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Everything posted by Excalibur!

  1. A blatant one with a name referecing that his cheat is approved. We are back at it bros.
  2. I dont, it was fucked up being forced to use shotgun all the time. They are good enough already.
  3. Everyone will be using shotguns now... like if they werent strong enough already. This is gona be bad.
  4. Buffing shotguns or doing any change to them is ridiculous... they are fine already.
  5. Anyone else lagging right now on jericho or its just me?
  6. Is that gun that fires like a yukon but with more range? Ive seen a few guys rocking with that weapon lol.
  7. They jumpshot, they chase with nhvr. THATS PROBLEM. A guy that do not play the game and is not skilled either (obv) in charge of balancing, right. Dark times ahead.
  8. No its no hard to balance. Main problems with nhvr are the current movement speed and the quickswitch. Pre nhvr buff movement was really slow, like if you carried an osmaw. Increase the quickswitch time (not so much) so 3ps3 is about 1,50/60'', add that time to switch to secondary too. Is not hard, you dont need to kill a weapon to make it balanced. I am really tired to repeat the same. If you get quickswitched is not anyone to blame but YOURSELF. Theres been plenty of quickswitchers and i could handle them pretty well with the current nhvr. It takes skill to quickswitch, a bullet missed and you are done. Is really that simple. There is another problem with damage in this game... a 9mm weapon like fbw doing more damage that an assault riffle, maybe there is time to make reasonable changes to damage? Most quickswitchers use fbw because its huge damage for a small and quick pistol, but increasing the bullets required to kill and increasing the rof to balance to the current ttk should solve the problem a bit... and the problem with secondaries being way to useful -they are secondarys for a reason-.
  9. Are they still banable? There is a silver spawning a spacio with those type of sounds.
  10. Wtf is this lag........ Low ping but i still dying behind stuff, a guy just sniped me cqc etc,.
  11. Ram raiding needs to be removed and reworked.
  12. This is why. When this gun gets on its place you wont get whispers anymore.
  13. Wow so long i do not hear this, thanks for remind me! 10/10 I dont even like metal but this is my metalfu
  14. They are toggling... it makes it hard to detect it seems. Seems like they already got a way to bypass BE? That was quick.
  15. How weird, i miss ntec and i do better with ntec than cr5
  16. I report it every time for harassment and nothing has been done for years. I would buy to other vending machine but it has no competency, so i am forced against my will to buy allways joker ammo. I am really frustrated person :,(
  17. I care less what you dislike or not. Not acusing either, asking for help. People from one faction started leaving all of sudden and we were balanced in numbers.
  18. Cj3, mp3, ms. You go marksman an tap fire that how i use it. If you want it to be more rangy, then hs3 and ir3 with ms. Tap fire and thats it. Everyone needs to get cover or die in a cloud of blood.
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