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Weeb TheEpicGuyV2

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Everything posted by Weeb TheEpicGuyV2

  1. Today's biweekly poll will be on consumables. If you could change any consumable (it doesn't matter if you nerf, buff or completely change it), which one would it be? Multiple choice The best way for LO to make changes that will be accepted is to voice our opinions in an easy analysable manner, so let's put our initial opinions out in the open for them
  2. Meanwhile I'm sitting over here not even remembering the name of one contact So I guess I'll clone myself 3 times
  3. I believe it's 800 JTs a week from fight club and 400 JTs a week from contact activities I got curious about how long it would take to buy something permanent from the joker store so I did some quick maths; -A primary with two open slots costs 8k JTs (I chose 2 slots because I hear that's what most weapons in the joker store have) -If you were to do both fightclubs only to gold tier every week, it would take you 10 weeks (or 2 months, 1 weeks and a bit) to be able to buy a 2 slot primary -So potential you can buy 5 primaries with 2 open slots every year -Alternatively, a secondary with no slots costs 3k JTs -Some quick maths and it will take you 4 weeks, or a month, to buy a secondary (so potentially 13 secondaries in a year) This is all hypothetical so don't take these as the average times someone would be able to buy something from the joker store
  4. Weapon changes as in the renaming of weapons in the joker store or weapon changes as in gun balance?
  5. Make it piss easy to get joker tickets and you render the armas market useless when it comes to buying guns. There needs to be a balance point
  6. Sure are getting mileage out of his name aren't you
  7. So uh...any love for the Tommy gun or Norseman?
  8. Today's biweekly poll will be on character modifications. If you could change any character mod (it doesn't matter if you nerf, buff or completely change it), which mod/s would it be? Changed to be multiple choice The best way for LO to make changes that will be accepted is to voice our opinions in an easy analysable manner, so let's put our initial opinions out in the open for them
  9. It will come back... For Christmas
  10. Can't really blame LO for wanting to balance the shitshow of guns G1 left untouched for a long while It's a lose-lose situation
  11. Pretty much what @gogeo said. Have fun getting to rank 10 with the riot contact. It'll only take about...maybe forever
  12. Bring out the tin foil hats bois. The overlords may take our money, but they won't take our minds
  13. Never was buffed. If anything, it received two nerfs. The first being its range. From 20-30m to 10-20m. Just a standardization. The second nerf was its total damage (if all pellets hit). From 492 to 381 It just the pellet changes are more noticeable on it compared to other shotguns
  14. I think you mean...lowkey pass I'll show myself out
  15. What about the sitting duck, firework launcher, dow, thunder & new glory? You commented on most of the legendaries, might as well do them all
  16. What was the other change it got besides the crosshair?
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