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Everything posted by MACKxBOLAN

  1. Does this mean there is still a problem, or that we are just waiting on the upload to finish, and an ETA please
  2. I told em, We Gotta Mole see it aint only me, others are beginning to Wake Up, Damned Pinko's I say!
  3. I think its pretty obvious, i can read between the lines. We have a Mole! One of the I.T. Agents is a 'Left-Winger', n probly the same muther of a pattotie that stole my Pioneer Goto this new Server Hub, n I bet they a blue Nulander in the parking lot. n he in there right now tinkerphuking the hardware, putting fkn pencil charges into rear ports
  4. SheeiT, by the time they get NA running they will have gotten the boxes they need and booted EU, n We Americans will have to continue stabbing ourselves in the FKN EYE till XMAS GODDAMMIT
  5. Fkn had to be a Left-Winger, My bad for putting a muffler on it. When I find him/her imma burn kill em wit my spray can torch.
  6. Dam IT Man. still not up. See on sunday during my nap i had this dream that someone took my blue truck. N I always have dreams about past owned cars, n this truck is not one i have owned. In the dream I am packing a gun and threatening anyone i come across about who stole it, n where it is. Now heres the trippy thing, the dream takes place in the Onion fields near by,,yes Those Onion Fields. I know this cause i just drove by them and saw the big burms of sand squared off like a fort, Then I realized that the blue truck is My fkn Pioneer on my reroll. ya follow me. So this nap was on sunday just before it all went down......n i get up n no game, no blue truck. So Im crazy But I wants my fkn Truck Back...You'all better fix this game or imma go down to the onion field n whack somebody, fkn torch his patootie till he Talk, tell me where my truck is
  7. Thanks for the update Matt, and thank your staff for the long hours.
  8. There was some matt post about new cities or districts like Los Angeles. I got all exicted n tried to hurry my reroll, so i could go into the 'new place' with my mains, suppose to be more levels, contacts ect. No they are just putting a server in L.A. last time this happend it was like 6 days, 3 to load the database n it messed up, so they had to reload it. now watch they'll get it running by thurday morning when company and dead bird arrives, n that whole day will be axed from gaming. Think i make a trip to best buy so i can browze some newer games, most ive seen are cartoonish and the people are armed with swords not guns and cars. Ya know, I'm 50 maybe i should just grow up
  9. Be no improvements, they just moving the server. So maybe this server will run better but thats about it, judging from how long it has taken to upload, 3-day so far, i doubt it.
  10. last time this happened it was 6 days or so, we only approaching the 72 hr mark at 66hrs, so we want to hope it Takes on the first load. Amazing this day in age we dont have faster technology, so maybe late tomarro or even till friday. The Whole Week is Shot
  11. Ya, specially when its it my only game, I only play this game. Partially because i don't know what games are around for pc, that would be similar, and open world, and partially because the only time i consider finding a new one, is when this one goes down. Knowing it will take mass time to grind out a new game.
