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Everything posted by MACKxBOLAN

  1. Seems to me to be a Waste. I dont know how servers work, but its kinda like having a light on in a room you never go into. So We got Green and Gold, WF & Fin, and we got East and West. My math says thats 8 servers running with nobody in em. How much lag does this cause on the populated servers/instances, how much Money does this cost, how many Human Hours does this take to maintain? There should be a Novice Area and an Advanced Area, n you should get paid more in XP or cash ect, to play on the upper level. Giving the dethreaters and 'Gold YO-Yo's a reason to stay Upstairs and giving the Novice a reason to go challenge the Big Boys in the upper level.
  2. Been wanting the same thing for years. A Full sized Pick up Truck. Not to rant but the 2 whole pick ups we have are 'Light Duty' just above the Mini-Truck size. They would just need to reskin the pioneer or the cargo van p.s. N they dont even have a Pick-up Truck Smiley
  3. Didn't know you could get armas guns via joker tickets. Go with G1c. Armas guns are sold by character and by account, the later is slightly higher priced but well worth it. All of the Armas guns i have are account bound. So all of my characters have the weapon/s. I have 4 Max ranks and a new reroll. I normally would say to invest in the open slots. But if you plan to reroll, grab a pre slotted version, so as a low rank you dont have to grind out cash to buy sites and other mods. Now if you want to go the joker route, get a Huntress rifle for your one character, This one shoots fast and is accurate, room for one mod, and the kill damage is almost as good as a sniper, and the mobility is high. you can run with it. VERY GOOD question. We know the 5% would goto the weapon you spend the jt's on. Where is that 1% applied?
  4. Поклонение Джокеру - единственный путь к золотой фаланге


    It would still be Boring. Gun specs are the least of this games problem. All the cool people left, or have changed names. n all the new people think their pattottie dont stink. Never anyone On until late evening, talk about boring, they got a few new guns n not one new pick up truck, or at least to size the lil trucks they have to match the actual size compared to other vehicles. And another thing, You can't be Fat. Make yourself as short n fat as possible just looks like a well feed skinny guy. Ya know I'm talkin Door-Way Fat, kinda guy you hire as a Doorman who blocks the entire doorway, but has short arms n very small hands and a tiny tiny Uzi. But I do thank you for making a post on the otherwise dead forum
  6. I Agree ! I got the one with the big mag, even in cq it suks now, its like throwing sand at them, pebble by pebble.
  7. EAC aint worth a pattootie. I realize the mechanics of a different game is different. War thunder has the full EZ version. n It dont stop them. So many hacks there, and if i want to report, the report system does not have an option for Cheating. I have to click Other' n write a story. So the other catagories are TK's, AFK, Abuse, ect. I got bumped out a mission for talking smack about hacks in chat... All it took was 10 complaints n it was automatic kick. So you could be quiet n still get kicked if the enemy gets their team to report. I know, I know you think maybe im just bad, OK I'm not talkin a bronze in gold on a bad day, whining n crying. Im talking blatant, No question in my mind that cheat hacks are being used. FFs Yesterday i saw a Fire-place go speeding by bout 10ft high, n I asked in chat about it, n they told me to stop being negative. So they have the same idea of toxicity, if we dont talk about it, it must not happen. My Book grows long here n i dont want to Ramble. EAC aint worth Achit n its a good thing LO aint paying top dollar for a POS that does nothing
  8. Wow, Thats REal Rare. but I thank you for the link. never knew this
  9. So. We have some new Joker Jobs. For the Crim i see one to steal 5 TV's for 25jt. Broke into almost every shop in town n not 1 TV, Gold bars, safes, atx pc's, but not 1 television... For the Cop I see Kill 3 with a Flare Gun. There is no amount of Joker tickets listed for reward. There is a stac 10 icon. but nothing written to say that i might win the stac 10. Im just assuming that is the deal. This is for Alletta C where the torch job is generally. I would also assume that this job would rotate with the torch/damage job
  10. I would vote for removing the Threat visibility. I've said this since My beginning. When I was a Youngster I was more afraid of the silver with the knife symbol than a gold, cause it looks menacing. However the Gold has always been visually irritating to look at, especially if they are grouping n there is a car full of them. Not to mention that Silver is not silver, its White
  11. Sir. I Must Object. Your Co-association with these dastardly methods of strategy and The Cheese People is Anti-Cheesist I believe your T ornament idea may be a good thing for Clan/Clubs. And someplace here to post winners. Regards aka MACKnCHEESE
  12. i had that problem, trying to leave a Ticket. But I was in-game in social. but i was able to leave my ticket outside of the game, using my chrome. but the game tries to boot the edge browser, which has just been upgraded. I actually figured this was part of the spending block on my account
  13. Yes, Thats part of the reason I play. Allot of players have a Clan/Tag that are not Clans, just a tagline for the player to display with no members. Like Me. And True to my Books, I work Alone. In the Clan settings is an Info area, I would like to see somthing like that info area for non clan players. In other words regardless if you were in a clan or not, you would still have a Personal Info Area. However I can already see, b4 finishing the post, that this would open a big can of worms. People would put things there that would be offensive in some way to someone. ps. Not all of us have a Wiki like me.
