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Everything posted by Similarities

  1. Long ago when they first implemented the kill for being in an invalid area, you would die for walking near the water in waterfront (near the boat) in some specific areas.
  2. Imagine having to shoot someone more than once with any gun irl to maybe kill them, or at the very least make them unable to fight. Depends on where you hit someone with said gun, what caliber it's packing, and what you're wearing. cmonBruh.
  3. Dog Ear's min TTK is 0.9 (according to DB Vault), while the LCR is 1.2, ~1.14 with CJ3 if all shots hit. So yeah, nope on the Dog Ear, however, if you're talking about the SBSR then yeah, haven't been doing my keeping up here.
  4. Huh? IR is very good on the N-SSW and Rabid, which are much closer to rifle-LMG hybrids than pure LMGs, but if you mean the ALIG and SHAW then yeah, rip IR because it's pretty garbage on those.
  5. That's not how it works, the client is not authoritative, your guessing using what you believe is the way the game works does not change the reality of how it works. Unreal's networking is not a mystery, large portions of the engine code are public, there is nothing to debate.
  6. big xd to speak on game balance if you don't care so much then =DDD
  7. So your idea of IR3's nerf being good is that two case-by-case weapons needed a nerf...and since this nerf does something to both of those weapons...it's a good thing? What about the LCR? What about the Obeya? What about the OBIR? What about the N-SSW? What about every other gun that wasn't OP that used IR? Do you understand how silly you sound currently? I think IR is incredibly broken on some guns, and I definitely think IR needed to change in some way because the downsides didn't really have an effect in most scenarios, but I just can't understand why you think the nerf is good as it is when it ruins every other gun that uses it besides the N-TEC and Oscar. Oscar and N-TEC are still going to be incredibly strong regardless of if they have IR or not, this is the worst way to nerf a gun, you don't nerf a mod into garbage tier to nerf a gun, you nerf the gun itself for being broken.
  8. Everyone here is wrong. Movement is not clientside, it has never been clientside, it is server authoritative and clientside predicted. The client is allowed to move on their own screen only before the server receives information that they have moved, their movement data is not "corrupt", warping occurs for 2 reasons (maybe 3 because it's APB and their reliable stream is fucked from what I've understood from Matt's post about why the lag is happening, as apparently commands can be received and processed out of order which should never happen with a reliable stream), the first being packet loss, and the second occurring when a client lags. Packet loss occurs when one end has an unstable connection and packets are failing to reach their destination, and packet jitter which occurs when packets are arriving at their destination late, when they arrive late, the server has to process all of the commands it received late in a single server frame, when a client lags or stops sending packets for a period of time, they'll continue creating movement commands until they either disconnect or stop lagging, when they're lagging, all of the commands are batched up so that they can be sent next client update, when the client stops lagging, the client sends all of the batched movements to the server in a single update, where the server processes them from front to back in the next server frame, when all of these commands are processed, the server accepts the various movements the client has made since they last sent an update and voila, they move, albeit not very smoothly. And would you believe this? Speedhacking works the same way, when you speedhack, you create multiple commands per server tick, they're all batched up and sent to the server at once, the server processes them from front to back, and you move...just a lot faster than expected. Movement is not clientside, what you see is nothing more than a side effect of proper input prediction, which you should be thankful for. Most games to this day are still utilizing networking code from the Quake engine, and for good reason, it can't be done much better than it already has been. What's the fix? Only allow the server to process a certain amount of user commands per server frame, this is what the Source Engine does and it works very well, just remember that you have to account for high FPS or you'll get clients with good PCs stuttering all over on their screen.
  9. dear god no, new IR3 on the carbine will be horrendous.
  10. I think the fire rate nerf is a bit much, I think if it had the same downsides as CJ (bloom per shot is increased, rather than max bloom), then they'd be rather on par with each other. Please for the LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY rework Heavy Barrel, it is SO BAD.
  11. Neither of those weapons bloom, the fuck would you put Heavy Barrel on them for... On the N-SSW you can literally mow people down with HB2 on it but I usually take IR3, as for the ALIG, I don't use it, I just see people using HB2 on it. I don't know why you'd put HB on it, but I never see HB used like...ever. It needs a rework.
  12. Putting in a bigger magazine naturally takes more time (see: LMGs and their huge mags), honestly I'm fine with the current weapon mods, but heavy barrel needs to be changed somehow because it rarely sees any usage outside of on an ALIG or N-SSW.
  13. Mostly playing Enforcer, but I have chars from both factions.
  14. Yeah, but the AK47 can 1 shot in the head and 1 shot through walls as well, but the AWP isn't OP because of the reasons I discussed. Nice xd though.
  15. The devs explained why they're doing it, rather than plugging your ears and talking over them, I'd recommend reading their updates and trying to understand why they're doing it, rather than being stuck in your current garbage tier awful hit reg shotguns. Btw, shotguns on OTW are great and the current balance patch is one of the best we've had in years. Play OTW before you talk about shotguns.
  16. The current one does way too many calculations and uses way too many functions that add insane amounts of overhead, the amount of min/max/frac/pow/saturate calls is awful and laggy, removing the majority of the calculations done to fog raises FPS by a huge margin, you also have functions like "Square" (in Common.usf) which are just wrappers for (A * A), rather than doing it in the function where it's important, the amount of overhead added, while minuscule, still adds a lot of overhead to frametime, upgrading to UE3.5 will not change the fact that the shaders are unnecessarily laggy and add way too much overhead, and upgrading to UE3.5 won't fix the unnecessary amounts of logging, my suggestion, however, is a rather quick optimization that does a lot on the performance side of things. Thanks for reading.
  17. Other games have far more downsides to using their snipers as well, slow, far lower FOV and the 4 corners being out of view because of the scope, lack of crosshair when unzoomed, no 3PS3 so you can't easily switch between weapons when panicking, much longer bolting times (because no CJ2-CJ3), etc
  18. just drive into them and car det them lmao u already have car det equipped anyway
  19. The fog shader hurts your FPS a lot more than 10-15, if you disable all the fog math in their respective shaders then your FPS will pretty much double. Went from 40-60 to 110 just by disabling a bunch of unneeded math related to fog that runs every frame.
  20. you've said the exact same thing like 3 times already, nobody laughed or cared the first time, nobody laughed or cared this time.
  21. dudes...the community can't pitchfork about using a trial/free version of BE anymore...FUCK Kappa
  22. Ex-reloaded in charge of game development. It's not even the fact that they got nerfed in that way, the issue is I warp whenever I try to fire with a ping over 100, making it very difficult to track people properly when using a weapon that requires lots of refiring.
  23. They'll be changing more weapons in the future, that's all the changes for this patch afaik.
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