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Everything posted by Frosi

  1. I'm assuming that statement was made when LO bought the G1 platform which was at a time in which consoles were still pretty alive, however, apparently Xbox was offline for some time and had store issues as well as the PS version being pretty dead by the looks so I really doubt it made much money in recent years.
  2. Pretty sure APB's code is written in the Minecraft enchanting table language so I don't think that code you posted is gonna work
  3. Cheating is certainly an issue and I agree that cheating will only further make people cheat and its going to drive the legitimate players away over time, however, either the majority of these "cheaters" are complete garbage or my experience is simply different from other peoples because whilst I do encounter cheaters, usually one or two over a 4-6 hours session it is still not NEARLY as many people try to make it out to be. I really do think its just a long chain of people hackusating those that are better than them so the opinion of top players generally tends to differ cause they aren't going to hackusate someone cause very few are good enough to completely wipe the floor with them and those that can are generally long term players they know are unlikely to start cheating and are simply having a good game of being in the right spot at the right time due to game sense or other good call-outs, maybe even by complete coincidence. Ask any top player how many hackusations they get every time they play the game, I get like a hand full to a dozen every session and I'm sure there's players that get even more when they themselves know for a fact they aren't cheating. Hackusations are a form of venting/rage and APB is full of moments that would make players want to rage or complain to get things off their chest but saying the majority of players are cheaters is absolute nonsense and I feel like a lot of it comes from the fact that APB is a hard game to learn and get into, let alone improve and a lot of human characteristics make us want to blame other things before blaming ourselves for things, in games like APB, one of those ways to put the blame on someone else is claiming they are cheating when they might just be better or having a good game and I guarantee you it will happen a lot less once your average gold/silver player is no longer matched against some of the best in the game as frequently as they are now.
  4. Good matchmaking will mean that your average player will no longer come to the forums complaining about the amount of cheaters when the actual issue isn't that the players are cheating but rather the fact that they are playing against players that are WAY out of their league. There's a lot of insanely good players that still play the game daily, of course your average gold will think that someone is cheating because it is essentially the equivalent of matching a few Master Guardian CS players against actual CS Pros without telling them which will of course lead to the Master Guardian players thinking their opponents are cheating. That doesn't mean there are no cheaters, just not nearly as many as your average/new player wants you to believe there are. This is already done as its common practice with every anti-cheat on the market, same goes for Hardware ID bans, these however are very easy to get around for just about any cheater as the cheats will provide you with the means to spoof your IP/HWID.
  5. 2500 per role so 7500 total if you get all of them to the max level.
  6. Some good feedback in the OP, they are aware of the LOD issue at 25~30m and beyond and its on their list of things to fix.
  7. All these are confirmed to be things they already mentioned are going to be looked into/fixed in the coming weeks, including the LOD issue that appears at 30~ meters and beyond.
  8. Mostly background stuff of things that have caused issues during the other tests such as a server crash and possibly further iteration on how the matchmaker works.
  9. A small step by step tutorial with images to set this up for the people that want to try it would be appreciated as most people won't know their way around the Nvidia control panel
  10. They also talked how they are currently working with EAC to provide players banned by EAC a way to appeal their ban directly at Epic through the gamersfirst website, this however, doesn't seem ready yet so you will have to wait a bit longer until you can take that direct path to appeal your ban.
  11. For now that's up in the air as cross-district matchmaking is not part of this Phase of matchmaking, they previously however talked about eventually not wanting there to be loading screens and to seamlessly phase you from one district to the other. As for the map question, I would assume that it won't yoink you from Waterfront to play a mission on Financial. As for when you queue up on social, I would assume it will let you choose which district you want to queue for or it will queue for the same type of district your group members are part of
  12. What are the plans for adding more resources to APB? Whether that's hiring or simply shifting resources back to APB? Initially I believe the plan was to shift resources back with the release of the engine upgrade but clearly that hasn't happened after the release of 64Bit, hence why the population once more plummeted after players returned for 64Bit and there was nothing really to keep them around. APB could seriously do with updates every couple of weeks and there is PLENTY of things that you could do that do *NOT* require any coding whatsoever, server side changes such as finally making 80% of the Armas guns that are complete trash relevant which I'm sure would also make you money and will also feel like new content for many as we've been in the same meta more or less for over a decade or even things such as fixing up Waterfront, fixing some of the quirky missions with absurdly long objective timers or stage timers that are too short, making more cars viable, adding new guns (you are long overdue for a legendary) and the list goes on and on. People wouldn't mind waiting a few months for major system overhauls if you at least gave them something to keep them interested in-between said major system overhauls and you can do so by doing things you have to do sooner or later anyways, of course it won't stop everyone from leaving but players will only return so many times before they feel like they've been in this scenario before in which they return, they then have to wait months for something new and they just lose interest because players are basically conditioned to have a short attention span when it comes to games nowadays as just about every popular free to play game spoils their players with bi-weekly updates to keep them interested.