  12. .38. bit slow and under powered , would like to see a .38 special or plus P in a 4 inch revolver, we have the snub nose and then all the other revolvers outside of the baby shotty revolver, have 6 inch or 8-9 inch barrels, or reflect models that are that size. You gimme a 4 inch revolver n ill take out an army with one eye taped shut. The site pip or crosshair for the 38 is too wide. Google the Rugar Securtiy 6
  13. Rakes his Tin cup across the cell bars "I Say We Riot"
  14. I know matt left a warning post about this, but the way i took it was like sporadic outages here n there, server disconnects, ect. I didn't think it was gonna a day or more completely down. My wife wants me to find another game outside of just this one i play, cause everytime it goes down, my temper goes up, n u add in some sleep deprivation, holiday cleaning, nerves, n a sprinkle of Schmekel, n You have a Seething Mad Armed Screwball n U gonna make him drive thru rush hr n entrust him with small children. Shit i was gonna teach the kid to play. Thank God I have all the starwars for the kid n a book for my dumb patootie
  15. prem dont help if the game dont work, and or you must accept that it will go down for hours or days with no fkn notice
  16. fkn midnight n its stilll fkn down, can't sleep, already sleept all fkn evening, fkn locked in a box, woman home all week, schmeckel living in my front room burning my back porch light i see thru the window of my fkn Cell, got family comin, got a 6 yr old home from school all week, n no fkn game. Well it is what it is, why i have continued to come to apb everyday with its mass closet hacks n trying to grind in a game that either has such shitty coding for its mechanics or its a 3yr old who's hacked the whole thing n got everything, but the old man is too old to know where to find all that shit n has better morals than the hax, servers last a few months then we have to deal with a month of outtages, freezing up, hax dc ya off the server after the fact of a server move. all this shit n u fucks can't even deal with the cheating n have a decent program to stop it. But we can shut your game off at the worst times for days on account of improvements. ill bet it dont work first thing, n the hax will own the game for at least a week before the few regulars can even get in. What a fucking let down. It is what it is, and i am the stupid one for staying so long thinking they would fix it, or at least maintain it. What fukn improvements. gonna still run like shit, gonna still be golden hack no. Needless to say i haven't been spending n probly never will again, cause the fkn game wont be working n they are never gonna address the cheats, n tbh ya never see any of the old school people, they all left years ago, n its all these weird named golds. Tell the golds, I said They Win. I'm fuckn Done
  17. We don't even know for sure if its part of their migration or something broke n nobody knows its broke yet. Be nice have some kind of warning that day.
  18. ON a Fkn Sunday, WTF Pardon our mess - new District Servers coming online be 433 pst west coast, it be no bueno
  19. A Vet is someone who played under old ownership. So i started round 2k15 under g1, when it was sold to L.O. I became a Vet. Those that have been around longer, under past management/companys are considered 'double Vets or even Triple Vets. Ofcourse you must be or have had a max rank and the knowledge of the game particulars, dual faction knowledge ect, to be able to brag that. but in the end all you needed to do was be a player from then to now. Like a Daily player or an everyweekend warrior. ya know, ya can't have played 30 levels back in the 1800s n pop in today n call yourself a Vet
  20. I have nothing nice to say about any gold in any instance, even in the gold instance. There is such a distance, like millions of kills and obj's, from the point u turn from bronze to silver, to the point where u would turn gold from silver. I do not believe it can be done in a legit fashion. Period. Theres also a difference in play. People like to clown n make things look funny or cool in bronze. in the other Bad Evil Silver instance. its all about Why U arent better than me, n arguments over 3 fkn meters in range. All the lag switching, health shields, aim bots. Far as I'm concerned Golds should be banned for doing what ever they did to get gold. Ya theres a whole pack of them in bronze right now, delaying and screwing the real players There is no guide or list of things to accomplish to become gold, there is no meter as to how far up the silver threat u are. n Mack Aint paying shit till the golds dissappear
  21. it did that to me my first try to get back in, i did it with one finger so i thought i messed up, then after that it was Error code 9 server down.


    Cookie aint no Hack
  23. I started as a cop, got my patootie kicked. So to Learn the ways of the Crim, I had to Be one. I learned their ways, their fence drops, ect. I found it profitable and fun and finished/Maxed out much quicker. Then i returned to my cop and found it very hard to finish maxing out, lacking money and the option to mug or raid, when the WF was dead. And then most crims hate cops that witness or screw up their stealing, so i didn't want to be that dude. So Yea in hindsite the cop role would be for a more experienced player, where playing missions or FC is your focus. The reason you see more cops in silver is because its Hard to steal in a populated server, Stealers goto the low pop instances like green or gold so they can steal in peace. ONe thing is,,Anyone who is Anyone here has Both factions. So peps will switch from crim to cop to play with thier buddys.
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