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About Dasimoge

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  1. So.. using Kevlar 3 + Med Spray is such an abusable setup. It's legit giving you "God" mode. When the opp tags you 85 and you use the Med Spray in that moment, it seriously almost instantly recovers you back to full HP.. Making it almost impossible for the opp to kill you, especially if ur using OP guns. Should it be fixed? Definitely Sorry in advance for the good Players out there, if now more peoples gonna try this setup and you gotta deal with that crap. Maybe LO will notice it @MattScott.
  2. My IP is changing EU wide
  3. Hmm.. My IP changes every 24h, so i should have been banned tho then (If the IP logs get checked automaticly). Even if you would share your account with ur friend, it shouldn't be bannable.. Since it's your decision if you give ur login details to someone, why would they mind about it. If the account gets stolen it's ur problem then and not theirs haha.
  4. 21:31 Central Time.. Means in Central European Time it would be 03:31 o'clock. No wonder that no one was playing around that time from EU side.
  5. Event with this current server in NY. ~120ms. Sounds like fun...
  6. My game crashed befor i even started it.
  7. @ComFeyer aiaia Senior GM. You're to old for this!
  8. Stop whining and be happy that the game still alive... APB is a unique game.
  9. DPI: 400 Sens: 10.5 (switching sometimes between 8 - 11) Marksman: 0.7 Low sens players have more skill...
  10. Dasimoge

    LF Clan (Criminal)

    Edit// I said it wrongly haha. Would you play on Enforcer side tho?
  11. TITLE I actually wanted to make a more specify design but some symboles from me are bugging out completely on the Kantana .___. I don't if that is made on purpose but... (Look on the image below) @MattScott
  12. Heya guys, for that who want to join us, please directly contact us here on the forums or DM us in Discord. Note// Discord -> You have to join the server first to contact us due to the settings Forums (REZ Officers): @Poque @_Avanth (Avelite) Edit//: I'm not a Officer anymore, i've headed up to the Mod position. Regards, Dasimoge REZ Officer Team
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