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Everything posted by V2050

  1. EDIT: it seems I missed the Account Settings option so yeah, I can actually create the signature. This thread serves no purpose anymore. Oops.
  2. Not nuking the game, I guess. It's not easy to answer the question: all the promises they left unattended make it really difficult to see the bright side of that. But yeah, I'd say not nuking the game after all this time. I would have missed completely disregarding my safety during missions so that the enemy can get a lot of kills and still lose.
  3. V2050


    Heyo. I'm 27 years old and I have seen APB evolve from an overly ambitious MMO to a complete sheetfest over all these years and, despite my long breaks and my fluctuating interest, I still come back from time to time and I'm still eager to play alongside/against godlike players. I like to play it relaxed, but I'm not interested in overly easy stuff. About my characters: I have three mains, two of which are Enfos (195+ and 160+). Most of the time I levelled up my Enfos without a dedicated team, relying on patience and willpower alone, Why should you have me? Because, when it comes to making godlike scores, I'm pretty terrible. But if that leads us to victory, then why not? Why you should maybe not have me? Alas, APB is not the reason I wake up in the morning and the last thing I have on my mind when going to bed. I have other goals in life and gaming isn't on top of them. I reckon this is exactly what most great clans are not looking for, so I just want to be honest with you. I won't be too mad if I don't make it into your fold. Just grouping up with you guys sometimes will be good enough. Cheers all, and play smart!
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