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Everything posted by PingOVER9000

  1. - Add mobile and personal data registration for playing in APB, make finally people TRACEABLE. it's shall checked by message/app around 3/10 days after registration and then after 2/3 months. then every 6 months masking it with some free game info, temporanaly armas, etc - People are using hacks shall pay a fee , the first ten get busted AS EXAMPLE pay +20/ 30k euro, others from 2k to above second the gravity. - LO gain money from busting hackers/ cheaters, it's not a matter of just blocking crybaby that after get banned for then remaking account and then cheating again after 5 min. More resources, more money, less headche, Fear it's a factor that shall not to be underestimated if used in the right way. - Cheaters/ Hackers disappeared (almost)
  2. I have nothing against LO, adjust things perfecty or so close, it's not a easy task, for making an analogy also "God has needed for making the earth 7 days", beatiful things yes, but not perfect :3 Just I guess everybody would like to know it's a realease date, for then really start to add contenets... 2 years for arriving to the beta, one may arrive to think it will need other 2 years for the update and start to add contenents we were waiting since the old G1 ( such as balancing weapon, New contacts, Clan wars ... new maps.. etc etc ) I mean... Sometimes I like to see a cake at the shop window, but I would like to know when I may entry in for eating it XD... (also very approximately)
  3. I forgot to vote.. If your a good connection, aim/tapfiring (not my case v.v), OSCAR is very good all-aN around weapon
  4. The misery remind me sort of old Obeya but with less range and higher ttk I dont know... but I have like the impression need at least a less shot for becoming at least meta, misery is still a misery XD
  5. old RFP was quite gamebreaking, because mainly it breaked the balance between primary and secondary and it was quite good both in cqc (as finisher weapon ) and long range. LO maybe nerfed it too much, I was ok for a nerf, but not making almost unasable at all. I am ok for 4 shots , but with a better accuracy in markmanship and ttk, and for balance all just increase more possibile the BLOOM/accuracy while running/moving in cqc (for explain me more clear the same behaviour for weapons such as Ntec or other long range weapons while not in markmanship mode) PDW for a cqc secondary is trash, agree for it, pratically all the automatic weapons SECONDARY are TRASH or bad concept in apb. (maybe except NFA9, it's quite good CQC gun)
  6. Not really, both them are totally different weapon , FAR is mainly just a STAR with the TTK of a N-TEC. The recoil recovery of the NTEC make it still better than FAR in medium ranges, and from my tests without red mods (such as IR3, CJ3 etc) FAR seem perform better. Mid range is a mess word, except the old Ntec that was a really JACK-of-all-trades for his versatility, performed well from CQC to medium/ long ranges ("basically".. u didnt may need to switch to your secondary XD). All other weapons such as Obeya, FAR, N-SSW, ATAC, NTEC, "OSCAR" are all good guns and work well in medium range, but some have better degree performance in closer ranges and others in longer ranges. The choice, It's just a matter of your playstyle, map/location and secondary
  7. Yep...especially this face expresses so much confidence (not really but...) I prefer see this one as a new a mission's NPC such as Waterfront/Financial, those story and that pokerface... PERFECT, it's waste in Marina XD it was so cute before and fit better with the story (in my weak opinion eh..), why the change Alice?
  8. I am Still waiting to see (at least) clan wars as "promised" (from old freak G1 eh..) in Beta/ fresh release XD, I hope LO will realize this uncomplete "dream".
  9. Right now, I dont feel excatly the needing to know about stats, then if I, and same for you as everybody, have some doubts may give a look to the db https://apbdb.com/ or ask here, but certainly not you, you have made like tons of speechs just arguing all the time, and all of them have the same worth of the raining on a asphalth road, "apparently or not apparently" without a sense. That's because you are just making the pretender and unconsistent crybaby all the time, so yep here the reason of my precedent conclusion: It's a waste of time. Bye
