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Everything posted by Mitne

  1. I usually make sure I got some cover to reload but .45 is better in my opinion. FBW is good if you are veteran of Joker Carbines tho.
  2. One of main reasons why veteran players such as me are pushing on engine upgrade is exactly this. I have several old games with ancient engines which litteraly have the same problems. Poor performance despite good hardware. What is at fault? Everything but mainly game. Old engines of game have tendency to not know what to do with new hardware which was impossible at age of game creation and wasn't obviously coded to support it. Pretty sure most of you run 10% of hardware capacity while playing APB something which shouldn't have place nowadays, especially since issues you all describe are something low-spec PC player like me should have.
  3. It's also slower than both and is totally resistant to Vegas sheningans (which are still main concern when it comes to vehicle-based part of APB - both Espacio and Pioneer can be put on roof by skilled Vegas driver). Look pretty balanced in my opinion. The only thing which hurt in armored truck is fact that it's only 2-door. Idea is worth dropping tho.
  4. Get on my level. Today since it's my birthday I'm doing that last kill. Edit: Oh also. It took overall of 3,500 hours to do THIS. and i still don't feel like i'm playing any better
  5. Could work as SWAT Van. But this issue with car pulling to left needs to be fixed first.
  6. I looked over what we could get from nekrova from APB:DB. Pretty much all guns from Nekrova are in-game already in one version or other and are just duplicates. But I got no info on Nekrovian unique clothing or vehicles... So what exactly you would want to be released?
  7. Resupply exactly what? Should resupply ammo until it uses up, resupply only few nades and then don't resupply more. Part of nerf due to abuse of consumables.
  8. If you think people magically gonna appear at your location after merge, then I got nasty suprise to you... Tl:dr 250 ms plays.
  9. I like how people whine about N-TEC nerf yet I didn't saw people not using it anymore. Hey, maybe that nerf wasn't that bad?
  10. Everyone gave them Second Life as alternative. They would spend even less for customization but did they listen? Naaaah. And now they are here, lmao.
  11. What. You don't have other games to play and come here instead @NotZombieBiscuit ?
  12. I assume they gonna release it after valentines - as "classic" pack like they did with Halloween and Christmas last year.
  13. Veterans? Hardly any. Suspicious new kiddos and few old timers like me remain in this game. What changed? Well, now at Wilde you can get permanent weapons for JTs, Fairfight is rightfully gone, right now it's BattlEye (of which ability to counter-act cheating i'm suspicious off), there are many changes to weapon, especially shotguns and sniper rifles (this two subclasses you should check out before using in fight), LO took over - old G1 is dead, thankfully with Tiggs as well. My opinion. What this game needs is population. Why doesn't it get new population? Because of cancerous current population which came here from 2016-2018 during G1 chaos. Enough said. You can drop by but I won't grind sugar about how this game is awesome etc. - it's playable, that matters. Rest... well...
  14. I dunno what happened but it's not hard to imagine what gonna happen. This community is... let's say it lightly... seriously fucked in head. They gonna chase him around. Troll him outside mission. Plus everyone gonna spam in PM, district etc. about their life issues. And pretty sure we gonna have few blatants just to show "what a chads" they are by wasting their life blatanting on 50th account in-game. There is reason why all staff kept itself either as "normal players" inside game or away from game other than dev job.
  15. Wanted poster without reward? Yeah, i'm not gonna participate in that manhunt.
  16. Depends what you see as fun. Getting killed for getting p5/n5 in mission by some random dude out of street while losing ain't fun. Especially since almost always it's key members of team who get these.
  17. ... Here. I also love to take everything out of overall context of response. Once again APB playerbase think they gonna heal the world by killing next features. Nah, thanks.
  18. That was response of politican. What is your alternative?
  19. Other side. Players can remain unopposed for what... minutes? half hour? hours? All depends of make-up of district. I don't think Citadel gonna suffer (yet) of that but Jericho got constant low pop. Now imagine - pressing ready, waiting for mission HOUR to be played and then maybe be thrown as backup in last seconds. All because you didn't fit in population scheme of game. Nah, the whole issue you presented is with how missions are handled, not how system works. Wouldn't mind being kicked out of unopposed mission to opposed one if it would smoothen out game. I would MIND though waiting already shitton of time on low pop districts during which I wouldn't have anything to do.
  20. You people didn't bothered to talk about it when it went on and on for half year. It was all over forums. Now you come complaining about it? Man, fuck you all. I have account of shitton of missions ruined just because I was killed once as bounty. Mainly defense missions which cascaded badly. One thing is defending against opposing team, other defending against whole district - just because FOR ONCE you did good. You are welcome to settle score with me when I'm NOT busy.
  21. Why i'm not suprised you got methods to avoid play in your thumb? How exactly? Opposite would be no matches, in some cases waiting for even up to hour - in turn everybody leaving district or game (for day or worse). I'm not exactly sure you grasp possible consequences.
  22. You use /report for that. . . But that depends who is "toxic" imbecile to you. There is that... and then there are golds moaning about lack of new players. If essentialy every experinced team is against or never on your side - then how you can find this game even remotely enjoyable? I swear if I would start playing this game in 2020, I would quit day one.
  23. You probably got your account hijacked. In my case they even hijacked my Steam account and attempted to steal from it (someone was playing APB and APB only on it) - joke of fate was me being banned by FairFight, therefore this saved my account and possibly me from character wipe (pretty sure it was done by some fucker which is regular here - why would anyone try to hijack my profile otherwise?).
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