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Everything posted by Excalibur!

  1. My mother teached me that when you love or appreciate someone you just let them go.
  2. 150 is way to much. 60 or 80 is more than enough.
  3. *Shows a vid of himself not able to aim with carabine* yeah that sure proves the gun is balanced LOL. If you use cj3 on it ofc you wont be able to hit anything at distance. You are really smart, arent you?
  4. If you dont want people to throw nades at you maybe you should stop camping and try to kill them?
  5. The ones that kill me. Thats the most honest answer in the whole thread.
  6. I dont understand how my post is primitive or why anyone should agree with me... i posted my experience that is similar to yours. The diference is that i find a way to play the games i like. I can give you multiple examples and they will be all almost the same. Just try asking for advice, people will help you improve. If no one answer you in /d try whispering good players, i really doubt anyone will refuse to help you. If you still really that limited in your mind and skills, try to be more social and befriend players and ask them to carry you or help you (i doubt anyone in bronze would do that). Or either embrace your limitations or just find a game that suits you more, and i have not bad intentions telling you this.
  7. And you are so full of yourself, asking games to be modified to be at your skill. I dont hate you, i hate that you dont try good enough and spit a pusilanimous post hating skilled players. I am playing a game where im trashed in no time and i have no choice to select what players i will be facing. Sometimes i get to face players with thousands of hours of practice and others facing players of my level. Do you know what i do when things get hard? I play cowardly. I get back from a good player, then when an enemy appears i sneak attack from behind with my handicap weapons lol. That doesn't fail and i get down really skilled players that would smoke me in seconds. Thats how am i learning and every time i am facing more skilled players and i beat them more times 1 vs 1. But i try, i wont make a post about how unfair the game is, i try to improve myself. Thats the funny part of games.
  8. You talk about arrogant people, but you having no skill ask for a new server for you... do you want to play alone or what? There is allways something you can try and believe me that there are bad players adapting to gameplay that are gold and hold their gold being useful to their team. If it is that much trouble for you learning to play... why not just let go? It happened to me and pw. Even when i could use my wr with 3 weapons and fairy skills, it come to the point that i had to use a concentration beyond my limits to pvp... and i had to leave because it was not longer enjoyable for me to use so many skills, pots, pills and strategy. If after playing so long you still need advice hit a player, no one is bad to the point that after playing for many years and not having: awareness; knowledge of the game; decent aim; strategy; command or leadership to guide your team to victory; etcs... i just don't believe it. I think you been stuck in bronze or lower threat servers farming your jt and not facing better players and now you have 0 knowledge about gameplay. Stop being so scared to play a game and try to learn it. You will lose like a dog, yes, but you will also learn and from that you can be useful to you team and hit gold.
  9. I agree, 100 players on a district is mandatory.
  10. NO! DONT DO IT, KIIDA IS LURKING. Cute doggo tho. Here is my obese cat I like to masage its fat belly.
  11. Its official because it says so. I am glad i helped you to release that toxicity. Have a bright day. Remember that dislikes are not added to profile... but i feel nice knowing that disliking all my posts makes you feel better
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