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Everything posted by TheMessiah

  1. for such a small thing..look after the mission is over you can whisper him because the player is not oposition anymore
  2. Whispers from opposed players must be disabled.Especially on mission districts.This will cut off the toxicity in this game big time..(and no to ignore every player one by one in every mission is poor solution)
  3. yup ill run it on my potato tomorrow still have it installed from previous beta anyway
  4. Thx.Btw the info i have is that from september pretty much everybody will get lock down again and will last for 1 year(till next spring minimum)So yea i guess this premium will stay for long time.. p.s the info is from reliable source/guy so i believe that is exactly what will happen i hope hes wrong anyway
  5. for 3000 time:before 3.5 release they not gonna touch sht period end of the story
  6. Thats nice.What about the progression of financial and waterfront?Thats the big thing..we test them in 2027 or when?We just need info how close are the main maps for being finished.Its not close thats for sure otherwise there would be no such silence p.s. i was expecting new QnA with CEO and devs/streamers on financial and waterfront thats why im kinda disappointed..because more than 3 months ago(april 17)CEO said that the only thing from stopin us to do finan. today was the lack of servers
  7. Answer is-after 3.5 release.Lets see whats gonna be the news about the engine they gonna release soon.I hope is the date for the next QnA stream with devs/spct on the big maps this time
  8. 1st is worse thats for sure(my opinion)
  9. fast guys make 200 more topics about threat/matchmaking and battleye anticheat so this guy can be happy
  10. Dude is nobody s fault that you bought new stuff and decide to start making some apb blogs/videos when the game is still in dead state.Find some other game and thats it.. p.s. i like your apb videos just sayn
  11. two things 1st need 1600x900 res 2nd any chance the wallpapers to have some mirror version(need the enf chars from the other side because from left are my desktop icons) anyway thx for the screensavers o dou unusable for me
  12. After 3.5 final release population will jump at least 2-3 times so gold and green districts gonna start filling again and matchmaking gonna improve by itself(kinda)The last threat/matchmaking system G1 made is not so bad..the biggest problem right now is the small pool of players so everybody play on silver and bronze districts(4 threat lvl players play on 2 threat districts) This not gonna work.Im max rank but silver.I know many players which are bronzes and below.So this cant be.. Idk how gonna work the new matchmaking in details(actually i kinda know from qna but still not sure)but theres many things that can be done with the current all depends on high population.If we have atleast 2k players per server(servers i mean EU and NA)i think best solution is to lock all players to theyr threat districts and make another mixed threat district where everybody are free to join.Thats only gonna work if the game have a lot of players dou
  13. Because they wanted more and more money for their services..in short
  14. Thx for the Beacon event.Playd it couple of times only and was nice.Only this small event shows what potential the game have.I play other shooters as well..our game is just fun
  15. Better block whispers from opposed players during mission specially on finan/waterf.Makes no sense enemy to whisper you during mission.In every mission to ignore players 1 by 1 is anoyn
  16. so overtone is finally out of beta?looks like it..
  17. Hes mouse sensativity was bad also not using V and not used to marksmanship.He can be silver at least if play more.. #silverlivesmatter
  18. 21:29 here(9:29pm) gonna wait till they announce server is back online..im not tryn to log anyway just finish to download the client
  19. where i can download the beta?wanna test my low end specs.. p.s. thx : )
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