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Everything posted by vsb

  1. the ones that no one pays attention to because all the other stats are wrong? i agree with this, adding all of these arbitrary limits and mechanics is really beginning to ruin the simplicity of gunplay that made apb feel more put together
  2. i wonder if this mean orbit is messing with something in the clan systems behind the scenes, or if its just another "disappearing car spawner" kind of bug
  3. if g1 wasnt capable of doing it then having old g1 staff wouldnt have any bearing i wont comment on ff and battleye since those additions both revolve around money and we have no concrete figures, but i doubt g1 was working on the anticheat at all when orbit took over weapon rebalance is something that g1 could and did do (mostly wrong imo) several times in the past i wont argue that they were marketing tricks, but free premium and cheaper weapons both affect gameplay, and the armas price decrease is something players have been asking after for years the new weapon was pushed out by orbit and imo that means they get most of the credit regardless of who actually created what, i feel this way about g1 releasing rtw stuff as well the JT store was very clearly abandoned by g1, and orbit has put a good first step here adding more weapons with more slots, which is why its on the list i wasnt very involved with the community at the very beginning but once i was i remember most of the blog posts - aside from the ones related to armas - mostly discussing pretty broad and ambitious things the ceo wanted to do but seemingly without much thought put into them apb has always had issues and LO was attempting a fix that backfired, theyve managed to fix it since instead of simply ignoring it and blaming ddosing like g1 usually did, which is why i put it on the list trading was one of the broad and ambitious blog posts mentioned above, the UI update was implemented halfway and abandoned (arguably impacting performance worse than if it never happened at all) orbit has given us pretty precise info on how it works, theyve shown us screenshots, and they have a tentative date set for addition regardless of how much of a meme it is, its something thats necessary for the game to undergo any truly significant changes as you point out, there has been so little info shared, but id say orbit has given us an equal amount in 4 months to what g1 gave us in 4 years - a good start imo matchmaking and threat reworks may have been done to the best of g1's ability but imo they werent done right, we've gotten solid confirmation on exactly what orbit intends for matchmaking altho their plans for threat reworks have been fairly vague new mode and new vehicle would still be released to players by orbit, which is why i give them most of the credit i see almost all of the games biggest issues mentioned here aside from advertising, many of the overarching issues arent something that can just be fixed immediately so i have no problems with them working on smaller issues in tandem my opinion is that while orbit isnt necessarily doing anything groundbreaking they are "continuing the relay race" at a vastly accelerated pace compared to g1 i see no reason not to hope orbit can keep to the pattern
  4. vsb

    OTW patch notes?

    the way it’s set up on otw looks like they’re testing the test districts for the live version
  5. in ny gambling age is only higher than 18 if a casino has an alcohol license, and even then most allow 18 year olds inside in my experience lottery tickets are 18 as well texas does have pretty strict gambling laws tho, but really there’s a variety of ways to change joker boxes (and loot boxes in general) so that they aren’t considered gambling - it’s going to be years before they even get close to be stamped out, if ever
  6. it’s not just automatic vehicle invincibility, nor should it be but afaik you’re running in the same direction the car is moving you won’t be run over unless it’s going 25m/s (max speed)
  7. works just fine what are you on about?
  8. idk whether having no real world value makes it worse tbh, its not like you're unaware of what you're gambling for - if you want it you want it i would be fine with official joker box odds being published tho
  9. i dont quite understand this reasoning, isnt the entire point of armas supposed to be the ability to skip "the grind" for a price? id much prefer them add more ways to unlock armas weapons ingame (specifically through leveling roles), therefore expanding the pool of players who play with them, therefore expanding the pool of players who purchase them
  10. 2 / 10 instrumental too aggressive to make up for the screaming 5 / 10 much better balance, and 1:54-2:10 has really nice atmosphere last days of summer
  11. i would, but mainly because id personally like nonlegendary variants of all legendaries available through either ingame means or armas
  12. vsb

    Suddenly crashes?

    the only time my game crashes is from running out of memory despite having 32gb of ram; caused by switching districts too much or when the server goes down obviously
  13. just because a weapon(s) becomes meta doesnt necessarily mean its overpowered, not disagreeing with your opinion just your reasoning
  14. idk what to tell you man, if reporting my own experiences makes me dumb then so be it, altho admittedly i did frame them more as facts than opinions the shredder might be easy to use but that doesnt necessarily make it better than other options and i have no idea how you're losing to the shredder with an oca lmao
  15. the star has always been decent, afaik it only received some very minor tweaks in the last g1 balance pass i honestly wouldn’t call it good tho, not like the ntec
  16. it’s just a UL-3 without the unique legendary mods it gets brought up on the forums every month or so, and the last time it was on the g1 forums it was confirmed as something that wasn’t supposed to be in the game and players were encouraged to send in a ticket if they saw one iirc there was some sort of reward for reporting guns that were not supposed to be in the game but i’m not digging thru the old forums to confirm that
  17. vsb

    Diamond threat

    there aren’t enough good golds to support a district, and this suggestion wouldn’t do anything for the average to bad golds since they wouldn’t be able to achieve the new threat level in the first place
  18. alternatively, instead of adding more gun specific mechanics to the already overly complicated gameplay, just make the spread while firing from the hip similar to the nfas the shredder no more makes SMGs irrelevant than the carbine or the atac does
  19. it’s the nonlegendary version of the UL-3, a few were mistakenly given out by g1 support to people who got scammed iirc theyre much rarer now, since afaik g1 was regarding people for reporting the guns for deletion, dunno if orbit is continuing that or not
  20. as someone who has nothing left to buy on armas i have zero problems with joker boxes, especially in games recommended for 18 and up its no different from buying scratch off tickets at a gas station imo
  21. vsb

    hybrid cars

    wasn’t there a smart car add where they put a tahoe on top of the smart car and it wasnt crushed like an empty beer can
  22. since i’m too lazy to rewrite it also here’s things orbit have given us solid info on but haven’t gotten to yet -trade system -engine upgrade -matchmaking -threat rework -new game mode -new vehicle
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