  10. I have tried it but I suppose trying to make a ( reasonable) discuss with you, it's a waste of time.
  11. "I tried" to use the same mod's load out and the same time, the same main mods. HS3 and IR3 are still the same and "should guarantee" the same range of action, without a damage dropp off. I decided to change the purple mod for the reason I explained upside (Ntec per faster quickswitching, FAR per better CQC engages) I didint "just" write long range.. Btw, In game I self consider from 20/25+m start medium/ long ranges, more and less the same range where CQC weapons such as OCA, PMG, JG etc loss their effiency than AR weapons & similar such as NTEC, STAR, FAR etc , where they have better accuracy and range. Try yourself wonder why
  12. Ok, My (impartial eh) feedback using VS N-TEC FAR -Made around 50 match(25 in Financial, 25 in Waterfront) one time using NTEC (+ Fr0g Thumbnail/ AP45 )__ Second time FAR (+ ACT44 HS3/ AP.45/ Fr0g Thumbnail) Note: Some matches with Ntec test I cancelled and repeated it because most kills I have done with secondary and others of NTEC/FAR cancelled and repeated for balancing matchs where they were more difensive than offensive (= campering is a nasty beast XD) -Modes used for the NTEC: -Modes used for the FAR: -Premade team Total : Ntec: 742 kills (media kills around 15 per round) FAR: 726 Kills (media kills... depends a little more from the location/ map, more CQC perfomed like 17/20+ kills, others we have a media of 10 kills per round and a lot assist) Self Note/ Comparison: Ntec PRO/CONS: PROS: Still perform well in medium/ long ranges (20m+), NTEC is still doing its job CONS: 1) As I told before, using it give me like the feel that NTEC has something nasty, I dont know how to describe, the ntec "seem almost and also not at the same time" a total different weapon. After some matches I tried to adap for tapfiring in a different way and see a lot more improvement, but I admit I feel a little slower to kill someone. 2) In CQC I have to use switch more to secondary than FAR FAR PRO/CONS: PROS: Far perform better in close ranges than NTEC and in medium range make its job quite well CONS: 1) Especially medium/longer ranges "sometimes", tapfiring, and especially full-auto, this weapon have like "that bad habit" to fire random bullets more horizontal than u have aimed, especially after the 2/3 shots, with the result sometimes of your target escape or just finished the match a lot of assist in your score board. 2) Low Mag/ Secondaries: FAR has a "worse choice" than NTEC, the one at the end I found more complete with FAR it was the ACT44, it's a decent secondary for long range (and actually the best one for long ones), but Ntec for closer ranges has better secondaries pool , making the choice duo between primary and secondary of NTEC is more balanced than FAR. Low Mag is switched for a faster reload time, against multiple opponents it may be sometimes a "so so" situation. 3) I have to admit I havent used FAR a lot in past and probabily I may perform a little better in future with more practice or than maybe/ probabily someone with better pratctice or aim than me if will make the same test, we may see a different result Another Thing I kinda noted while I was testing the mods with the FAR, RED MODS doesnt seem me excatly "Getting Along" with FAR, also HS3 maybe it's a little too much for it, maybe also with a better load out FAR may perform surely in pair or better than NTEC. Agreed. Bye
  13. What's bad to play 1 vs 1? Some of my fun matches I remind they were 1 vs 1, but I am agree in certain locationa, especially if your opponent is in defence, it may be though and not exactly balanced. I would to play more 1 vs 1 or add the possibility between 2 people to have something like a "duel feature" as in other fps games
