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Posts posted by Keshi

  1. 5 minutes ago, Deftonez said:
    12 minutes ago, Keshi said:
    might as well give that a shot, thank you
    I can confirm.
    I made a ticket 2days ago on sunday. I bought $20 of g1c and got 1600 from amazon instead of 2000
    so later on sunday night i PM'd Matt. Yesterday(well 4AM today) he replied asking for my ticket ID so he can try speeding it up
    11hours ago(12PM) selali replied to my ticket saying that he issued 400g1c on my account to complete the 2000g1c 🙂
    3 minutes ago, Dopefish said:

    Two-Factor Authentication can't come soon enough. I wouldn't mind seeing accounts being tied to Steam either.

    i thought this was supose to be implemented with the trading system tbh
    • Like 1

  2. 39 minutes ago, Deftonez said:

    ok i know everyone complains about tickets not being answered but like i have something going on i need an immediate response on, so is there anyway i can directly contact Lixil or MattScott for this? i need help as soon as possible

    PM them. if it's urgent they WILL help
    • Thanks 1

  3. 9 minutes ago, Knite said:
    PS/Xbox party chat
    console's got other options too
    But then again new players on pc and consoles always use VOIP talking to other players regardless if we have it off or not
    But VOIP aint gonna attract new players tho 😢

  4. 43 minutes ago, Nite said:

    I don't know about how the console playerbase feels about all this but I'm confident in claiming most of the PC base would rather you just disable the Vivox service on PC, if rectifying the issue is gonna come at a cost of manhours spent working on the Unreal 3.5 transition. PC already has Discord, Teamspeak, Mumble, and numerous other existing alternatives to get our voice comms game going, we can live without Vivox.

    We cannot live without the Unreal 3.5 upgrade though, not any longer than is strictly neccesary....
    my vivox has been disabled ever since 2012 ... and basically as u said... i am sure 85% of pc players don't give a damn about ingame voip. But if Matt says they gotta do it, then they gotta do it

    Then again i've been waiting for the engine upgrade since it was announced in 2012 tho

  5. 11 minutes ago, Virgil said:
    yeah not real sure what happened to this community

    they think good players use a scroll wheel, lmao
    they think shredder is balanced with ir3 hahahahahaha
    they thought yukon was balanced

    jesus christ, what happened to this game
    i've been maining carbine ever since 2014. I jammed that gun so much that i can shoot it consistantly untill i quit in 2016. Now after i came back, 1hours of using already got me back to my consistency
    Some people just don't want to practice and call everyone who can do it a macro user or a cheater lmfao  

  6. 11 minutes ago, MattScott said:

    However now they are indicating that a solution on their end is not as simple as they thought. I am still waiting for next steps. It appears that we may be asked to take a break from Unreal 3.5 to integrate the PC version with their new service, but that leaves all our console players without voice service till we can get a patch approved by Microsoft and Sony.

    U can't do that to us. we have been waiting since 2014
    Everyone is using discord and teamspeak 😢 

  7. 22 minutes ago, Snubnose said:

    I hope this will still be considered, a bit late but meh.

    so, how far away are we from account merging actually?

    and what about making most if not all things account wide from armas?
    I've got many packs, cars / bodykits, clothes and weapons that are not account wide, and buying the same pack for multiple charakters is not a smart thing to do.

    don't think these are even in the works yet, prob considered or on the planlist but hopefully this year or early 2019 if this game is still alive i hope
    *I am also interested in accountmerge tho...maybe character transfer to diff server aswell*

  8. 20 minutes ago, Sagemist said:

    Did the COBR-A get nerfed even though it was quite possibly the worst Asault Rifle in-game? The weapon is being used as a automatic carbine which defeats the whole purpose of it being a AR. In almost every fight against NTEC,Star,ATAC, etc. you lose simply because the weapon lacks better stats which they could be changed in a couple of different ways. The weapon on its own has potential its just extremely underwhelming. Also a quick look at the Norseman wouldn't hurt. Those currently are the worst SMG's in the game which again like the COBR-A offer a interesting style of play, but lack stats.

    for some reason the cobra and the misery is being looked as an AR but it's still a rifle ingame. Dunno why tbh

  9. 1 hour ago, Kevkof said:

    I see your edit, but that still means you can only report a player once per day. What if they commit offence A at 10 am and offence B at 19 pm, would you then be unable to report them for offence B?

    hm. never thought i'd report someone for harassment, hacks, macro, scam, inappropriate name, laggy all at the same time. I guess a player should choose the actual reason(s) for the report other than checking all the options, which would make the report useless because it will fall under every category lol

    That's if i understood you the right way 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Kevkof said:
    23 minutes ago, Keshi said:

    and limiting report per player you are reporting for 24hours to stop the reportspam

    Or maybe once per category since they could be doing different rule violations at different times
    well i forgot to add 1 thing lemme edit
    Somewhat similar to what PUBG has ish

  11. /report did not help for sh*t
    Anyone can type /report
    i can /report someone because he said gg ez
    someone can /report because he is using a shredder
    a kid can /report because u 1v3 them with a jg
    /report is useless unless there are options to report someone under certain category, max 3 category per report, and limiting report per player you are reporting for 24hours to stop the reportspam

    Then maybe /report would be usefull again

    • Thanks 1

  12. 10 minutes ago, Naminuks said:
    @MattScott tried buying some but the link account doesn't work anymore
    mine was linked from the earlies. And amazon still has the old g1c per dollar meaning my $20 got me 1600 instead of 2000
    And Matt is aware of this but he couldnt get in contact with amazon after trying several times. He even tried taking the g1c's down from amazon in a comment he post a while ago i think
    • Like 1

  13. 6 hours ago, Lixil said:

    Financial is there now, yes?

    yes it is 🙂
    12 hours ago, BXNNXD said:
    pretty sure the dynamic threat districts were canned years ago, altho its nice to see a fresh take on blaming filthy casuals for game issues

    if this system was still operational why would orbit not delete it? the last thing they need is more server crashes, intentional or not
    what if financial crashed because waterfront was lonely for a whole week 🤔

  14. 54 minutes ago, Psygo said:
    this is so very wrong. it works great at long range and it works great at short range too.
    that said, I think the entire list of sidearms needs a go over, as there's some ranges/weapon types that the free secondaries simply doesn't cover.
    Colby RSA > Harbinger.
    If harbinger was so good, why was it in 2016 when i last saw 1?
    35 minutes ago, eazy-vinny said:

    Would be nice if you look at Yukon to the prices are very low
    its bit useless how it is now

    would be nice if there would be a  damage increase for long range use maby then it feels more balanced.
    for close range make it bit the same as S-AS PDW or a N-FA 9

    and what about cap40, because they changed it to when they changed oca

    Yukon was never supose to be OP. G1 just never fixed the bug to milk it
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