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Posts posted by Keshi

  1. 12 hours ago, Genobee said:

    If you want crazy then look at the Norsemen gun pack. $95 for what is arguably some of the worst pointman guns out there. 
    till this day i havnt played against a single person who owned 1 of these...

  2. 4 hours ago, Zolerox said:

    Domino effect.

    "Hey Jim why don't you play asylum?"

    "Because Sam there's no one in asylum"

    (so everyone else does the same thing)

    "Bob why don't you join asylum?"

    "Because There's no one even in asylum so why would I join?"

    "But don't you realize if everyone think's that way it would never be filled? So why not join?"

    "Because my cat died and I'm going through a tough time leave me alone"

    "But you said your allergic to cat's?"

    "Yeah I didn't say it was an accident"

    "Ok so what time to you get out of this Bar Room"

    "First of all never heard someone call a Jail Cell a 'Bar Room' and What were we talking about"

    "Wanna play asylum?"


    "Ok then get 3 friends and start it yourself"

    Alright so anyone wanna stand together and fill waterfront? having 10 people on each side can cause something

  3. One thing i can say that ever since BE was implemented
    Most edgy people i played against with suddenly turned into decent players and not so "I'm tryhard i never miss or failclick my carbine" and missions were going pretty good for me...
    Maybe some of them decide that it's time to say goodbye to the tool...till maybe there's an update to their cheats to remain undetectable or w.e.
    So far i'm good tho i havnt spot much edgy players this month

  4. 2 hours ago, BlakeEclipse said:

    Yeah.. pretty much G1 was running out of options and swapped to cheaper isp's and servers along some line..
    i'm pretty sure about this
    I'm at a certain point where i thought they'd be paying 50dollars a month for a godaddy VPS with unmetered connection...
    2 hours ago, BlakeEclipse said:

     kid got banned at a certain point and went all out. It's a mix of DDoS and years of shit server and net code.... Lots of years of neglect.
    Also, the servers direct ips were given out to try and help G1 figure it out which was a bad idea....
    ...Well yes someone can rent bots to DDoS but why would DDoS be the issue tho?
    I remember servers playing fine and sudenly heavy packetloss starts and they end up doing a restart and then everything is back to normal.
    If i am not mistaken, let's say you make a batfile on your pc to open a thousand cmd's with "ping district servers -t" and you are gonna keep throwing tons of traffic to the server and "cause a DDoS".
    Then they will "Restart" the servers and then everything is back to normal for like an hour or something, or maybe the whole day or week.
    I mean if you have a -t behind that cmd command it will automatically start sending packets again as soon as the server is on. Meaning a server restart SHOULD NOT fix the lag but when they do, it does fix the lag 90% of the time even if its for a day or the weekend idk.

    I am not saying they are not getting DDoS'd. But i see people on citadel playing without any issues while on jericho we are lagging like crazy.
    Not to mention citadel has way more players than NA, meaning more district servers equals MORE download/uploads from each player in a district doing w.e.
    So i think having a shitty ISP is more likely the problem

  5. 5 minutes ago, BrandonBranderson said:
    Oh okay, that makes a lot more sense.  A Hummer wouldn't need to be massive, I'd say probably just slightly wider, and a little shorter than a Pioneer.  If it is something like that It's gotta be based on an H1 though, none of that tiny H3 shit.  It could probably have the torque and ramming power of the Pioneer too, which would make npcs turning into you not that big of a deal.

    Pioneer counter

  6. 11 minutes ago, Puffdragon said:

    I am wondering why ddos wasn't a problem in the past? Is it the isp they are using?

    Years ago the problems with teleporting was due to crappy servers, now it's crappy isp? I am just speculating, plus I need more coffee, dis grammar sucks.

    i've had the same questions for year but i'm not sure. We might never get the actual answer 

  7. 20 minutes ago, glennie7 said:

    im just waiting on the showstopper thunder... which should be in the game by now i think

    well..isnt 9AM UTC around the peak hours?
    13 minutes ago, TrinityFSB said:

    Yea...  We really need to do something about these lag spikes.  The game is borderline unplayable without regular server resets. 

    Makes me want to slowly stop playing again tbh
    57 minutes ago, ShaiShai said:

    are we still being ddosed?
    i rather warp then not be able to play at all cuz the ddos took down the servers

    Is it exactly DDoS?


