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Posts posted by Keshi

  1. 3 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Part of me wishes no changes would go live until all changes are final.
    Obviously limited OTW pop makes that impossible.
    But in a perfect world, that's what would happen. (imo)

    As it is now, we are sort of getting one world smashing change after another... fixing one thing, and breaking several others.
    Its going to make for a tumultuous next few months I think.
    While I am confident LO will find a balance, I just hope there's enough of us left at that point for it to have been worthwhile.


    UE3.5 will bring a lot of people back if that ever goes live tho

  2. 1 hour ago, Fortune Runner said:
    1 hour ago, Seadee said:

    erm ok, i dont remember our clan being dead but i suppose you are the expert right?

    Did I miss you you recruiting in the past month or so? There was only 3 or 4 before and I talk to 2 of them when I am on
    we are pretty active at night..specially weekends tbh
    • Like 1

  3. I am sure most people disagree with the changes LO made because this game has been using the same meta's since 2012...
    These changes is what needed to balance the game and make people ACTUALLY USE the other weapons now that u barely see. The useless guns that are now not so useless anymore.
    Ofcourse some things(like the shredder) need some tweaking still but so far so good. LO is doing a great job and they should continue with the balances.

  4. 31 minutes ago, V2050 said:
    Real bronzes would ignore the existence of such feature, as they do with most advanced features. Fake bronzes, however...

    But i am sure new players do read the chat. Specially when doing tutorials everything appear in chat.
    Most new players already knows how to use /t and say hi when joining a mission together.
    So maybe broadcasting that in their chat about having a gold player that's not supose to be there. use "this" command to vote kick him out

    it can help 🤔

  5. 2 hours ago, SacheM said:

    N-tec test B good but dont change N-tec magazine 32 best.
    Atac need nerf maybe more recoil (horzintal)
    R-2 Harbinger need buff less recoil
    Norseman series need buff more dmg for low ttk(0.70) 
    Bishada need buff more acceleration and grip
    Fix jericho and bishada rear wheel bug

    that bishada jericho bug was in since the beginning..not sure if its a bug or a feature lol

  6. 44 minutes ago, Stunny said:
    this i do agree with. i have like 6 pages of armas leases i'll never use..
    maybe there should be a way for the system to check which guns you already have and not give you those guns.
    3 hours ago, Rikard86 said:

    Bad: raise the win percentage of legendary guns.

    Good: change the lower rarity prizes so that players don't feel like they're being ripped off. Suggestions include Joker Tickets (10 = green, 25 = blue, 50= purple), permanent lower rarity weapons (0 slot = blue, 1 slot = purple, tradable), timed R>195 mods for characters, vehicles and weapons (blue prize, useful for those who are still leveling their characters).

    because let's face it, the frustrating thing about Joker Boxes is being flooded by 3-days weapons

    or this ^ jokertickets is already in the JMB but more JT would be fine, and maybe add apb$ in the cycle too
    These preset guns are great for people who never spend a dime in this game. Basically anything they get from the drops can be usable. Unlike us who DO spend money who has almost every weapon in the game...

  7. 8 hours ago, Darkzero3802 said:
    9 hours ago, Keshi said:
    i've spend over $400 on JMB and never got a legendary...

    EDIT: Holyshit i decided to spend the rest of the g1c i had left(10dollars) and this happend.... this is the first time in my life i ever got a legendary from a JMB and i've been playing since the start :') c88e02e070.png
    $400 u should have had at least 4 legedary drops. thats well under 1% rate with ur recent $10. Again gambling rates on the JMB.
    well let's say $410 now lol...i guess with that $10 i threw in i was lucky.
    But ye i think there should be a cap to guarantee a legendary in a $100 but then again. Knowing how gambling works, they'd make more money ofc letting people gambling than making it $100 guarantee'd

    I'll be happy if they do something about this if they ever fix the game in a state where it runs clean, and have an up to date engine!

  8. On 8/17/2018 at 3:42 PM, TackoGirl said:

    i payed 100$ and i got the "Thunder" and a "Sitting Duck" form the Gold JMB. 
    I think the price is okey. 

    i've spend over $400 on JMB and never got a legendary...

    EDIT: Holyshit i decided to spend the rest of the g1c i had left(10dollars) and this happend.... this is the first time in my life i ever got a legendary from a JMB and i've been playing since the start :') c88e02e070.png
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