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Everything posted by vsb

  1. interesting, i could have sworn that districts had threat levels before that but i suppose im remembering wrong still gonna say that going back to a W:L based threat system would be a mistake though, far too easily manipulated my forum account date is because this isnt my og account, that was somehow wiped clean of posts when the new forums spun up
  2. sounds very squattable / 10 that voice tho
  3. i remember districts having threat levels since obt at the latest, cant remember when the money lock was implemented i also remember the zerg missions, and the matchmaking never really added up regardless of the numbers imo, adding more shambling zombies to mow down doesnt add that much difficulty - especially back on the old system where gold was more difficult to get granted the old 1 gold = 2 silvers = 4 bronzes thing is a lot better than the straight 3 golds vs 2 silvers and 1 bronze we get a lot of today
  4. while i agree that the hard "one threat per district" lock was perhaps too harsh, there was certainly a number of complaints before that, since you were free to enter any threat level district (albeit with a monetary penalty, but what veteran player is actually worried about money?) there was a lot of noob stomping going on, just no one dethreating because no one had to
  5. i cant speak for rtw but i'll say that only having 3 months to actually play probably wouldnt allow anyone to really start to need to game the system as for g1 apb, people have been complaining about matchmaking since at least cbt, if you go search the old forums you'll see matchmaking posts from 2010
  6. i only sell my stuff to people who dont mind xneat
  7. because its insanely obvious - or at least it should be - that basing threat level off W:L ratio makes it so exploitable that you might as well just remove dethreating from the "bannable" list dont have to play with the system for that, and your unreasonable dismissal of such a glaring flaw just makes me wonder why i even bothered to bring it up
  8. if you didnt want a discussion here you shouldnt have posted here also the perspective of an outsider looking in is a pretty important one, especially in this case since - if the threat system is changed - the outsiders will be new players we are still thinking about the new players arent we?
  9. theres 2000 players in the apb discord and a good few of them have played with staff, trust me they arent the cream of the crop when it comes to apb lmao
  10. the original rtw matchmaking was based solely on the last 50 mission W:L ratio, i cant think of a threat system that would enable dethreaters better than that tbh id also argue that leaderboards from rtw and the coveted G10 threat level from g1 (while neither one was a bad thing imo), lead to far more "win at all costs" gameplay than the simple 3 tier visual system we have now
  11. im sure theres more people you can mention apply yourself
  12. wait who is "they"? them
  13. you can say fuck but not patootie shit but not fuzzy bunny damn but not silly person idiot but not smart
  14. this game is never going to be revived unless they manage to bring in new servers and keep them up
  15. i see sarcasm is difficult for you, lets try something else this is a public space where any discussion related to apb is allowed to take place, why do you have an issue with that?
  16. imagine using the forums as a public place to ask questions and have discussions absolute insanity
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