    15 minutes ago, Gizzly said:
    30 minutes ago, Keshi said:
    This argument is completely irrelevant to the discussion, I don't see where you're trying to go with this information, besides making me seem like a shitty player for not liking a shotgun what's 18% slower.
    How is this irrelevant when you just mentioned the tasz20, I own the tasz20stock and use it as my main shotgun till this day and it still kills. I don't own the pr1/pr2 csg's because i owned the RT version since the beginning and the sound of the tasz20 was always more enjoyable for me to hear than the csg which is why i bought the tasz20stock. I still use it today and it's still great for me.
    For the scouts if i am not mistaken only the silencer PR2 pathfinder has IR3 on it but i have never, ever faced someone that own 1. I use the RT scout or the sitting duck.
    For the obir, if you own the vlad version then your fire rate is lower but should still kill an ntec user before he does depending on distance, but then again i never use IR3 on obir/obeya instead i put CJ3 in them.
    As for carbine users, IR3 was always the red mod i put in it which now i just leave it blank. And even if it shoots slower with IR3 i am still Pro with the IR3 because i could of used the carbine as an AR as well and have great damage with IR3 which now the carbine is back to the midrange gun for me.

  9. 3 hours ago, Kevkof said:

    Just putting this out there: 
    From the EULA (if you want to look it up, it's section 25.1.4 Article 12), 

    So you're free to ask for a refund, but they don't have to do any such thing
    not everyone reads the EULA
    Now that you posted that here, some might go silent and buy a 3slot gun now lol

  10. 9 hours ago, CookiePuss said:
    Oh god, that mission.
    You literally have to wipe the entire opposition in a coordinated fashion to even have a chance to be able to deliver a shitty little cisco.
    Fun sure, but also maddening.
    *wipes squad, gets in cisco and drives for 3seconds*

    *osmaw spawn infront of you*

    you: Well shit

  11. 12 hours ago, AAMSS said:

    Thanks for everyone who replied and voted,
    and Keshi i hope what you are saying will not happen again to you or anyone else... as i'm still almost on the 5th day of waiting...  i don't want wait 40 days more  ...no please xD ...  

    and Good luck all

    this never happend to me, i just reported griefing and stuffs and got a reply after 45days .-.

  12. 1 hour ago, Unclean said:
    I still stand by the thought that the ntec is the most balanced weapon in the game, and I dont even use it.. I prefer the nssw.

    I think instead of pulling meta weapons down at this point, we need to bring other weapons up to their standards.. if the ttk is longer than .75 for a medium range weapon, make it easier to use and keep the same ttk. Make the hvr switch speed longer, full accuracy from bloom slower, and eliminate hip firing from all snipers.. update smgs, the rest of ars, lmgs, and then snipers.. or whatever order.. I saw this last update as a baby step. LO should keep their chin up.. as soon as anyone sees "weapon update" they think that all weapons will have magically been worked on and all should be balanced now
    I think that's what we have now. Ever since 2010 i see ntec,hvr,oca and carbine. You always see your opponents rocking those. Sometimes you find an obir or obeya but now that we got so many new toys to play with "OHH THE NTEC, OHH MY HVR DAMAGE IS BS, OH THIS OH THAT"
    I don't see a problem with this patch except the shotgun ranges that could be reduced(which is better now on OTW) and the strife that can't 1shot fragile users no more(unless you got percs ofc) 


    7 hours ago, Genobee said:
    13 hours ago, CookiePuss said:
    That plus getting a second gun for dirt cheap. Gifting a friend the character bound then "upgrading" to the account bound for a small fee was a big problem I imagine.
    oh that was an issue for ages bro. So even tho i do love gifting a lot it's best for them to fix it, and then maybe enable it again in the future

  14. 3 hours ago, Tobii said:

    The shotgun changes was rushed out the door.
    They already have a nerf on OTW that people should test! There is no need to rush more stuff out the door.

    Go test it, give them feedback. If the nerf is okay as is I am sure they will push it to live soon.
    And then go back to the drawing board with future changes.


    And that's the problem. Most people don't want to try out OTW and give their feedbacks and then complains. Even if we(that do try and give our feedbacks and suggestions/idea's) there are still gonna be those who will complain that never tested OTW, when it goes live -.-
    1 minute ago, TackoGirl said:

    me questin is WHERE IS THE SHOWSTOPPER "THUNDER" ! i want to buy some boxes Little OOOOrbit

    coming soon :v
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