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Everything posted by Similarities

  1. Removing the ability to use the Cyrillic alphabet won't stop Russians from speaking in romanized Russian lol. Anyway, when are we getting a server in the middle of the ocean so that we Americans and Europeans can both get similar ping to the server, then merging everyone to that server?
  2. That's why he's constantly stating that the engine upgrade needs to be completed...something that changes the core fundamentals of the game? Just stop already.
  3. >be my clan mate >gets tk'd every time he plays fight club >makes support ticket >gets a reply 4 months later >"we're working hard against the dethreater problem" >dudewat.jpg
  4. It also tends to happen when you're moving diagonally (e.g. forward and right at the same time)
  5. I'm sorry but what? What about the PMG? N-TEC? HVR? Scout? Obeya rifle? Are you saying they're all underused because of these so called "category deleters" and if you're comparing the ISSR to the DMR, I'm sorry, but the DMR is pretty bad regardless of the ISSR's position.
  6. i wuz wondoring if u could not post a new thread every day
  7. I agree with you entirely, if FairFight was configured properly, it would be incredibly annoying because you're never safe, especially if it's constantly being configured. It's Big Brother, always watching. Same thing can be said with clientside anti-cheats, if they're constantly configured and updated, they can be very effective, but the problem with clientside is as you said, it is a gate to entry, but once you've found a way to enter, you're basically untouchable afterward.
  8. Well, it depends on the game, from what I recall with BF5 hooking a lot of the game functions would result in a fairfight flag and it made it rather difficult to cheat, not incredibly difficult per se, but more difficult than it would've been. The anti-cheating game, regardless of if you're a game dev or a security analyst/consultant, is a cat and mouse game, and the cheater can hide in every crease and crevice while the cat has to be crafty to catch the mouse. It's the name of the game, and as long as you can load order EAC/BE, they will never be effective in comparison to ESEA/FaceIT's own anti-cheat measures. Period. The people that say "bro just google BE bypasses and they're everywhere" are clueless and it shows in their posts, they make baseless and outlandish implications, yes BattlEye isn't the perfect anti-cheat, but to say EAC would be better, or PB, or VAC, or even FF is a half-truth. It all depends on implementation, if you implement the anti-cheat poorly, it'll perform poorly. End of story.
  9. How do you believe this would have any tangible effect on FF's capabilities? Actual question, since you seem so educated on anti-cheating technology and behavioral analysis. EDIT: Also, G1/LO does have their own anti-cheat measures and more are being added on a regular basis. More is in the pipeline, trust me.
  10. Burn out and nostalgia, it happens. Do something else for a while, I burnt myself out on FFXIV and looked back on games like Soldier Front 2 with nostalgia, going back and playing both now, I'm either bored or astounded by how bad the game is.
  11. i'd rather take the fight, win, and do the objective. that's how you win the match after all...and everyone knows being MVP is important.
  12. Told you guys to be patient, something was coming.
  13. yeah bro cheaters manipulate the server lag, did i also manipulate my FBW's fire rate to min ttk you that one time?
  14. when i'm stuck in a rut i just keep playing APB and eventually my KDR gets better. also, keep yourself busy if you're depressed. anxiety can be overcome.
  15. how about we say just "performance" doesn't even need to be stable, currently this thing runs like a fucking slug, if they so much as added the ability for it to use both threads on the first CPU it'd be wild.
  16. Used to wrestle, play lacrosse, and soccer (football for EUs)
  17. That would be correct, but it's not entirely serverside, Matt and I have discussed plenty of times on ways to detect cheats, including me giving them PoC code in the past, things are coming down the pipe, it's just going to take a while.
  18. Source? There will be, the methods used will be uncommon though. That will be intentional.
  19. Matt and I have discussed in the past about ways for proper in-house anti-cheat measures to be taken, as far as I know, it's coming down the pipeline.
  20. i mean, your crosshair is only red when it's on the hitbox and if it's not it's white, but bloom will still allow your shots to hit the hitbox despite not being on it...but ok, apparently every tinfoil hat wearer doesn't understand what bloom is.
  21. Regardless of who posted this (I know you're just quoting OP but still), it's an untrue statement. You can easily detect when a WinAPI call is used by a cheating program.
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