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Everything posted by vsb

  1. the issr-b is a good gun beyond its AV capabilities the issr-b still does more hard damage than the ntec7 even after the nerf and it still has more range, so that's incorrect
  2. why would you need to buff damage of every weapon? all assault rifles (except the lcr) have an effective range of 45-50m, the hvr has 90m
  3. lazy repost of patch note discussion
  4. my point was that if apb had to compete directly it would lose, at the end of the day no perfect polished gameplay is going to overcome the 10 year gap apb has with modern games fair point no health bar is a pretty common mechanic in almost every modern shooter, i figured this would be one of the few things that everyone was okay with iirc way back in an old q&a the old g1 devs said that no health bars was an intentional design choice - in testing with health bars players tended to be a lot more defensive in order to keep their health bar as high as possible, which led to slower gameplay than the devs wanted i'll try to find the video edit: here
  5. i dont think the gameplay needs to change so much as it needs to be fixed - part of apb's survival (and its main draw for most i assume) to this point should be attributed to its unique blend of a dozen different games, chasing after the hardcore shooter crowd or the ultra grind mmo crowd is only going to force apb to directly compete with established games in those genres
  6. every assault rifle is better than the issr-a, should we nerf them all then? why not suggest an issr-a buff?
  7. yes lots of improvement over live for me there are still some issues left, but overall i feel pretty hopeful for 2.1
  8. you mentioned BRs so i feel i should point out that fortnite has very similar gunplay to apb (or at least it did when i tried playing), right down to identical hitboxes for every character - the only significant difference i remember is headshot damage being present doesnt seem to have hurt epic's pop numbers
  9. who cares what anyone says in apb chat in the first place lol
  10. aren't all video games just never ending issues?
  11. why would orbit dislike posts? they own the forum bro if they don't like your post they could just remove it lmao
  12. what do you mean? he asked if there was an official response to possible increased latency on NA east, and there isn't one
  13. i'd suggest sending in a support ticket then
  14. afaik they're included in the kttc pack which states buyers will have "all fonts, symbols, and decals unlocked", and its an account bound purchase available here: https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&gameID=20&catID=65&subcatID=204&productId=3090
  15. why wouldnt most of the threads be complaints? if someone is happy and fine with how apb is going then why would they bother to make a thread?
  16. because people are idiots who cant differentiate between a min ttk and "faster than me" cheaters also tend to gravitate to more accurate weapons, and with the right cheats they can ensure theyre always engaging at the right distance to mitigate bloom anyway im no code monkey but im pretty sure server side stats would require a game patch to change
  17. the ingame stat bars are worthless - the issr-a, the ntec, and the ursus all have the same base 50m effective range
  18. the issr-a isnt meant for long range, or any range really, its easily the worst assault rifle in apb atm - suggesting that because the worst AR loses to the 2nd and 3rd best ARs they should be nerfed is stupid and people wonder why theres so many support tickets with such low pop lmao the issr-a lost some hard damage, so the nerf has no effect on the situation op is complaining about
  19. watchman has hs3 cj3 and a purple rifle silencer patroller has hs3 ir3 and mob sling
  20. yes the point is that the current slow decline is a better alternative to the "shotgun slug to apb's face" suggestion that is removing threat segregation
  21. on na we usually have one full bronze, one partial bronze, and a partial silver - if everyone in the partial silver joins the partial bronze, the silver pop tanks and no one is going to join a nearly empty district not to mention the pop dropping because all the bronzes quitting so they dont have to play golds, so district pop will just get even smaller
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