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Everything posted by vsb

  1. vsb

    server down

    long live the king
  2. Why'd you choose me for that example? Hmmm ur bad
  3. yeah let’s pile more band aid fixes on top of the pile of shit that apb is instead of fixing the underlying problems first why can’t you rage vocally, to yourself, in private
  4. i have no idea when or if lixil was told by flaws himself that he cheated, because anyone else saying so is discredible at best and malicious at worst if lixil was made aware by flaws himself beforehand then yes it was a pretty dumb move
  5. they aren’t infamous to orbit though, they’re just another 10008 name with no information after it
  6. i’m not sure how much clearer “no documentation” could be tbh, maybe support didn’t keep copies of the videos, maybe support deleted completed ticket records after x days, maybe the switch to a new support system stopped orbit from accessing older ticket records but what i take from that statement is that there was such a large number of bans with little to no after-the-fact evidence that there’s no point in bringing up the ones that did
  7. yeah i’d love to be able to block anyone from using their accounts just by creating a support ticket
  8. what am i looking at? besides a total hunk obviously
  9. which person in the orbit staff is an apb veteran? and which veteran would you (and everyone else) trust to tell orbit “no this guy was cheating do not unban” ? theyve already clarified that there were tons of bans that had no documentation at all, did u want them to spend months sifting through ffbans comments on the off chance they could find a definitive confession from someone who might not even be who they say they are?
  10. tfw playing for nearly a decade and just learned that the music thing is an ipod dock
  11. but they have stated they intend to deal with dethreating
  12. i’m sure mentioning the staff at midnight will help
  13. i mean im just here to boost my post count
  14. have you tried turning it off and on again?
  15. 8 / 10 those retro summer vibes
  16. rip i just avoid thst kiosk like the plague tbh, which you can tell if youve ever seen my ugly patootie character
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