster, this gun should either get a dmg buff or get totally revamped, right now its just a weaker assault rifle.
    revamp would be better

  11. 1 minute ago, TrUmPsUpPoRtEr420 said:
    8 minutes ago, Keshi said:

    Q3 2014
    You just gotta have patience bro

    I think a month is long enough. There's plenty of issues that I've already been patient about, but it's starting to look like another G1 where it's all talk and barely any action.
    barely any action?200.gif
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