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Everything posted by TheSxW

  1. CR5 has bugged recoil patterns donno why and TG8 is just overpowered i r4pe alot of players with this wep ... even cheaters
  2. Guns to change because of overpowered or too much nerfed - All Shotguns (need to hits instantly not with xtime delay - True Ogre - ISSR-b - sitting duck and reaper - raptor - all ntec types and reskins - cr5 rebalancing - stac/jocker rebalancing - obeya fbw rebalancing - rfp9 rebalancing - osmaw/volcano - granade launchers (more likely legendary ones) - SNR (is overpowered) - TG8 LTL weapon overpower to 35 m after that no stamina dmg - LTL shotguns needt diffrent mods - OBIR rebalance - oscar overpowered need rebalance - oca fire rate cap to FPS - hvr (heavy one) need nerf like u tell MATT - hvr (light one) need boost because of no dmg on clothing agent 3 (3 hits to kill) - ursus accurency rebalance - trouble maker - aces agrotech (long version) nerf needed - kraken need nerf - swarms need nerfs - vas union need nerf - all PMG need nerfs
  3. TheSxW

    Battleeye Blocked FIX

    u cant use sweetFX with this eh i want to change some colors now i cant so sad anyway BattleEye will lock this files u have no worry about it u dont need to delete it if its legal programs not cheating ones (it will disable loading anyway)
  4. VOIP - just delete this file or even replace with empty one because its laggy as fuk ... takes at last 10-30 fps from game depends on PC
  5. As i know APB has quite good net code im assuming that only servers are overloaded so thats why game lags as fuk ps. not read anythink above not watched video
  6. the main reason is with which system u got banned FF or a manual ban ? if FF than just wait for unban wave in manual ban thaj u have almost 50/50 chances to receive account my friend got banned for reason as admins says scam but he never scam anyone ... so the question is what they got on him because they are not answering like they have something in this case to add just force delay it (for since 3-4 years) - so you are lucky its only 21 days ...
  7. Hello everynyan Glitcher here xD so as some of u maybe know im trying to find things that are too OP to use ingame as normal and i found some of this on my own or with my friend. I got banned manualy "by fairfight" by one of "OLD CEO" or the administrators because i found too many bugs and glitches. so i will share it (not tell how to reproduce at 100% accurency) so lets start: 1. Speed boost on any car (as u maybe know or not so each car wheel have some sort of driving abilities? that speeds up a car and letting you drive it ... so i found "glitch" that allows u to speed up cars with package vip etc using other staff on road just by hitting it in specific conditions depends how good it will be i could speedup from 50% do even 100% speedboost (so car wheels still broken) 2. as everyone knows cars have strange hitboxes that needs to be fixed same with characters 3. access unreachable spots for rekting cheaters (im lovin it ;] ) so for example access closed twin towers (this ones in building site ;] ) without using vegas to jump on top of it ... ezzzz to reproduce if u know what to do / impossible to reach this place in mission anyway i got like 50 spots like this on each map 4. fragilus maxisus xD - this one allows u to reach places where normal players cant reach normally and put package there will let u win all missions 5. i will not tell about OP weapons but there are a few of them one is that much OP that u cant even realise if u get this wepon for 3 ppl in ur team vegas is goint go be destroyed in 1 second players even faster (yep i tested it and it was enjoyable than u can rekt any of situation) cars ? no problem 15 hits to destroy default cars this is insane and if u put faster reload to it it will be more dangerous than medusa and alig at once because its laser gun 6. ntecs everywhere (only cheaters use this same with oscar and obir + rfp9/obeya pistol 7. shotguns have very VERY long time beetween shoot and reach target .... (made it instantly like any gun in game have or make every gun like shotguns delayed shoots ... 8. getting outside of map walking on train tracks in waterfront ... i will not reply and do such staff like this so feel free to butthurt.
  8. using third party software and glitching is against tos in any game who is realised
  9. but we "as fairfight banned" do same donw we ? but we got unbaned hes non
  10. as i remember they say he do "something" against the rules thats it
  11. i will try to explain the situation. 1. TasteMyKetchup this is the character we talk about. 2. Hes got banned then hes not in his account as i remember or on social district 3. he has plenty of hours played on thich character same as insane ammount of legendaries and apb$ 4. he want to know "WHY hes got banned!!" - he tryies to get this ansfer from at last 1-3 years as i remember with replies COPY/PASTE aanswer and close ticket 5. maybe some patootie fuked devs will look below their divine person and get know about it what hes done wrong 6. he's not getting any information about - Time of ban / Reason of ban / system which bans him etc etc etc. so i think it was unfair anyway i got unbanned just now and the reason was "you will not jump using vegas 4x4 on empty district" + manual ban hammer using fairfight system
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