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Posts posted by Keshi

  1. 3 minutes ago, deadcoyote said:

    I bought 2 items on the Armas Market.  I received two emails in-game with attachments.  One attachment downloaded fine the other attachment was not there.  Is this an ongoing problem? 

    (I submitted a ticket yesterday but have not received a response yet.)

    was your second attachment blank? or the paperclip thing was disabled?

    And meh...i'd say PM MattScott and see if he can help you because support ticket is gonna cost you around 40days minimum of waiting

  2. 2 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    Just curious, are you guys just copying midis like most theme makers, or doing this by ear?

    Well i used to work a lot with fl studio and nuendo/cubase back in the days...until my harddrive died and i had no backup...so i gave up on the music production life.
    And i do it by ear since i can listen to a song a couple of times and remember each melody and how to make them sound the same (I am a piano player...well used to be) 🙂 

    Here's an old one from FL Studio 
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  3. 8 minutes ago, Scarkie said:

    Tag them all in, let's get the crew in, i did many attempts, made Social clans of just artists and creators, but some bizzare things rolled off during Pre LO times and after i banned a theme duper/stealer/copier it all broke down

    Sadly i never seen them on forums or have a different forum name lol
    And well that sucks.. LO not giving love to the music </3

  4. 1 minute ago, Scarkie said:

    Dude that's pretty dope 😄 I like the structure, got an 8 bit vibe with a cool baseline, keep it up
    My goal here is to encourage everybody to show their artistic side, if you're ever on Citadel - Holla, i want to get a few of those songs @Keshi

    I just edditted that comment and wrote jericho but i do have a citadel character tho...just that 180ms kills me xD
    I think the last song i made was the michael jackson one i dont remember..it has been a long time ever since i made new songs t.t
    I know we got tons of good theme makers around here, they just gotta find this post .-.

  5. 4 hours ago, Unclean said:
    he's right though.

    The ntec still beats all the shotguns from the range it's meant for (yes, even the shredder)
    IR gives us different ways to play-hope they give their ideas on other mods like HB
    OCAs beat shotguns that have IR on them unless the shotgunner is correctly using a corner/cover

    People wanted more guns to be usable and balanced with meta.. now that the JG is super powerful up close (as it should be since it is a niche weapon) and the shredder is good at close range or gives up a little close range power to reach out to medium ranges, people have huge issues with them. Meanwhile the COBR-A is also brought up to meta as well as the AR-97 being more usable and no one complains.. because they are "assault rifles".

    I'd like to see more weapon balance changes like going over all SMGs (Hoenir is amazingly fun, but just bad..) and other burst and semi-auto rifles as well

  6. 5 minutes ago, MrBubbleTea said:

    well would u agree that if u and ur opponent are hypothetically equal skilled, u would have to put in more effort to beat the opponent who is using the jg?

    I mean in a lot of games u are gonna find that 1 person that is good with something regardless if its weak or powerfull
    And puting more effort = playing better
    i like putting effort when i can :D
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