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Everything posted by V2050

  1. Sure wish my game was this fluid. May I ask what settings do you have and on which rig you're running it?
  2. Why, at least 10 would be splendid (I would totally sign up for this). But I reckon the max amount of clothes you can have are well enough to make up just 8. OP: no, not yet.
  3. IIRC it affected both Well okay then it's kind of sh*t. IMHO it shouldn't affect the one who received the gift, though this could lead to abuse as in tricking somebody to give you a gift with some kind of promise, then leaving them to deal with the scam.
  4. Doesn't the charge-back affect the user who calls that, instead of the guy who received an item via a gifting system?
  5. V2050


    Hey there! So... I already have a clan, but I don't mind playing with others. Am I still welcome in your Discord? (I might have asked it before so sorry if this turns out to be a duplicate)
  6. Yeah I wouldn't mind going back to the old theme.
  7. Well I could use it as well! Characters on OTW are: "problems" "solutions" "abstinence" "accident" I'm not in a super hurry to get max Rank but I'd still appreciate your consideration
  8. Even with kev 3 get away far away. If you can still run with that much weight on you. *dramatic music remixed with Ogre windup and satanic laughter plays*
  9. I don't know, I have this "general rule" for NFAS (including the True Ogre as well) saying that you deserve to get shredded by one if you let it get too close. I agree it gets frustrating, but still... The Ogre is more unforgiving for the receiving end, because of the absolute fookton of bullets coming your way like a wall of pain and faster fire rate (justified by the windup? I don't know, that's debatable I guess?), but if you keep your range and/or get something that's better at hitting a reasonable TTK you should be fine before the Ogre leaves the windup phase and enters rage mode. Tl;dr: get the fook away from NFAS users, especially away from melee range, you're not made of Kevlar.
  10. V2050

    WASP Inc [Enforcer]

    Damn that's too bad. Thanks anyways.
  11. You know, if you let them run, they're going to win eventually. That's a strategy. And strategies are made to make the good guys win and the bad guys lose.
  12. V2050

    WASP Inc [Enforcer]

    Do you also accept guests (e.g. for when you're lacking an extra player)?
  13. Except we should already have such a thing - it's the reason why we have "mission" districts and "open" districts (these don't show the threat level and there is no real matchmaking, just pitting randoms against each other) - but I have yet to see whether it's an effective strategy or not. On paper, though, it sounds pretty awesome. Well, no, games are actually made to relax from other stressful activities, not to generate more stress, and turning every pastime into a second work is one of the many reasons why we can't have nice things. Also, this whole concept APB as a competitive game is laughable at best. Real competitive games are far more balanced, far more intense, far more effortful and far more profitable. Being a god on DotA 2 (example given, you can replace it with any other game that made it to the "status" of eSport) at least nets you a lot of cash, but being a god on APB? Absolutely nothing. This, a lot. Although there is actually a lot to learn in utter defeat as well. I wouldn't like it either, but you don't always get to choose.
  14. Or you often/always play alone, which puts you constantly with a team that will not coordinate with you 90% of the times. Pretty difficult to win when you know you're trying your hardest but your teammates either can't or won't give a flying damn. Or you are dethreating so you can have easier opposition, or access to a wider player pool, or what-flippin-ever.
  15. Matt, you might need a flamethrower with all the cobwebs you're going to clean. Stupid jokes aside, good luck out there.
  16. ...which makes me think that maybe, just maybe, we should have a distinct threat level for those not high enough to be Gold but not low enough to be Silver. But my guess is that would, in turn, cause more segregation and rank exploiting - duh. That was also one of the problems with the old threat level system (which I still prefer compared to the actual one).
  17. A lot of things happened to matchmaking during these years, most of which led to some pretty "hilarious" (*) outcomes. (*) it depends on one's point of view
  18. More like "if you report a cheater to a customer support agent it's not like they can grab a banhammer and kill on sight, since they're customer support agents and not GMs". Hence why they have to pass on your report.
  19. Apparently the "client is not responding". Yeah what the f...lake. Either the servers are going bonkers or someone is helping them do that. Let's play another game then - the waiting game.
  20. V2050


    Bringing back to life... when did you first create Exebyte? I don't remember having seen you around until recently! O.o Not that it matters on a critical level, but I've been around for quite a long time (and been away for just as much, I think). Think I saw one or two of your guys around, can't remember whether as teammates or opposition. Good stuff.
  21. Turning an unhealthy behaviour into a profitable activity. Well done mate!
  22. Are you going to make additional inventory slots available for purchase? Since customisation is a pivotal feature of this game it makes no sense to me that we have little to absolutely no way to expand it! My dream of having 100 songs/themes/clothing pieces/whatever will some day be true. Hopefully.
  23. Another game. Jokes aside: what is a shooter that does not have an all-powerful sniper rifle and a Kalashnikov? I pretty much have all sorts of weapons so I have the urge to change a lot, but still, wtf?
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