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Everything posted by Excalibur!

  1. Wasting my time? I am doing good, there is people out there that need Attention™. I am answering you afterall.
  2. I just love polls, i am addicted :c Wow some people feel exposed... there is no need to be agressive.
  3. God guys... you dont need a psychologist, just write your head in a diary and you will feel better.
  4. Since it seems that there are plenty of people needing for Attention™ i just create this thread with poll to improve your attention seeking experience. You got a nice match? Someone treated you bad? You feel way important? Do you have gifs you would like to share? Maybe feels? You are obviously not getting the attention™ you need, just post in this thread. Simple rules: don't let any post go unnoticed and boost the other forum users Attention™. If you want me to add options to the poll i'll try to edit it.
  5. Just bought a logitech g300s I can honestly say that this IS a Mouse. Ive been right, it adjust perfectly to my hand and is really comfy because of its design. I dont even care about extra buttons... solid, very solid and well done mouse. It does not slip my fingers!!! A soft touch is enough to handle it, amazing. Get ready to get rekt now, kids.
  6. Go hump your pets, dont ruin an emotional thread.
  7. Don't mind me, just an autist idea that crossed my mind... It may be true that people are experiencing diference (huge) in skill... being rolled by gold teams and etc. Since the pop is not that huge, threat system, matchmaking and rewards are a mess apb has become a mass that mix starters, noobs, medium and pro players all together... and obviously the most skilled will be the ones that have more fun. And within the idea of crossmap contact progression and everything that been spit on here i just got an idea that may change the game, but not sure if for good or bad. There is only one place where people do not care about winning, losing, threat or skill: its fight club. So if people could level their contacts in fight club while training their basic skills, how much would affect the game? Action districts would probably be dead because playing fc is really fun. If rewards and upgrading contacts are added to fight clubs, they will pass to be main maps and action districts will be like advanced gameplay. Rewards in action districts should be allways HIGHER because there is more effort put into each match. Just an honest opinion of mine: action district is not funny to me anymore. It has become more of a work and frustration than enjoyment, probably because i already have play a lot of it. Fight club is just mindless and comfy fun gameplay, it has become an addiction. Edit: even cheaters, closets, griefers or most any problem related to the game seem like having less impact in fight club.
  8. See? You are an example of a player who improves himself finding what is good at and enforcing it. There are plenty of things you can try to enforce your gameplay, you need to discover it. Thats what makes a game interesting. And enforce dethreat even more again? Open conflict did nothing and people didnt play it.
  9. He is gone boys, we will have less useless threads... who will fill the forums now?
  10. That happens when you have a lot of free time... No one is important not even in a virtual world. You just will caught a lot of fake and interesed people if you try to act cool or buy them with stuff. You dont need aproval and love from no one, just bee yourself. Trash feelings you don't need.
  11. Thats true. But some are easier to use than others. And enviroment plays hugely to define which weapons will be most useful. Those two things are actually affecting "balance" (which does not exist). You can think i like you.
  12. Someone that spent more time in the forums that playing the game has gave up... what a loss.
  13. Hip fire weapons= pointman limitations. Really simple. What makes pointman guns good at cqc? Their hip fire and movement. Long range weapons shouldnt be able to hip fire so easily.... Thats why star is op, its incredible at cqc too. The other solution is make every weapon able to hip fire like the star. That would be fun too.
  14. Honestly both are smart. Probably one more than another... they are similar anyways. I would still use sr15 because its a hipfire ntec, and i mostly main ntec.
  15. As long as they nerf sr15 carbine everything its ok. Its stupid 50m hip fire effiency is smart.
  16. Two granades per person you are 4 in a team... so thats like 8 flying to take down 4 camping guys... but somehow you cant kill them. There are plenty of high cars you could use to cover yourself. Pick bigger cars like the money truck or etc to aproach the target and take down enemies using snipers or ntec using your pointman guns that wont be hard to do. I honestly see no problem with this. Ez hint: You only need one group member covering the sniper rol with dmr, once you make enoug noice to make your enemies target you the dmr bud would take them down at 90m+ distance really ez.
  17. How does it work? I dont think it would solve anything honestly. Rank needs to be tied to threat. And thinking it good, a new threat colour should appear...
  18. What even you are talking about, i didnt understand anything...
  19. Is not that hard, cheaters behave same way even in diferent games.
  20. "Subtle" HAH. I will subtle fuck you, yeah sound like you could do that on the street because its subtle.
  21. Why are you so scared of it, thats probably how your parents conceived you.
  22. How many birthdays in a year this guy has?
  23. I can easily play with a rsa, what is exactly the anubis problem? Never tried it because i prefer rsa. Oh ty didnt read this.
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