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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. 26cm/360 isn't high sens. That is still considered on the lower end of the spectrum. (Or mid)
  2. Threat is only the visual indicator. MM is based on the underlying glicko system.
  3. Or you can learn to play from your shoulder/elbow like a normal human being and have both of them based on your arm movements that will match muscle memory better.
  4. But it doesn't matter. They could make it so everyone is Bronze in game and it wouldn't matter. The bell curve is just in relation to the graphical display of your threat, not your actual elo. Changing the bell curve does nothing to the underlying system.
  5. NotZombieBiscuit


    Pretty sure posting cheat vids on the forums isn't allowed.
  6. Should APB instant ban Americans when they type American in the chat?
  7. I play at 4k. Works fine. Just gotta make sure to set your HUD to max size.
  8. If you are losing to LTL you would be losing even harder to Lethal weps. LTL is only semi-viable in full teams and even then it is pretty shit.
  9. Stop using gyazo. It is complete trash and inferior in every way to ShareX.
  10. Okay, sorry. Not even 100% cause if you are that person and have a mental illness that deceives your perception of reality you may not know either.
  11. You can never 100% determine if someone is cheating without actually being the person. Fuck I love boosting my ego.
  12. Enforcers are not cops. They are just criminals with badges. Also sounds like you just want to go play GTA.
  13. I am here to shill Astro A40's.
  14. If Cooky can understand this so easily I don't get how the rest of you can't.
  15. People still confusing that this is casuals vs tryhards when it is actually about a mindset of doing your best even when it is casual vs casual. It says a lot.
  16. Do people not realise that having strict colour requirements is meant to breed creativity when put within confines. It shows creativity by making something within those bounds rather than having free roam.
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