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Everything posted by vsb

  1. vsb


    if extending the time before garbage collection makes the stutters worse shouldn’t decreasing the intervals make the stutters less noticeable?
  2. is potentially having more carspawners/mobile radar towers than you have team players balanced? this wasnt a yes or not question i suppose if players are able to drive they should have access to the trunk, fair " " respawning isnt always an option, and if it is its still a forced waste of time so the only way to enter an enemy vehicle while a player is in it is to force an animation? is that balanced in a pvp game? hijacking a vehicle with a passenger seems like it would need (more) new mechanics and new animations again, is forcing an animation acceptable balance in a pvp game? fair
  3. what are you basing this off? does orbit share who reported you and how many times you were reported at any point?
  4. because your suggested new base vehicle kill speed values causes valzipram tablets to make a player completely immune to vehicle damage - this is poorly balanced, not to mention confusing/frustrating to people who havent unlocked the mod yet nerfing valzipram tablets to compensate would only make the mod useless as everyone has the base effects by default, without having to "waste" a mod slot try formatting next time is potentially having more carspawners/mobile radar towers than you have team players balanced? this wasnt a yes or not question i suppose if players are able to drive they should have access to the trunk, fair " " respawning isnt always an option, and if it is its still a forced waste of time so the only way to enter an enemy vehicle while a player is in it is to force an animation? is that balanced in a pvp game? hijacking a vehicle with a passenger seems like it would need (more) new mechanics and new animations again, is forcing an animation acceptable balance in a pvp game? fair i suppose this comes down to us having different opinions on what polishing a game means care to quote that? all i see is him saying 3 out of 40 legitimate reviews were about issues that orbit is not currently working on/planning to work on an interesting contradiction cant even follow the simplest forum rules and he wonders why he gets banned lul
  5. have you tried turning it off and on again?
  6. you ignored the fact that polarbear went through (i assume) the first 40 steam reviews and lo and behold the things negative reviews complained about were almost all things that orbit is working on or plans to work on, thus invalidating “orbit doesn’t listen to players who quit” on a related note, most of the reasons people have quit are the same things a majority of veterans want fixed as well imo constantly shifting and changing a games core mechanics in order to desperately chase after every potential consumer is one of the worst things a developer can do, it generally ends up with a diluted mess of a game thats trying to do a million things at once and failing at all of them - if you want a concrete example, read up on rtw apb development lol
  7. it seems a little cheesy to go over suggestions (again) in a different non-suggestion thread but ok i didn’t say more advanced ai can’t be implemented, i said it would be time consuming and difficult - you then rattled off “gta has what i suggested” as if orbit has the resources to match a massively successful game made by a massively successful company there’s a modification specifically to change the vehicle kill speed, why should the devs change the base vehicle mechanics when the option you suggested is already in the game? should grenades do less damage because i don’t want to use flak jacket? should all guns have more accuracy because i don’t want to use sight mods? the only actual reason you gave for this was “to add depth”, you didn’t bother to give any reasons on why this would benefit gameplay here’s some gameplay related issues with this off the top of my head how will vehicles being stealable affect their mission use? will vehicle mods support whoever is driving? if so, what happens when a player gets out of an enemy car, do mods still support the player or do they revert to supporting the enemy? can a player put items in an enemy car? if so, does that mean a player can remove items from an enemy car? how will players deal with carplay initiated from their own vehicle? can a player enter an enemy’s car even while that enemy is driving? while the enemy is a passenger? will there be a modification to prevent this? what color will that modification be? will a players who’s vehicle is stolen by an enemy be able to respawn their car normally or are they forced to swap vehicles and back? should swapping vehicles and back to “delete” a stolen car be patched out? i fail to see how it’s out of context “polishing” just further implies that the game has no real problems, just things that could be improved - you polish a diamond, not a lump of coal every game needs more content that’s like saying someone needs to eat to stay alive
  8. as far as im aware thats the whole point - these guns are an option for people who dont like the "traditional" class guns but would still like to play that class
  9. theres a point where you stop responding because its clear the other party has no idea what's going on in the pedestrian ai thread you immediately bring up another game as "proof" in the vehicle speed thread you begin repeating the original suggestion in the hijacking enemy cars thread you just entirely fail to grasp the gameplay implications of controlling enemy cars seems to me if i like the game as it is then it doesnt have problems - i.e. perfect perhaps i worded that poorly your original post really looks like an attempt to show that "veterans who like the game as it is" are inherently wrong (because obviously the game is not ok), and therefore when they offer contrary opinions to a suggestion its not because the suggestion is bad its because the vets are biased and their contrary opinions can be completely dismissed without consideration
  10. spam /cointoss to get kicked back to lobby adding an easy way to leave missions will result in players abandoning missions as soon as they begin to lose
  11. the weakness is the inherently long ttk and the resulting lack of real optimal range
  12. vsb

    Make consumables permanent

    agreed, altho id also like consumables to be rebalanced whether they become permanent or not having consumables as random mission rewards only further skews balance, anyone who is still leveling or unlocking other rewards receives less consumables
  13. guns in apb don’t jam semi auto rifles fire slower than a majority of automatic weapons (and kill slower as well), if anything it’s unrealistic that you can’t fire semi automatic weapons as fast as you can click
  14. your suggestions were poorly thought out and when confronted with possible/likely issues you just repeated your initial suggestion or brought up other games as some sort of “proof” also nice try creating an echo chamber where everyone who disagrees with you is a “veteran who thinks the game is perfect”, no need to pay attention to any arguments when you can just label the person making them incorrect lol
  15. i’d be more than happy to trade some downtime for a version of the game that actually functions
  16. sudden yeeting can cause loss of brain cells, always yeet responsibly
  17. the manic is in a $50 USD pack, the issr-b is not the troublemaker was immensely popular even tho it was armas only (and a preset as well lmao)
  18. people still wait on unopposed objectives? thats so 2012 lol
  19. whether it’s an advantage or not doesn’t matter, the fact is that it’s not currently against the rules
  20. seems subjective at best, i’ve honestly never had a problem with prices (other than the kttw pack lol wtf)
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