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Posts posted by Keshi

  1. 1 minute ago, CookiePuss said:
    But how?
    It is not in any way explained.
    u know. all my life playing apb since 2010, every new player with HVR's are always those sneaky hiding camper out of nowhere hardscoping you from a far distance.
    Maybe they can write it as part of the description of the gun in the stats ingame? 🤔

  2. 10 minutes ago, Dopefish said:

    How do you expect new players to comprehend it?

    New players will know about the mechanics now and get used to it
    Because they never used the old mechanic which was just point and shoot, jumpshot get a 850, or quickswitch.

  3. 2 hours ago, Kevkof said:

     The thing I wonder is did he mean release to OTW for final testing or release to live for deployment? That's not specified in his post
    Yep...thats where i was stuck at. It was not clear enough if it was going to OTW or Live.

    @MattScott can you please confirm? or will you be making a post later on tonight or tomorrow?

  4. 45 minutes ago, Vipertechs said:

    Most of the focus has been on how badly they have fucked up the shotguns.

    They have messed up the DMR badly by the increased range moving the damage ramp, making it pretty much obsolete. They need to reduce the range that the ramp starts in order to redress this, or revert the changes specific to the DMR sniper rifles.

    Little Orbit have demonstrated how little they actually know about APB, firstly by unbanning the cheaters and rejuvenating the infestation of scum with a free pass, and secondly by making changes without actually bothering to understand why things have been the way they are or the mechanics of specific niche weapon groups before making blanket changes.

    I had hopes for them before they did this. What a shame.

    DMR is bad? i'm still 2shotting people above 88m so maybe i am missing something
    Shotguns are 75% fine. The JG just needs a little range nerf because now the JG outpowers the csg and tasz20 and the shredder needs a decent range nerf because it's like a rifle and a shotgun at the same time now.

    So far Little Orbit demonstrated that they HAVE what it takes to try putting a game in a better state. So far besides what i said about the shotguns, the weapon balance was 1 step into the right directions. I see people using other guns now that you barely ever saw back then when all you use was ntec, carbine and hvr. That weapon balance gave us new toys to play with but it still needs tweaking.

    Some people expect changes to always be 100% positive while you can never expect everything to go according to plan.

    This game was dying slowly since 2010 and LO is trying not to fully sink the ship. So let them do the work and have "HOPE" they will unsink the ship a bit.
    • Thanks 1

  5. 46 minutes ago, Kevkof said:
    This is still in the testing phase, it would make sense for that information not to be available fully yet, though this might just be the values mentioned in these threads:
    the only update i am waiting from OTW, if it is even going on OTW first. Is the trading system so we can try trading and find bugs or something?
    But Matt said september 3rd so it feels like there is no time for testing that sadly
    We might get a post later on tonight or tomorrow morning about any news 🤔

  6. 1 hour ago, Spherii said:
    So after playing on and off for some time, both financial and waterfront, I'm ready to make a good estimate of the current states of the weapon. 
    Right now, the JG has too much range, the JG itself is a powerhouse and will have to make you think twice about your positioning, much like the NFAS did before but now it's almost double the range of that. 
    If the JG loses a bit of its range, people will have to consider using IR instead of just ignoring the mod completely. So you can go two ways with this, you either reduce the effective range of the JG, or you take some damage of the powerhouse. Personally I think removing range is a better option here, as shotguns will only get 4.5M increases range, meaning it's fairly small for reduced fire rate. 

    Currently overshadowed by the JG, nerfing the JG will probably put the CSG in the spotlight, but further balancing if necessary will have to be done once the initial nerf of the JG comes out.

    Extremely forgiving pellet spread allows this "shotgun" to take down targets at longer ranges than intended. Honestly that's fine if that was the intention of a medium-range shotgun, but this thing "shreds" at close range too, allowing for little counterplay unless you adapt and take one out yourself, reducing the fire rate of the shredder will NOT help, the shredder and thumper should be like the NFAS where the reduced fire rate is compensated for its extra range, but it's a bit too much. 
    As someone who always loved shotgun(tasz20 before the ir3 nerf)
    The JG makes the csg and tasz look weak

    Shredder range needs a hard nerf

    The key of weapon balance is to make each gun feel special in certain situation, and ever since the patch i've been feeling this as to people are using new toys instead of the daily ntec, hvr qs, carbine so LO is def going into the right direction. Just some tweaks missing to correct the balance and we good, even tho people will always find something to complain
    • Thanks 1

  7. 2 hours ago, PHM said:
    On 8/24/2018 at 4:49 AM, MattScott said:

    2) It appears there was a scamming report being broadcast in-game, and our GM handled it poorly.
    I want to start by acknowledging the player who was trying to broadcast warnings and help make sure other players didn't fall into a scam trap. While they were technically violating our name-and-shame rules, I suspect their heart was in the right place. I understand the frustration players experience when scam tickets take a long time to complete. They take hours and hours to sort through logs and systems to revert items back to their original owners. That is one of the large reasons we escalated the new trading system ahead of the Engine upgrade. We are doing our best, and that is why I have publicly posted for players NOT to trade right now.

    Did I miss something? What happened and when? Was it on Citadel? Someone please tell me the story..

  8. 17 minutes ago, kukki said:

    Hey, it's called misery for a reason.

    badum tss
    2 minutes ago, Ignas / qsn said:

    crosshair: -:-

    -                                                  -


    Stealing this
    • Thanks 1

  9. 15 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Hardly matters, OTW is a ghost town anymore.

    nothing new to test

    p.s. is the trading system on otw by any chance? thats the news im expecting to read off on their next post later on tonight or tomorrow

  10. On 8/26/2018 at 9:21 PM, Crusade said:
    On 8/26/2018 at 8:16 PM, Elmensis said:

    As people who've invested hours and maybe even dollars into the game we obviously love the game and want the best for it

    You claim you want the best for the game? Nice title. I don't think you really care. You sound like another pouty doomsayer. MattScott has already acknowledged his mistake. LO is not in the easiest of positions, and threads like this don't help in any way.

  11. last week they were at gamescon and Matt made a quickpost friday.
    Expect a post later on tonight or tomorrow wednesday. Maybe for the next upcoming patch, trading system, or just maintenance

  12. 3 minutes ago, trashpanda said:
    7 minutes ago, yony8888 said:

    just some company need creat game that have full custom character like apb and im finish here,when they not wana listen to us why we need to support them and to play apb

    To be honest that’s most likely how the 50% of the players feel, and what makes APB special is the customization.. So in case that’s the only thing left APB can provide, many players will leave once another game offers that.
    not only the customization but also the game style. if a company can somewhat remake apb under a new name without getting sue'd then ye

  13. On 8/24/2018 at 10:08 PM, mynd said:
    Legendary is a bad term as these weapons have 0 privileged state, especially in comparison to what Legendary generally means in every other game.  I would disagree that they should play by those rules as far as being rare.  Only the 3-slot is still kinda sorta rare.
    which is kind of true but, i guess that eliminates the "pay2win" state?
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