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Everything posted by Shini

  1. It's been like that for a long time. They're aware of it at least -
  2. Thanks for looking into this Androvald
  3. Ntec isn't really OP just very versatile which in APB is pretty neat. If theres one thing annoying is it's great in CQC and if there was one thing I would do to reduce that effectiveness is to make it less sprammable. Remove 6 bullets from the mag size, thats one full kill...from 32 to 26. Thats it really... Changing the whole gun and making it useless would be pretty crazy.
  4. I think thats what happens when you dont pay the bills for PB
  5. Thankfully my 3rd corsair waterpump broke so I no longer have to run their godawful software anymore. Hunk of metal heatsink (noctua) plus a basic b***h temp reader is all I need.
  6. Oooof yay BattleEye already is pretty sick! But the prospect of 1000s of unbanned refugees with no money coming over to social is
  7. I mean, despite what reddit says I rarely saw cheaters when I played PUBG. And saw none on Fortnite. I did see some cheaters in siege, but after BE launched I saw none for almost year. Now I see some cheaters in siege but they're only in high elo and it's very rare at that even. Better than the nothing we got now for APB
  8. I am not against it, mods like car surfer can be pretty disgusting in the bronze districts.
  9. I'm not spamming my channel but you sure are spamming bullshoot.
  10. I am just feeling pretty for the gm dude. It wasn't that bad.
  11. I mean almost everyone is pretty welcoming towards LO. What you're describing is generally a problem with all gaming communities or the general twitter/reddit generation as a whole, everyone's outraged instantly. Can't really fix that, LO just need to get thicker skin like other orgs have done and act accordingly depending on the situation.
  12. Did you read the post? https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/1000-shinis-spawn/?do=findComment&comment=13949 It was just a mistake and its resolved now. No need to go on about it.
  13. None taken, it's just a bit awkward.
  14. This pretty much, I mean its gotten quite out of hand. I'm really not that annoyed.
  15. Client side only bug. The girl even says it in the video. He's still stuck in the geometry of the map. There's a dopefish video on this on youtube somewhere talking about this in APB client/server desync. Not a real problem.
  16. I didn't make the thread, I was prepared to watch some TV and head to bed. But what do you know, this thread just spawned and I am keenly interested on how this is going to turn out. In regards to potential admin abuse? I didn't care tooooo much. I just dont want it to be a thing.
  17. I read the chat to interact and reply to my viewers. Its how you form a connection with your viewers. I read what they say so I can directly reply to that persons comment instead of replying 'yes' or 'no' I read the comment then I reply. You can spin it as much as you want though, I refuse to believe you're this dense. I think you're just upset for some reason but thats ok. I think at the end of the day I am skeptical because it just seems too coincidental that I got teleported to that spots 5 mins before, then those 2 clips happen. Then some dude smoothly speeds past me like he's wearing 'Devlar'. - https://db.apbvault.net/items/FnMod_Character_Devlar/ Anyway I don't really care too much, I just hope this doesn't happen more often because it honestly doesn't look like lag. Citadel EU was perfect for me today.
  18. Interesting comment, it was the chat that said it all for me though.
  19. But LO told me in the twitch chat this was DDOS I saw this happen to another streamer aswell, got teleported to the admin roof in financial. Not a good sign guys, the game is annoying enough as it is. Dont need admins fucking shit up for us too.
  20. Not all bans on FF were for cheating. And they already said that some bans were questionable. No use making more work for themselves just unban and be on their way.
  21. Buff the poll OP made first.
  22. At the least, I think what we can expect is just better optimization, some neat graphics maybe here and there and it being easier for the devs to roll out new content. I don't think you should expect true to life or movie like graphics just because you hear unreal engine 4. I mean, fortnite is unreal engine 4 lol.
  23. To be honest, I don't know what to do for people that unironically main the HVR. My line of thinking is that you should realistically only bring out the HVR if you know your buddy or team as a whole has got your back, not become a one man army. And that its not really about the fire rate of the gun I think, really most HVR players should be happy to get that one hit, since in organized teams it almost always means certain death to an enemy that is hit by it or at least he's out of the match to regen for 15 or seconds regardless.
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