  13. Not everyone likes these large missions, I'd even go as far as say its not even half the population that would want to play these large missions non stop or very frequently, they can be fun every now and then but even those that like it would probably get tired / exhausted of playing them all the time and those that don't like them just wouldn't really enjoy themselves either. APB doesn't exactly flow all too well in these larger mission sizes, even 4v4 has issues that lead to frustrating gameplay experiences and I think the overall gameplay quality would degrade quite fast if larger missions were made the norm so I'd much rather they focus on what was initially intended and designed around which is 4v4 being the cap for even matches. In the future they can look into options to allow for larger missions like they already said but the main thing this requires is players as no one should be forced into these larger missions if they don't enjoy them and would much rather stick to what the game was designed around which was 2v2/3v3/4v4. For now they want matches to be more fair and fun rather than lean into a niche that was caused by years of poor matchmaking leading to backup wars that accidentally created these large missions that were never part of the games overall design.
  14. For the time being it looks as if unopposed missions are just not gonna be a thing anymore, I wouldn't expect to see them back for some time, definitely not back for when the system goes live. Teams will always be equal in size, lop sided matches usually imply giving a side extra players to make up for a larger gap in mmr between players so they got away with this for the sake of better match quality, so yes this is how it'll be when the system goes live, however, during testing players also voiced their concern about not having the occasional super large, chaotic mission anymore and LO is looking at a possible opt in option to allow the matchmaker to make larger missions for those that really want to play them, this however won't be part of when the system goes live, its something they can consider/do down the line.
  15. I don't know how Win 10 is seemingly what makes or breaks your system, if it can handle Win 7 it should handle Win 10 just fine fine, especially if you debloat it. I understand not being able to use Win11 due to it requiring TPM 2.0 as well as Secure Boot but there's no excuse for not being able to install Win 10 unless you don't want to for whatever reason or your PC is more than a decade old running hardware that was already considered mediocre back then, in either case, no reason to drop an Anti-cheat that is working better than other solutions APB has had in the past. Windows 7 is being phased out just how 32Bit systems were eventually phased out for gaming, its a bottleneck and possibly even a risk to continue supporting it so more and more companies are ending support much like Microsoft did. Edit: Windows 7 is also only being used by around 1%~ of systems that use Steam, there is absolutely no reason to continue supporting it because it will cause issues sooner or later (if it isn't already)
  16. I'm on a 4080 and I am not experiencing any of those issues.
  17. Mainly just if it works and if you encountered any bugs, maybe also the time it took to get opposition (although the latter isn't as important for OTW tests) In this thread or the LO discord would be my guess
  18. Testing the stability of the new system and making sure its absolutely ready for live, you'd be whining non stop if last weeks iteration released to live and would've went "Did anyone even test this?!"
  19. >Comes to the forums >Doesn't read anything >Complains non stop >Gets called out >
  20. If you would read the OP you wouldn't have to ask this question. Classic Hexerin post
  21. Certainly, the new system with its new matchmaking rules will certainly allow for more accurate matches at the cost of potentially higher wait times (assuming its low pop hours and the system has to go through its passes in which it loses accuracy for the sake of getting you a match) I think that especially cross-district MM will help a ton ONCE the game gets an influx of players such as when the contacts release which is likely the reason why MM is being tackled now rather than after the new contacts or whatever else they're planning. Current match quality is crippled by the fact that its limited to 50 other people on the district, some may not be ready, some are in missions, some are ramraiding, some are much higher / lower mmr than you and the list goes on, putting cross-district MM in the game prior to the contact release should massively improve match quality (on top of the already improved matchmaking) as it now has a lot more players to match you against and better matches means returning players (or even current players) are less likely to stop playing the game due to unfair matches or just a generally unenjoyable experience. Obviously there's more than just Matchmaking that is making players quit but this should be a large stepping stone to make the game more enjoyable for everyone.
  22. The point of this test is to test the overall stability of the new matchmaker as it now runs on a world level rather than a district level. They know very well that most people that will playtest this do not have a properly calibrated mmr (due to OTW not using your Live MMR) so it won't be a good example of how well the matchmaking itself works in terms of accuracy and likelyhood of fair matches, that's something they will adjust if needed after getting Live data, however, the new Matchmaker itself will be more strict due to not having lopsided matches meaning that you'll no longer run into missions of 3 golds vs 5 silvers. Match quality should only degrade if there's little people online to play against as the new matchmaker will slowly degrade accuracy if you've been ready for a while just so you can get a match (within reasonable MMR differences)
  23. Sometimes people on the forums have more knowledge about whats gonna happen than SPCT, let alone LO themselves!
  24. Yea lets just ignore the 64Bit update which fixed multiple major issues such as the rtx crash and now serves as a foundation for them to actually do something with the game entirely, thanks for proving my point.
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