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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. I for one am looking forward to the APB contact gacha dating game on mobile filled with loot boxes.
  2. I want a new ram bar for my pioneer. A really big one. One that goes above the hood too so it can catch dead bodies I run in to.
  3. Where is the search bar? I noticed that for a few days this search bar is missing whys that?
  4. So what does this add to the game that you current tommy gun does not?
  5. He was asking for character to be playable on EU/NA like the current server setup. Not proper phasing.
  6. I don't like this loaded poll. If two players have the same weapons then yes I want skill to be the deciding factor. And it usually is. The issue with your poll is that is doesn't take in to account that weapon choice also matters. You have to be playing weapons that help counter your opponent's as well as is best for the section you are playing in.
  7. Got some news for you. APB wasn't 100 mil. That 100mil was for RTW of which were working on roughly 4 projects.
  8. It does have an actual matchmaking. The population it gets to choose from is just so low that it can't do anything.
  9. Midtown is not in the middle of waterfront and financial.
  10. But big matches are still a fun way to break things up even if they are chaotic unbalanced clusterfucks. I just would never want more than one or two a play session.
  11. It shows that you posted cringe.
  12. Engine update will come out. Population surges a little bit as people try it. Everyone will finally realise how much of a joke it is. Population dies again. APB finally shuts down and we can move on.
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