  14. Well, I'm Impressed. You have done a Good thing Good for Coiners and for Free-Players I believe this bring back some old players and attract new Gives a Max Rank something to do, something to grind.
  15. That would be Cool if we could. I dont know the current answer though. I think that involves Hot-Keys that the anticheat will not accept.
  16. That aint gonna happen anytime soon. For instance the Volcano, ID be willing to spend up to 40 US for a guaranteed perm volcano..Max i would pay. I already put too much down on the joker n got screwed, so I'm not gonna spend a dime more based on a percentage that I might win. Additionally I would only want a weapon that was unique and or authentic, leaving out the mp40 due to its sound. The New Glory is not all it was hyped up to be, the people using them had bots or so I think. The only thing they have that is the Volcano, which is unrealistic and the Hunter. Which I would have to have more motivation to complete my Marksman Role outside of being able to buy a site or a mod. I guess I'll have to wait n see what they have going tomarro, by the time I get one they will have nerfed it. Too Little Too Late.
  17. So even if i acquire the JT's, I'm not guaranteed the legendary. So It be like I can walk in and directly rent or own a ledgendary? Or is it still gonna be a Gamble? It may not seem much to others but I'm into the Joker for 200 bucks n never got the ledgendary, Damn I was actually excited.
  18. To all the Father-Gamers, Happy Fathers Day. Today is not just our day to get burnt toast breakfast in bed, to skip chores and nap, or getting gifts. Today is a to reflect upon the values of our own fathers and or father figures, which have become Your values. A day to be Proud in Your endeavor to instill those same values and more upon Your children. A day to 'Lead by Example'. Do Your chores, wash your hands, and Teach Your Children something today. For those Gamer-Daughters/Sons Today is not just the day you buy a card for your Father or a Tie. Clean up That Room, Wash Your hands and reflect upon the Value of the things your Fathers have instilled upon you. When You hand them that card, Thank Them for Teaching Those Values.
  19. Possibly an Unlimited Block list, maybe as a 'Per Instance' lasting only till you leave the district. Regulating Speech, certain words would be wrong cause it would take way too much in development, there would be so many words, and then they would just spell the word in question differently. Not to mention, a certain subject matter or word or terminology may be acceptable and or wanted by certain chatters, and unwanted or vilified by others. We already have chat channels, n lets say they added a 'Social' channel for people like me that ramble on, and or people that have questions, ect. Nobody would be on the channel to answer the question nor listen to my rhetoric n I would come back to the Main chat. An unlimited block/filter of the individual. For instance if you wanted to hear all the other people but not Mack that day, but your block list is already filled. You would just Filter me by name or Silence me. This could be permanent or by the server instance, and or even by Chat Channel, so if we had a mission we could still talk.
  20. Strife Shotgun. I like it cause its Big and Loud I Don't like it being so slow. I have it more as an ornamental piece
  21. Yes they should. Then i could put in RB3, slowing my fire a bit, and mitigating the drop off. I have both the A-rifle and the Sub-gun. Weak guns with no reach. i use EM3 giving me 45 rounds for my religion
  22. Thanks for the update Matt. I have little faith in EAC. I am playing War Thunder, They have the full 64 bit EAC. It does catch some cheaters, but the word is that it takes months. I don't know what its called when they lag you offline, this still happens in apb, but they do it all the time in WT. I'm running a Nitro 5 Laptop. It does fine most of the time, even in close quarter with many guns firing tracers, ship fires, smoke ect. I do fine. Now I realize the two games are vastly different when it comes to anti cheats, but the lag events are similar in that the hacker attacks the Que Server/Log in. causing a total freeze up. Eventually you are kicked by EAC for lack of connection in WT, in apb it just freezes until the game crashes. And you dont have to be in a mission for them to do it. Thanks again for the update and the efforts.
  23. Sorry Moderator, I was just trying to be funny. I appreciate the info on the Weekly Maintenance. God knows if ya didn't put up a 'Notice', half the world would blame ya for not doing anything. No thanks to the Salties that wanna throw shad. Thank You LO Forum Staff for keeping us informed
  24. I think it's BS too. The drop off point should be changed with each car. To start off with it should only be one vehicle, such as an armored truck heist or a high end ride, some mafioso or 'King-Pin' had. Them 'Furniture Moving' Missions suck too, it be a 2v2 n there's 5 barrels, 3 work stations, a stroller and a stack of books! WTF am I a Furniture Mover
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