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Posts posted by Keshi

  1. 2 hours ago, Minowux said:

    Yesterday i bought 2 weapon mods, im sure i bought them for 70k but today when i opened my mails and saw they were 700k, even if they were really 700k, isnt it illegal, i mean its pretty hard to read how many zeros in there and if i bought them by mistake, can i get my money back?


    so u are 1 of those who purchase on the first page? i always go on page 5 and go to previous page till i find the beginning of level 3 mods

  2. 9 minutes ago, TrashCan said:

    Cop's have more time for making some spots for the same mission.
    Cop's have better car's to deliver.
    Cop's have still a bigger aura to disable car-spawns.

    Are fair mission balancing will be bring back more people to the game!

    as an enforcer. 99.9% the time crims have 60% closer spawns than me
    Crims can raid and make easy money in empty districts without getting inspected
    Crims has as much good cars as Enforcers to deliver. That cisco is also paper if u are comparing that to the varzuga/machima

    The only problem i have with fair missions is that stealing 3 varzuga's/cisco's and deliver missions where having equal teams will still be almost imposible to complete that stage, or VIP on a 2v2 🤔

    oh ye. Teambase mission with 1 heavy item and only 4minutes to play instead of 6 or 8
    • Like 1

  3. 2 hours ago, BrandonBranderson said:

    The black 2003 Cadillac Escalade in the background is mine.  It's got a 6.0L V8, so it only gets about 12 mpg, but it's a super comfortable car to drive 🙂 

    My grandmother gave it to me because I just happened to get my license around the time she was planning on buying a new car, so that was really lucky.  

    The shitty 1974 Nova in the foreground is also mine.  I've been looking for another one so I can actually get something drivable put together, but haven't had any luck.  The underside is way too rusted out to be saved, but I have a ton of parts for it.


    Looks like a good bodywork and dump an LS or v8 in it can be pretty cool 🤔
    2 hours ago, BXNNXD said:

    2015 jeep grand cherokee, leased

    its very nice imo, but im probably not going to get another one

    are the windows tinted pitchblack?
    4 hours ago, Alinea said:
    mpg kinda sucks, its a V8, its heavy, its more practical than the ugly CUVS out there, it has more than enough power to smoke most kids in their subbies and bmws if you get bored, i can fit a few bodies in the trunk, i can also bend down the rear seats if i need to deliver a coffin or two, I got the awd model on top of that too so if i want to, i can take it to the snow without a problem. Car is great.
    Well it's a v8 so i'm sure it got plenty of power. But ye i don't find it ugly tho :')
    4 hours ago, gypexa cynepcmap said:
    U going to pochinki?
    6 hours ago, AsgerLund said:

    Good mileage, plenty of room for me and my kids, low taxes, cheap insurance.
    Boring daddy sensibility to an absolute tee.
    If it gets the job done then it's good right? lol

  4. 1 hour ago, Naminuks said:

    went on amazon to buy some g1c since i had a amazon gift card and i saw that the prices are messed up, 3200 g1c is worth 40$ instead of $32, so if i buy the $40 worth will i get 4000 or 3200?

    @MattScott tried getting in contact with them several times but no luck. But if you pay $40 you will get 4000g1c even tho it's 3200g1c on amazon

    Confirmed by matt himself because i also buy g1c's from amazon when my mastercard is derping on paypal and g1 purchase
    • Thanks 1

  5. 9 hours ago, Nanometic said:
    I see JG almost every single match and if its not their at the start its usually there by the end. Citadel btw.
    Hmm i don't know about citadel but i do know there are 9times more players there

    I see 1 shredder per 5 missions and a regular shotgun(jg/csg/strife/tasz) 1 per 2 missions

    Maybe it's just my luck and when i am playing? 🤔

  6. 26 minutes ago, ɱɑƫƫʂϗᎧɨɨ™ said:
    Well there was Hornet Inc/Corp, Yet they both died, Well Hornet Inc's leadership were banned for actually cheating, Hornet Corp on the other hand pretty much died, So to me this is just another meme clan, But good luck! :).
    The only clan some wasp members joined the crimside just for the luls was evocatti...
    Me and an old school friend Dat0r joined and played with them for some weeks when we made a crim account

    But where ma evocatti's at? 😞 

  7. 6 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    test districts are pretty dumb honestly, its just people plinking away at each other from around the park borders

    and just enough people are in the test districts to make the regular districts just as unplayable, at least on jericho

    I guess that's the best way to collect enough stats to further tweak the weapons

  8. 1 minute ago, BaronSaturday said:
    Definitely would never build anything specifically for APB.  If I did I'd save all the money's by getting a Phenom II x4 990 Black, 8GB ddr2, and an HD 5770.

    Yes.  The 2200g is a compromise of necessity.  Initially I was going to go for an Athlone x4 950 and an RX 560, but then I realized I need to be up and running by October so I went with the 2200g as a meantime investment..  And it'll give me some headroom in my upgrade path vs the Athlon chip when I go to get my GPU.
    Get what you need and can afford man. No need to buy an overkill PC if you are not gonna use it's potential
    2200g on an rx560 isnt a bad combo but i heard the rx 5 series run a bit too hot. Might have to check that again

  9. Just now, BXNNXD said:
    8 minutes ago, Keshi said:
    So after Aug 13th
    We were suppose to hear something about the trading system on Aug 20th ish but LO went to gamescon which is ok. Today is Aug 30 and no update on this on when it's gonna be live, and if it's gonna be on OTW or straight to live.

    An update will be nice, specially when it's end August and we are probably expecting a  new post with new news and following steps for september?
    we got a tentative time frame of "the week of the 3rd"
    yes he said that a couple of days ago but it was not specific enough on what exactly is happening september 3rd.
    Are we getting a post about it september 3rd on the progress? is it going on OTW? is it going live? Is matt shaving his beard that day?(Oh plz dont matt)

  10. 15 hours ago, BXNNXD said:
    as far as im aware (and im not a tech person so this is super simplified) moving from ue3 to ue3.5, while difficult due to a number of custom made systems, is like moving from your old house to a new house
    moving from ue3.5 to ue4 is like having to build a new house before you can move from your old house 

    i personally would assume that orbit wants to keep apb fairly close to its "roots" since that gives them a unique game on the market, but its really not surprising that info on ue4 apb is scarce, since its so far out
    there are graphical changes from 3 to 3,5 so its likely there will be even more from 3.5 to 4

    or maybe UE3.5 is what G1 left behind and they want to keep all platform on the same version of UE

    re-make the game from scratch instead of copy pasting codes from engine to engine, to then optimize the game as well as they can for better performance serverside and clientside

    p.s. idk how the game looks like now in UE3.5 but this is what i recorded some days ago 
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  11. On 8/13/2018 at 4:00 PM, MattScott said:

    3) Trading System & Marketplace Policy Change
    The goal is to launch the new Trading System next week. Development is done, and we're going to spend this week testing to make sure we haven't missed anything crucial. In preparation for this launch, @Selali will be posting an updated policy on Marketplace trading. This policy change is being implemented to help Customer Service provide quicker turnaround on other more important issues.

    So after Aug 13th
    We were suppose to hear something about the trading system on Aug 20th ish but LO went to gamescon which is ok. Today is Aug 30 and no update on this on when it's gonna be live, and if it's gonna be on OTW or straight to live.

    An update will be nice, specially when it's end August and we are probably expecting a  new post with new news and following steps for september?
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