  14. I summon... Ketog and his over 1000 outfits :3
  15. It's time about music studio get its little upgrade... LO listen the pray v.v and ...
  16. Thank you... that's explain a lot despite I "wasted time" to update driver etc, the situation is still the same ..
  17. Ntec is still performing better in medium ranges and have a better quickswitching/choice pool with secondaries.
  18. Where is (my bless ) OPGL? Also in armas it's ok, make happy a not F2P too v.v.
  19. In fact The reason for why I told at least 2 hrs of test with both the weapon and not just a pair of mission, it's for having a better results trying to eleminate "these different conditions", of course higher the time, better there will be the data at the end. Then if some missions are imba for locations/teamates one may have the "smart thought" of not counting it or may let it in case happened the contrary were you perform well because opponents team are weak than yours. I want not disagree the actual balancing of teams during a matchmaking it isnt exactly well done. Then if u have so much problem against "high tier players", they usually are just playing as premade and I feel like "your guarantee smell of false" not only because you havent already tested it, but also because u seem quite biased side. In case someone will make some tests..Probabily I made a bad suggestion, not because of the nature of test, but I guess it will be quite difficult to understand if one is impartial (such as myself) or dishonest when posting them. Bye
  20. I remain of this opinion, I bet if someone try to make some test for 2 hrs for ex using one time NTEC and another time with FAR (of course quickswitching allowed), the actual NTEC will still perform better than FAR and any Assualt rifles, because the Ntec has still more versatilty and better adaptibility because in game we have a better secondaries for closer ranges than longer ranges ( FBW, .45, Fr0G) And I bet too, very few will post the results +1... Complety Agree with the fact killing these mechanics make weapons niche less less fun to play/ use, but above of this doesnt mean each weapons, or at least neither the majority unfortunately, are not even remotely balanced
  21. Probabily I may be quite ignorant in materia but for what I understood, very grossly defination of Crosshair bloom is where your crosshair changes shape based on your weapon's accuracy. So per logic, Accuracy is undirectly proportional to the distance, longer is the distance, consequently less it's accuracy of a weapon, not knowing distance and other data of how you perform the test I can't really take as decent your "test". I am not telling you are in wrong Flaws, of course the bloom of ntec is worse, what we can't understand how much it is comparing of the difference between in short, medium, medium/ long ranges. The Ntec's nerf mainly was aiming for his versatility in CQC, honestly in CQC I miss me too the "felt" of before, but after 20 m I perform kinda as before. Then if I see my total perfomance, honestly I admit before I was making a little more kills/less deaths with PRENERF-Ntec.... but adding feedback of mine, lately I tried a lot the FAR and what I note the number of kills/deaths with the NTEC I am still performing a little better than FAR, at least me( I admit I am quickswitching a lot more with Ntec). So maybe what it's better sense for make a comparing/ test, it's how perfomance using the actual Ntec vs other Assaul rifles (this wknd I wil try put some numbers..) Weird question... do u really tapfire in CQC trying all bullets tracking your opponent? For CQC I mean at 5 m for example (shotgun smilest range). Tracking, aiming, (skill hue ) in CQC with Ntec... really? In past (and actually) if I wasnt jumpshotting or quickswitching, I was just put my bottom on the ground, crouch + pray and spray. Sorry for how I wrote it but really my intention isnt for kidding you, but I guess reading it, you will come at the conclusion you are little too much biased side Bye
  22. About testing the bloom matter... for a comparing/better understanding what it may useful to know it's the distance....
  23. I am not playing a lot lately, but FFA are still around 15kk, in Citadel at least
  24. Personal little opinion? There isnt nothing better feeling of switch to a OPGL and rekt 6/7 people that are campering all close togheter as pigs in heat (especially in close space matchups) In certain location very easy to defend, There are case where it's almost impossible complete a point/ objetive if your opponent is at least decent, unless you may arrange an very good teamworking. At second of the location, Explosive weapons may be one of the best answer to campervan players. Discussed about it for years... LO if doesnt want to stop higher ranks to join bronze districts... LO may just make not usable to use any explosive weapon, characters mod and car mod r190+. About some character mods/ consumables unable to use we have already see in some special maps, I suppose they may make more and less "the same rules" for distinct districts such as bronze, silver etc..
  25. Detrathing, CSGO, cocky talking, ok I am out Just to clarify, "Trying to understand your sense of comprehension", after u have seen the video if in your opinion shooting a entire mag of 30 bullets and make at best a assist 85, make it OP? Then u avoid to answer, but if u have trouble against one using an Atac while u are using CQC weapon or in the contrary in longer ranges while u are using an Ntec/Obeya etc, if he/she manage to kill u before you do it, the only one to blame is you and your aim. You proposed to give a TTK of 0.800 that it's the same of a Obeya, I cant find the sense and still waiting the reason. Personally it doesnt give me any big trouble (such as for a lot of ones ), there are better weapons that perform better than it depending of the range/location map. About Hvr, you seem confused. it was OP ages ago for the fact it hasnt pratically any limit, performed well both close and long range because players used to jumpshotting and quickswitching, G1 make the first pass nerfing it and LO the second ones, nerfing more the quikswtiching and damage in close ranges. Now it's a good gun in big matchups/open fields or for assisting team, normally who claim it's OP now, they are usually noobs or new players, if u know a little the game using covers, shield, consumables or just aim a little u may also kill before a HVR's user perform the second shot (if u have a decent aim that I guess you lack) Then about smurfing in bronze district, it's your choice and I am not surpraised seeing your attitude, the fact u havent reason but continue to tell the contrary explain the fact you understand so little of the game and you stay there for easy wins, because the clue you lose or havent reason seem disturb you too much. ahahhahah the case may are three: - or we all Inappropriate language removed. - Azukii - or we are surrounded from (some) crybaby Inappropriate language removed. - Azukii - (some) People dont know how "entertaining" better their time without complaing about something Bye
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