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Posts posted by Keshi

  1. 26 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:
    31 minutes ago, Fortune Runner said:
    A few days ago Jericho had 4 to 5 full districts.
    I haven't been on the past few days the storms and fires are knocking out the  DNS servers  for me too often.
    Peak hours we are lucky to fill a single silver district.
    and the rest will go spam /y WTT LEGENDARIES LF THUNDER PM in social

  2. On 8/18/2018 at 11:04 AM, IROCkiller said:

    Forums: We want new things!
    LO: okay here's a new gun with a new reload animation
    Forums: this new thing is garbage boooo

    Forums: Ntec too powerfull. HVR Quickscope needs a nerf
    LO: Ok we need weapon balance. There are so many useless guns in the game that no one use. Here take this
    Forums: This weapon balance sucks
    LO: Well...maybe it didn't go as expected. Needs some tweaks
    Forums: Revert ir3 and hvr nerf plz
    • Like 1

  3. 2 minutes ago, PACwoMAN said:

    Two recent problems:
    Matchmaking: when two silvers against two golds with no backup.
    Those botters: suggested to g1 remove that red corsair thing cuz too many pro-snipers in game (AHK/AutoIt) includes spcm members. 

    Third problem is lag spikes and FPS drops: from 100fps to 50 when the game installed on SSD with 16GB of DDR4 RAM, core i7 and GTX1060 6GB. Witcher 3, Doom 2016, GTA V performs better on ultra settings. 

    3rd problem...32bit unoptimized. Pray for UE3.5 since its 64bit and can use more juice from your system

  4. 1 hour ago, a Pair of Socks said:
    oHai! Didnt know you were Preceed! 😄   

    But yeah I hope it doesnt come to that cause I like my 40ms ping and not 130ms 😕
    hai 😄 think i played against u last night lol
    And actually your ms would be the same...just that we'dd have a 64bit client now and see if the performance will improve, or if it WILL REMAIN potato for the rest of its life lol
    1 hour ago, BingoBookBG said:

    Not gonna be more populated untill they make 3.5 upgrade,fix matchmaking and add 2 new contacts.Nobody gives a sht about weapon balances..players not gonna return 4 dat.Dat simple

    maybe weapon balance before UE3.5 can make players come back to see how the game runs with new engine AND dealing with balance at the same time tho
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