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Everything posted by Excalibur!

  1. Yeah well thats for joker carbine but any weapon that needs marksman gets the slow pace.
  2. Even with trade system there will be plenty of people that will manage to get scammed anyways.
  3. If only we had a thread for these kind of comments already.
  4. Why not star? Its unbelievable underated. But honestly if they touch ntec i will really lose my will to play apb. THey already nerfed yolos without saying a word... probably they will start ninja nerfing other stuff for sure.
  5. im gay Jokes on you i read that more that you can imagine.
  6. The irony is that people who usually complains about weapons being op (mostly silvers) can't use them well...
  7. Yes because they can be used as one. Same as hands, feet or every other body part.
  8. Who cares what you do? And making people waste their time watching your silver gameplay should be harassment.
  9. "Handswitching does nothing." "Nhvr op pls nerf".
  10. Lets remove death directly. What scares me is that a cry from a few has actual impact on the game... so im thinking this can get worst. They may use the nerf cry instead of ddos to kill the game.
  11. Someone give him a confused face and the list will be complete.
  12. Very good advice. But i seriously think that op is beyond normal help or reasoning
  13. Yes. I lost money because of inflation... before i could purchase dollars, now my local currency which gets devaluated.
  14. I can say anything, a "professional" has the last word. I had a neighbour with schizo, he would break stuff because yes in his attacks. EDIT: like come on, you can hit something in a moment of anger and thats understanable... demolishing a wall or stabbing things thats something a normal person DOESN'T do.
  15. today we’ve learned that katchwi doesn’t understand google ???
  16. It is NOT schizophrenia. Do you even know what that is? What op described. Who breaks stuff like that over a game and post it on a forum?
  17. Just logged a few hours ago and tried to land a few lowyields and they are suck by gravity... i missed them all. Thats not just a bug fixed, is a straight nerf that we havent been alerted.
  18. Thats called schizophrenia. And yes, you need to visit a psychiatric... you can hurt people over stupid reasons. Wow reading the comments... i dont even hit stuff, guys you need help.
  19. What is that weird drop arc is it doing now? Is that a nerf? Where do i find the patch?
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