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Everything posted by Darkzero3802

  1. Sadly most of them are on the fence waiting for the engine upgrade or outright quit the game as they got tired of waiting. Theres afew good ppl out there but most playing are the toxics that have dragged down this community for so many yrs.
  2. So you think. But theres a 100% chance I will still be here when you open them :^)
  3. If you use a macro your cheating and deserve to be banned. Play the game the right way or dont play at all.
  4. I hope everything is well with Lixil and her family
  5. Um bronzies are more then allowed to play. I dont see anything that says they arent allowed to, I only see a decision not to play by you.
  6. Unfortunately G1 made this a problem when they desegregated BRs from NA and Russians from EU. One of their top mistakes right there and so long as this continues the language barrier and distance lag will bog the game down.
  7. A decent way would be to get the culture of the vets still playing to change for the better, no more threat shaming, no more abusing the threat system, no more crutching just to be gud, help new players instead of shitting on them. So many things we can do yet refuse to.
  8. Cause GMs arent allowed to wield the ban hammer. Only Matt can wield it.
  9. Yea thats called threat shaming and its highly toxic. There are golds who arent in clans who behave the same way too, w/e I see these ppl I shake my head cause it drives the pop down not up. If ppl want a higher pop this needs to change. If G1 had cared enough to put effort into the game when they had it maby we wouldnt be where we are, but since they didnt this is what we have and we as a community need to do what we can to preserve whats left if we want the game to survive. I remember back in the day prior to the changes made to threat where youd get highly uneven teams much like we get now, we had pop back then. Back then youd see these toxic golds kick anyone not gold from their team to call in backup to stack their side as much as they could. At least that cant be done today.
  10. APB matchmaking was never fair, thats why its been tinkered with so many times in the past and it still doesn't function fairly to this day. If it was working right the discussion wouldn't be happening.
  11. The game failing to spawn extra districts isnt cause EU doesnt have servers its cause when they released xmas something broke that isnt making the game spawn districts when it should be. Prior to xmas and after the move to the new isp it was.
  12. Districts still arent spawning @MattScott @Lixil @Selali
  13. Dont feel too bad that its the weekend this issue has been ongoing since the holiday patch and they still have yet to fix it. Its still broken now and new districts still need to be spawned so ppl can play.
  14. Most are doing that, or FC due to extra districts still not spawning.
  15. Yup servers arent spawning districts still. @MattScott @Lixil fix this already ppl cant play without avail districts.
  16. Extra districts arent spawning again @MattScott @Lixil you guys srsly need to fix this problem its been going all week and its brought up daily.
  17. And I know this has been said many times everyday but there arent any extra districts spawning up again.
  18. Whatever happened to those ugly sweaters? I cant find mine in my inv.
  19. Lower half gets shit lol. Pretty much this is geared for the select few
  20. Those are 2 diff things you must complete. Nutcracker goes to rank 5 while the other you must do the new event 25 times from start to finish each time
  21. Yup very lucky. U see how the map layout makes it next to impossible.
  22. Griefing is against the rules. If LO doesnt enforce this griefing is going to get bad again like back in the day.
  23. It isnt really anything new. Headless horseman event through and through brought to the smallest map in the game that was removed from FC due to how bad it was.
  24. If you want to play it go play APB on a console otherwise we have the rinsed headless horseman event crammed into 95% less space. Needless to say Matt and LO managed to top Autumn Assault as this ranks same as AA or worse then it as the worst event in APB history.
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