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Posts posted by Keshi

  1. i think Matt said yesterday that as of August 13th 2018. Tickets about scams being submit after 13th will not be handled anymore and asked to hold on with trading till the new trading system is live...so yes they are still gonna look at tickets created before august 13th

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  2. 20 minutes ago, BrandonBranderson said:
    53 minutes ago, killerskull said:

    Oh great, a wide patootie vehicle with brainless AI. What could go wrong?

    Could this have the speed between the pioneer and bishada and health between them as well? That sounds very plausible actually. 
    Brainless AI?  Players would be driving this not npcs.
    inb4 they make a tesla

  3. 21 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:
    Inb4 Cooling Jacket increases range instead of reducing accuracy.
    (Thats a joke btw LO, please DO NOT do that)
    Matt: wait cookie is on to something
    LO_Beastie: So what should i do boss?
    Matt: hmm... do it, push it on live and we'll monitor the forums to see how many hate posts it gets and we'll patch it after that.
    Flight: Meh my Job is gonna be so hard keeping the posts clean if this happens t.t
    Matt: It's ok team we in this together, we go big or we go home. Do this for my beard atleast.

    (This is also a joke, don't take me seriously plz)

  4. 35 minutes ago, INSECURITY said:
    Hey Matt.

    Thanks for all your work, thank you for having faith in this video game.

    Sorry for all the ridicule and other offenses that have been published in this forum.
    From my point of view, he is doing things well and you are very open with us.

    And for the players.

    I think that weapons are more realistic now, let's be honest, in real life, what chances you have vs shotgun.

    waiting for the "but games are not eral" type of comments

  5. 5 minutes ago, Kevkof said:
    This can also occur if you gifted a character bound version to someone using the Armas Gifting system (If I remember correctly)
    wait what?
    So if i gift someone a characterbound gun, i can pay 349 to make HIS/HER gun permanent or get MYSELF the same gun, but accountbound? O.o
    I never knew that...

  6. 31 minutes ago, -Dan- said:

    Purchased directly from Armas, first purchase and G1 deposit I ever did, and I didn't have Premium then, and this Ntec is the only weapon I got for this low, I checked Armas everyday afterwards, and since I made the previous thread it's been 2 months, no other offer
    And it still is this cheap..Now, if only I got this offer for Atac or NSSW :^)

    looks like you owned the gun characterbound on a character, and offered an upgrade to accountbound for 345g1c

  7. 28 minutes ago, Snubnose said:
    1 hour ago, Keshi said:
    There wouldnt be much scamming anymore now that we are getting a tradesystem anyways
    can't believe there are acutally people so stupid that even with a proper trade system they still get scammed... that'll probably happen at some point though LUL
    Bro...sadly i have to agree with you..there will always be those type of people in this world...

  8. 3 hours ago, CookiePuss said:
    I got an account back thanks to LO, so I have zero issue with others getting theirs back as well.
    But thats just me, no doubt people who got scammed might feel differently.
    I got my old account back too(but i wasnt fairfighted) i was unbanned a month after the second fairfight banwave

    I got my designs and music/themes i made back but didnt give a single F about the JT and milions of APB$ i had.
    Even tho scamming is different. People that were false fairfighted got their account back, even those who WERE legit cheating.
    And i don't find it fair that some people who DID broke a different ToS than those who prob scammed or abused 5second theme bug or w.e. in social who got manual banned deserves to remain banned. Just that everyone learn from their mistakes and LOSE their JT, apb$ and prob their legendaries they ""scammed"" or w.e. also and give them their account back. There wouldnt be much scamming anymore now that we are getting a tradesystem anyways

  9. 2 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:
    Unban em but remove all legendaries from inventory
    cheaters lost all their money and JT

    Honestly this SHOULD be the way to go. Get unbanned but lose all the legendaries you owned legit or scammed and ofc the milions you had stored as APB$. It sounds fair to me right? :s
    EDIT: Or clean up their weapon inventory and put all the paid guns they have back into the mailbox to re-retrieve them all

  10. Just now, neophobia said:
    that's how g1 handled it, LO never made a statement like this (correct me if i'm wrong)

    and it makes sense as far as there has been a recent interaction with the ticket, so tickets where nothing has been changed yet can get prioritized (while this is/should be rather just about interactions from their side.)
    You know. I have a feeling that they did but at the same time i am not sure.
    But till where i know if you add anything to your ticket it does send it back to the back of the line if they never got to your ticket. I may have to browse on the forums to confirm if i actually saw it or not :s

    or wait @CookiePuss help me out here

  11. Just now, Nijavid said:

    was wondering will the ppl who got banned for breaking TOS of related trading issues like "scamming in game items-trading real money" 
    will they get unbanned when the trading system comes out?

    i see it like this. People are always going to agree and disagree
    But if cheaters got unbanned, everyone else should of got unbanned when LO decide to unban the cheaters. Either give everyone a second chance or give none.
    They will be banned again if they don't learn from their mistakes. But thats just my opinion 
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