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Everything posted by Hexerin

  1. I unironically want the actual Trexxon utility car. Bonus points if I can get it with four slots, to kit it out in style.
  2. There's a lot of signs that point to that being the long-term goal here. It's an interesting concept, regardless.
  3. @FakeBungo Your math is incorrect. 100 G1C is $1 USD, so a lease costs $5 USD. Thus a legendary permanent would cost anywhere from $5 USD to $100 USD, depending on your luck. That being said, purchasing higher amounts of G1C in a single transaction gives a bonus of up to 25% extra G1C (at $200 USD). With that being entered into the equation, you actually have an upper limit of $85 USD (which would also leave you with 30 G1C extra, not that that actually matters for this discussion of course).
  4. Interesting catch, but ultimately that limit is irrelevant to the overwhelming majority of players. It is impossible to accrue 2,500 Joker Tickets in one day via ingame methods (hell, it's impossible in a gun's seven day lease period). Those that purchase JT on ARMAS for the permanent copy for personal use can just use leases in the interim. The ones that this limit affects are those that purchase JT on ARMAS for the permanent copy to sell on market and/or trade. In this case, it would serve the purpose of limiting the total number of legendaries being introduced into circulation at any given time. This is likely the intent for not removing the limit, assuming it was intentionally kept of course.
  5. Depends, some are actually quite strong.
  6. Cya soon. There is no leaving this game, only haitus.
  7. About fucking time the lootboxes were removed. That being said, I definitely was not expecting the legendaries to be made free-to-play guns. You've earned quite a great deal of respect from me for that decision, good job. You could've just tossed them into ARMAS proper (and even charged a premium price on them) like every other free-to-play game, but you resisted that temptation. Also, I want to mirror @Xnetexe question of whether or not the FFA R&D III will be in the new shop. As someone who worked their patootie off for almost a year, and spent an ungodly amount of real cash on JMBs to get legendaries for selling/trading, to get one... I would really like to hear that others will be able to also enjoy this gun. It'll make my effort feel all the more rewarding to know that, and I'm not being sarcastic. I genuinely want others to have the option to enjoy this gun, which I consider to be better than the normal OBIR due to the reduced zoom. Lastly, I want to bring more emphasis to @BrandonBranderson and @Kewlin posts about the Dolton Fresno D400. It's going to be impossible to obtain (like a few other cars already are) if nothing is done to fix the issue. Ideally, the other cars are also fixed in the process.
  8. FAR combines the strengths of the STAR and NTEC, without their weaknesses. That being said, it has less range and a smaller magazine, so has a bit of an adjusting curve when picked up at first.
  9. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Change grenades to a cooldown system, instead of the current ammo system. You get one grenade, which is refreshed after a set period of time. This would be significantly easier to balance, since you don't have to worry about ammo supplier abuse (which is the core issue that makes explosives in general so imbalanced).
  10. They can't use skins simply because they weren't given skinnable models. Not sure why this was decided to be how it is, but it's ultimately a pointless restriction that doesn't improve the game in any way. It would be (relatively) easy to fix, but would require dev time to get done (and currently, they probably can't spare it). Nobody's asking for it (at least not with any kind of persistence), so there's no sense investing dev time. Considering it wouldn't be hard to change, it probably wouldn't take much pushing from the playerbase to get it tossed up to a higher priority. That being said, I highly doubt it'd change before the engine upgrade is completed. I actually quite like it. That being said, it would be nice to be able to apply whatever skin I want to when the mood takes me.
  11. Game barely has the population to support one of the two maps we already have at any given time. Adding a third map would be just about the worst decision they could make.
  12. Trials being only six hours is kind of a problem, honestly. You can get the most basic feel for a gun from that, but it's nowhere near enough information to make an actually informed purchase decision. Trials should be for 72 hours instead, which gives plenty of time for a player to get a solid grasp on the gun's quirks via a significant number of missions. Since the trials are only available once per weapon, this shouldn't be an issue to anyone with a rational and reasonable mindset. Clarification: I have no idea what Todesklinge is going on about, this post is made specifically in response to the above quoted statement alone.
  13. https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2020/6/8/joker-store-renovations Per this announcement, any Joker Store purchases of permanent unlocks adds an option to re-purchase with ingame cash. This means you can freely toss the weapons to make room (mostly relevant for those of us who are sitting at/near locker storage limit), and then grab it again later for a mission's worth of ingame cash. How about adding ARMAS permanent purchases (both character and account bound) to this?
  14. No idea, I was on haitus at the time and so wasn't even aware that was a thing until hearing about it here. There doesn't seem to be that many in total circulating around on NA (personally, I'd say "not rare, but not common" would be appropriate), based on tracking potential sellers during the several months I spent getting mine. I wouldn't be surprised if it was confirmed that those were all removed from the game.
  15. The number is obviously exaggerated, but the point is valid. There are a number of people who actually collect FFAs, due to their perceived status as one of the rarest guns in the game.
  16. It never ceases to amaze me that this blatantly false misinformation still continues to perpetuate. Once upon a time, back in CBT/OBT (and IIRC extended a bit into release, but this was a decade ago so the specific timeframes are hazy without double-checking exact dates), this was possible as the SR115 had no fire interval (IIRC the stat wasn't quite zeroed, but close enough that it effectively made no difference). Eventually, G1/RG realized that the SR115 was obscenely overtuned (literally every stat on its data sheet was significantly higher/better back then), so they gave it a series of massive nerfs to bring it more in line. One of these nerfs in particular is of note: It was given a proper fire interval. Due to this, you literally cannot just rebind "fire weapon" to the scroll wheel and gain infinite fire rate. If you attempt to fire faster than the interval (no matter your input method), the gun "jams", which prevents it from firing again for a brief moment. This jam will cost you at least one refire cycle, which at minimum increases your TTK from 0.75 to 0.9. That's a death sentence for a SR115 user, especially if you're trading shots at its upper range. There's your history lesson for the day. Now stop spreading misinformation. PS. The SR115 nowadays has a fire interval of 0.15. That translates to nine shots per second, or nine clicks per second. I'm a slow clicker (getting old sucks, btw), yet I can pull that semi-consistently with effort put in. Younger people, and/or those who live and breathe shooter games, would be able to consistently hit this rate without breaking a sweat.
  17. https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_LTL_TazerShotgun The NL9 has a system-level hard capped range of 50 meters. It is literally impossible for it to hit a target past this. https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_LTL_DartGun The TG8 also has a (shorter) hard capped range of 35 meters. https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_LTL_Tazer Meanwhile the PIG, has a hard capped range of 10 meters.
  18. They've already stated they won't be doing anything about such things until after both phasing and the updated matchmaking are implemented (both of which require the engine upgrade first). This is reinforced by the simple fact that the ingame /report feature doesn't actually do anything, and manual reports via support (even with extensive screenshot and/or video proof) are ignored.
  19. They should remove (at least temporarily) the green and gold segregated district instances. Nobody actually plays in those, but they suck up potential players via the auto-sort of the big district join buttons on the main screen. These players don't know about the advanced tab, so they end up joining empty districts and then just leave instead of joining the active districts and playing the game. Congrats, you just killed the game. Absolutely horrendous idea, and will always be an absolutely horrendous idea.
  20. I'm going to be honest, I wasn't expecting everyone to actually want the system gone. I only even added the third option for the sake of keeping options as open as possible.
  21. I find it interesting that half this thread just vanished overnight.
  22. I wasn't aware Curves involves RNG. Isn't it just changing the vanilla linear dropoff into a curved exponential dropoff? Hence the first option in the list. I personally don't mind which path they take, I just want to have the information available in an easily referenced way.
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