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Posts posted by Keshi

  1. Interesting. Will you be updating this post or make a new one when OTW is ready to test again?
    EDIT: you  mentioned today. well i'll be looking forward for my OTW to patch when i get home 🙂
    And honestly if more people try OTW and give feedback, LO would have more data to proceed with what they need to do with balancing.
    So many people are giving suggestions while 90% of them never touched OTW

  2. 11 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:
    29 minutes ago, Fur said:

    this mans using scrollwheel

    listen close boys

    Be nice, he's also using a crosshair overlay so he is clearly disabled.
    I mean...putting a black tape in the middle of your screen can help instead of using a crosshair overlay... 🤔
    Back in my "i cant aim" days and every patch removes the custom shader

  3. Just now, SpeedyCat said:

    Yep..., if i remember right i was close to 13 years xD

    I asked Tiggs ages ago if i can get lifetime Premium but she says no and ruined my dreams xD

    i know Tiggs gave someone an 8th outfit slot once... and then banned him...
    I dont think Tiggs wanted to harm you when you asked her :')

  4. 6 minutes ago, StunStick said:

    I mean, how hard can it be to just set

    GoodHitreg = true;


    Fricken amateurs.

    Syntax error at Line 3
    Unknown boolean value at 'GoodHitreg = true;'

    *changes to GoodHitreg = false;'

    *program runs with 0 errors*

  5. 13 minutes ago, Nite said:
    26 minutes ago, Keshi said:
    damn 9years of premium?
    @CookiePuss yo look at this snowflake
    That person is in for a bad time when 3 years from now APB:Reloaded gets a successor title and none of the premium carries over....
    brace yourselves. Wasted premiums and refund premium posts coming in 3years and 1month 

  6. 52 minutes ago, Spaghettio said:
    • First and foremost this thread title is invalid since the video didn't represent a kill at 20m it was more like 10m for the first shot and 20m for the second shot and it was done with IR3 WHICH HAS A PENALTY TO FIRE RATE hence i don't see this being an inbalance issue at all in regards to csg and the jg
    •   Secondly if you're looking for a .8 TTK Shotgun with range maybe you should consider the oscar 🤪

         -JG With IR3-           
    • 15 Meters 3 Shots
    • 20 Meters 4 Shots

         -CSG With IR3-
    • 15 Meters 3 Shots -Might be 2-3 since i did only one test of it
    • 20 Meters 3 Shots
    • Overall what do we get from this information? csg is more reliable for range and the jg doesn't 2 shot at 20m what a surprise 🤪
    • as for getting killed behind cover due to lag or it scraping your hitbox that's an entirely different issue and simply nerfing it again.. isn't going to improve the game🙄
    • now maybe we can stop fueling this foolish thread and maybe complain about something actually unbalanced like the shredder 😆

    wait till everyone buys the shredder and then the nerf will come

  7. 8 minutes ago, Arwo said:
    Yes, it's reasonable, I understand what you mean. It's not actually a sole problem. For example last friday there was a rumor that somebody used twitch bots to win in viewers' voting, even Kemp noticed it. It should be classical music genre if I'm not wrong. I hope Kemp will update this thread to have a clear idea about rules for this friday.
    alright. thanks for the heads up
    Havnt made theme's and songs in a long while so this might get me started again :')

  8. 3 minutes ago, a Pair of Socks said:
    5 minutes ago, Keshi said:

    in other news..the dogear is still underrated and OP

    Please dont even bring up how fucking broken it is or people will start using it more
    It wasn't touched tho...It was always underrated and OP
    I rather see them use the dogear than the shredder that can 3shot you from 50m away tho

  9. 9 minutes ago, LO_Beastie said:

    Hi deadcoyote.

    When you buy clothing items from the Armas Marketplace, the items don't directly appear in your locker. Instead, they become unlocked within the wardrobe, where you can add them to your character  You will find the Nanofiber vest under the Armor category.

    I made a new character about a month and after retrieving all my pages of items, i see some items are missing from my wardrobe as well while i have it on my other character
     I need to check the name tho. It's a chest webbing you get from Key to City pack if im not mistaken
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