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Posts posted by Keshi

  1. Just now, Nite said:

     but then it would be yet another ntec reskin. Who would bother with that?
    Now that i'm thinking...the frenzy shoots faster than the ntec (without CJ3 ofc) right? i havn't use it in a long while.
    Maybe i am confused between the frenzy and rabid

  2. 9 minutes ago, Nite said:

    Supposedly the Frenzy has better bloom recovery stats, but they're minimal enough IME that I still get out-ttked by an NTEC unless I get a serious first shot lead over them.

    If the Frenzy got sniper level initial accuracy it would be stronger maybe

    i think making it 6 to kill instead of 7 would be a good start tho...aka buffing the damage by a LIIIIIIIITLE bit

  3. 13 minutes ago, Danimal said:
    16 hours ago, BXNNXD said:

    i didnt play today

    still had lag issues irl tho, pretty crazy

    I didnt play the last 14 todays. Taking a break until some major content arrives. Hoping this will rekindle my love for APB.
    if i am not mistaken the new trading system(1.19.7) is supose to be live next week. Meaning the next mayor update should be UE3.5 according to the roadmap.

    So i will use the G1 trademark of "Soon"

  4. 6 hours ago, Lato said:
    20 hours ago, Nite said:
    To be fair, any and all assault rifles that have released after the NTEC/STAR have been ARMAS only to my knowledge (ATAC, FAR, Misery, COBR-A, Frenzy etc). In that vein, yeah we can't afford to have such an AR be better than the NTEC, then it would be P2W.

    and that's exactly why this game is down to 700 players

  5. 3 hours ago, BingoBookBG said:

    4 me even better..just checkin forums - not even single lag

    3 hours ago, BrandonBranderson said:

    Was running great for me last night.  I was playing at about 2:00-4:00 AM EST.  No lag or teleporting at all.

    @CookiePuss did you try turning your router off and on again?

    :Kappa:  darnit why no kappa emote.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Lato said:
    11 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:
    >pretending that not only is the cr762 not meta, but that its not better than the ntec anyways 🤣🤣
    Well, it's not as used and easy as the ntec, that's for sure
    obeya spartan is a reskin of the cr762...are you sure the "cr762" isnt used as much as the ntec?

  7. 4 minutes ago, Ebola-Chan said:
    ive spent around 700 :s
    and 4$ is 1 of my currency back in the days when ive spent money on this game
    I mean... even tho the items are expensive i didn't mind paying. I always say if you like something, support it.
    But before LO took over last time i bought something was in 2016. Then i gave up on the game and told myself that i'm buying something when the game improves...
    LO took over i saw the roadmap and rip went 100 dollars 🤣

  8. 12 hours ago, CookiePuss said:
    12 hours ago, Softdeath said:

    will there be any g1c sales soon? btw for CROSS Faction packs, why do u still have to buy the pack for both sides? isnt this against the point?

    cross faction means you can buy what used to be an enforcer only pack on a crim, or formerly crim only pack on enforcer 
    inb4 matt decide to make every item have an accountbound option


    i'll be damned if that happens tbh. Ready to spend some $ too
    • Like 2

  9. 28 minutes ago, Ebola-Chan said:

    i wanted to buy the shredder and when i reapised that its 50$ for a gun i almost fell from my chair
    cant believe i actually spend so much money on weapons in this game
    i've spend around 1k dollars :')

  10. 2 minutes ago, Ebola-Chan said:
    i have all of the ntec reskins but i dont have the ntec
    and i always buy the ntec dvah to use it
    i just hate the cr5 and vas sword for some reason
    you are not alone bro. vas from loyalty, cr5 from key to city, and yet i bought the ntec dvah from armas and always use it .-.
    3 minutes ago, Maverick13 said:
    True. Same goes too with Obeya CR and SLR. This bugs me out.
    I think it'll better if they make every weapon original, not just a re-skin that shares some stats traits.
    pretty much agree with this ^
    But i think g1 was too lazy to invent patterns for each guns to be unique, so they just mount a different gun sound on it and paint the icon yellow and BAM its a """""new""""" gun


    Maybe LO is different... i hope LO is different...

  11. 1 hour ago, Maverick13 said:
    And it's based on SCAR Mk17 or SCAR-H if prefer.
    Venom it's Adder's lil sis.
    i mean..what if you are paying extra for the adder just because that model has a scope on it... classic G1 

    Same goes for the ntec and cr5. cr5 is more expensive than the ntec but they are just reskins
    ak vs m16(that somewhat performs like an m4)
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