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Posts posted by Keshi

  1. 2 hours ago, Kevkof said:

    Just a couple of minor mistakes, but other than that a pretty funny read.

    There should be a space after the : in APB: Reloaded (which also isn't in full caps).
    Matt Scott has never used the dual dashes.
    And lastly it's spelled "Little Orbit", not "Littel Orbit"

    at least it's still somewhat funny (in my opinion)

    atleast he tried
    EDIT: I still read Littel 

  2. 14 hours ago, BXNNXD said:
    14 hours ago, Poperon said:

    That's my take on this whole debate. There are a bunch of more important things than tweaking weapons first... it's like being inside a house burning, and instead of taking your children and run away, you decide to get your smartphone first. lol

    friendly reminder that the guy changing weapon value inputs is probably not the person you would want making code for the networking systems, and vice versa 
    idk why this is so hard for people to understand still....
    9 hours ago, SandyBitch said:

    7. Server Performance / Network Coding: I like the fact, that u guys highered the max fps in the game up to 145 fps, but it seems like hitreg and general stability of any server in EU and NA became worse alot. I usually notice that while checking my fps ingame.

    On top of that, I would like to mention, that G1 started hiding the entire stats for showing how the servers perform for real back in the days. By that means, u wont see, if the server ms changes at all (33 ms no matter what happens to the servers). You cant even figure, if the server is having issues or if its on your own end. I believe it came to live, when they implemented the softlayer servers, not really sure. Or actually short after, cuz people were argueing alot, how bad the servers ran compared to the "GOOD OLD OVERKILL SERVERS" and to be fair, the Softlayer servers still run way worse since ever. Please change that again.

  3. 2 hours ago, Deftonez said:




    you just suck


    i just want to say that the shredder needs a range nerf and the rfp needs a nerf in range or damage

    other than that the game is fine..just waiting for UE3.5 to have 9k players on for 2weeks then go back to what it is now if there are no events to keep them here
    • Like 1

  4. 14 hours ago, Lord Cashpoint said:

    Clotting Agent 3 is the superior green mod for a number of reasons. One of the greatest downsides of the other green mods is that it prevents you from using Clotting Agent 3.

    Honestly they should make the default regeneration the same as Clotting Agent 2, make Clotting Agent 3 just "Clotting Agent", remove Clotting Agent 1 and make the current default regeneration its own green mod for whoever wants to use it.

    13 hours ago, Crusade said:
    I agree. They don't have the insight of experienced players, either. And how would they even know who to listen to?

    To their credit, they have come up with some imaginative ways of tackling the balance. Yes, they were a little hasty in implementation of the latest patch and it's clearly costing them, but at least they seem to be more streamlined and overall more competent than the previous team.

  5. 3 minutes ago, MattScott said:

    It was in QA when I left, but there was an issue trading weapons (which is what the bulk of the system is for). I believe that got cleared up, but I'm still seeing unresolved items in our issue tracker.
    I've been in Germany all week, so it's possible those have all been fixed but not marked complete.
    If I had to take a guess, we'll be releasing Trading the week of the 3rd.

    alright thanks for the reply. So the trade system will be live around september 19th on the Live server? or OTW for testing?

  6. 12 minutes ago, neophobia said:
    kinda special and also tradeable weapons?

    armas costs are way too high either way. (i have 76 acc perm but i suppose not everyone is as... willing... as me to put that much into a game.)
    i have more than 1k dollars spend ingame
    You are not alone my friend
    • Like 1

  7. 2 minutes ago, neophobia said:
    50 is literally a fullprice fullfledged game. they are worse than other weapons. "blackmarket" value used to be lower (and probably still is)

    all this guaranteed stuff is nonsense though anyway.
    well then the best way to make JMB better than is to leave the droprate
    And give us something better than 3day guns, or allow us to sell/trade these trail weapons in the market

  8. 20 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:
    Im wondering, DO you think acquiring a legendary should ever require spending more than you would for an account bound ARMAS weapon ?
    idk but i feel like $50 is too low, and $100 could be too high but you got to keep the cashflow going somehow. But i rather have a guarantee 1 if i spend around $100 than spending $400 and never get 1
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