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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. I found out today that @R3ACT3M 's most hated weapon is the PMG after he went 2-5 against it and sent some rage whispers.
  2. Would be nice if you told us exactly what missions were changed so I don't have to manually rememorise all this shit. Maybe just me but some of these changes feel they are too harsh when I would rather see multiple minor changes over time until the right spot rather than swinging around.
  3. For the second point I meant that since leveling up your clan is based on how much people in the clan earn, the clans with more people with far more easily get to the top while the lesser filled clans will struggle. Clans will be promoted to zerg and fill their clans to the max instead of keeping it a tighter knit social community. For example, division 2 suffers heavily from this with their clan system. It is almost exactly what you proposed. Smaller clans have an almost impossible task of getting to max level even with highly dedicated players while clans that mass invited as many people as they could easily reached the top almost instantly. Leveling up clan should scale depending on how many players the clan has: Level 1 xp would shift between 1000-1000xp depending on if you have 10 people or 100 people.
  4. Why would that do that???!?!?!? Just change it and make dislikes do nothing?!?!?!?!?!?
  5. Players drive the economy. If players think certain weapons are more wanted or desirable, players will up the price as they see fit.
  6. Your point doesn't still stand though. I dismantled it with facts and logic that you cannot think to argue with.
  7. I wish dislikes actually made people's rep go down.
  8. Na. Perfectly logical. It is called supply and demand. You don't want them sticking their fingers in what should be considered a player economy.
  9. Quick opinion: A clan should not give players within them increases like discounts or additional money over those that are not. Second opinion: Clan tiers need to scale with player amounts so that zerg clans are not the only option. Third opinion: Tying anything to threat level promotes dethreating.
  10. When the game has population to make it worthwhile. So never.
  11. I sure do look forward to getting in to a random mission on the other side of the city and have to drive 3000m in a few mins. Also Midtown is the other direction, not between WF and FIN. No it was always shit. It is just straight up not a good fightclub map and was not made with fightclub in mind. Same way as baylame is not a good fightclub map.
  12. Okay I changed my mind. Remove forums.
  13. Just make the shooting like dirty bomb but not as quite accurate and some more recoil.
  14. My best outfit is also my worst because my outfit is so optomised witch the customize bar that I can't change it.
  15. Some expire, some renew. Seems pretty random.
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