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Everything posted by vsb

  1. decent looking skin, congratz to the future owners
  2. i agree on a lot of points except perhaps 1250 max vehicle health, that seems a tad low i think a small buff to antivehicle weapons would/could also be an option, as only half of them are truly useful with the current vehicle meta
  3. are we really doing the "ban russians" thing again?
  4. what happens when my common sense and previous experience contradict yours?
  5. forgetting that this is the apb community, i thought such a ridiculously over-generalized statement like "Cheaters never stop cheating" was tongue-in-cheek humor (or at the very least bad satire) so i decided to play along unfortunately this is the apb community, so apparently you were/are deluded enough to be completely serious
  6. i think that would do a lot to cut down on the advantage of preset loadouts vs weapon pickups pricing changes could be put into a subcategory in the riot section of tutorial UI, or in a subsection of the new social contact UI
  7. oh that's actually an interesting mechanic, when you say different loadouts can you force different prices for different weapons? shotgun/smg/sniper/etc-centric seasons would be a neat way to incorporate related new content rewards
  8. the financial only riot map was often very empty, i don't think a larger play area would really help riot mode at all
  9. i'd prefer if the first respawn cost money but i guess that would go against the "tension" as i imagine very few people wouldnt hold on to enough starter cash "purchase" a respawn, kind of defeating the purpose of having a choice at all - perhaps adding in the ability to purchase a resupply for your weapons (primary and secondary separately) would further add to the "tension" factor? will there be any changes at all with either the price of loadouts or how common they are?
  10. i was just making fun of your fake profound post, you don't have to hyper analyze it lol
  11. it depends on the starting cost and how that cost scales per death, i won't worry too much about it until we get hard numbers on the minor nitpicks side i find it kind of dumb that in a battle royale game, something like extra lives no longer really has to be found/collected
  12. if a cheater turns all his settings to zero, is he still cheating?
  13. nice to see player feedback actually being taken into account not sure this really changes anything tbh while you havent given out exact numbers this new system doesn't seem to reduce the imbalance caused by extra lives, it might actually be worse - providing there's enough cash, a player now has infinite lives? dedicated groups are still going to outstrip solos and PUGs collecting cash which will allow them to get preset loadouts (i don't see any changes to the frequency/price of loadout purchases) and then all cash can be reserved for extra lives,
  14. 12 hours without the forums oh my god what am i going to do
  15. personal opinion of an obt player: no, right now apb isn’t worth my time the game largely remains unchanged from when i first started playing, flaws and all - and the more i’ve played the harder it becomes to ignore those flaws while i do still have hope that orbit can turn things around, whether the engine upgrade is successful or not is a pivotal point for apb imo, if it flops i can see myself giving up on the game completely
  16. that’s been a thing for months now iirc, via the subscribe function
  17. you get tokens for leveling up the riot contact or you get tokens for purchasing a riot pass theres no need to buy the pass to get access to the new content
  18. shaw beats nfas every time get good :^)
  19. imo riot has a lot of the same issues as mission based apb, just more pronounced PUGs vs premades, - playing solo puts you at a huge disadvantage (more than normal apb) because cash can be gained 2/3/4 times as fast which leads to teams that can afford multiple lives and loadouts vs solo players who often have to choose between either, even when they're in random (uncoordinated) groups the wait time after dying is ridiculously long (from testing today dying right at the beginning is about 25 minutes) and there's nothing to do but watch random players (the spectate functionality is "not great" at best, altho i assume most of that is due to the base code just not allowing certain things to be added) the lack of adequate cover gets a huge spotlight on it when dying potentially stops you from playing for ~25 minutes - the props that were ingame as of the stress test are a good start, but there were still many, many areas that had no additional props/cover the rng can be horrible, as is often the case with battle royales, the issue is that there is a cheap and (very) effective way to bypass a huge chunk of rng by purchasing your own preset loadout (from the multiple weapon boxes places around the map, seriously why are there so many?) - imo this completely removes any need to hunt for weapons and cash (refer to #1) becomes king, whats the point of having random weapons pickups if no one truly needs them? well i certainly would encourage my friends (as if i have any lol) to play with me, as soloing in riot mode means big disadvantages as for recommending the current riot mode over other BRs on the market? likely not, there's nothing unique enough about apb's version that i'd recommend it over the thousands of clones on steam, or even recommend it over normal apb missions "generic battle royale" it doesnt really matter how you spin it there's no getting away from the fact that riot is an average (at best) pubg clone, with apb gameplay - right down to the performance issues the wait time after death, currently riot isnt like missions where you can just respawn and attack again after dying or queue up immediately for another mission after losing imo current riot does not have enough content to justify spending 2 or 3 missions worth of time just sitting and waiting, its bad design and its going to cost the mode players if i had to choose a favorite it would be the map changes - no matter how small, the additions are a welcome shakeup to the staleness of decade old maps frankly i dont much like the current riot mode, im far more interested in the new content planned as rewards and im hoping that they'll help even out the imbalance of riot's time invested:rewards received ratio seriously the wait time after your final death is ridiculous, something has to change there EDIT: i guess i should give actual feedback instead of just answering questions, here's a stream of consciousness after some more reflection i'm really starting to sour on the "extra lives" mechanic, it seems like a gimmick that was added without considering the fact that it instantly becomes the single most important focus - random weapons are whatever, preset loadouts are beneficial, hazmats suits are just in case, but you literally cannot lose as long as you have extra lives its a gigantic advantage (admittedly limited by the hard cap of 1 extra life) current riot suffers hard from gameplay rubberbanding - there's no reason to engage enemies until the end when you have to, leading to 10-15 minutes spent just running around the map (a lot of which is empty and lifeless) and 5 minutes of chaotic unbalanced "action" random weapon drops are scarce, cash/preset loadout boxes/extra lives are not - this needs to be the opposite, no one cares about random weapons when they're hard to find and preset loadouts are cheap and right in front of you, and extra lives should be the exception not the norm hazmat suit consumables are similarly too common, from a gameplay standpoint there's not much point in shutting down a block when so many people have a free pass the new cover/props just dont do enough, there's too few and most are oddly placed the destroyed cars are fixed environment pieces instead of movable props, a minor issue but one that irritates the hell out of me (and will be confusing for newer players, at least the first few times they run into them)
  20. otw uses your normal apb login info but you wont see any characters that exist on the live servers iirc, just your otw characters (or nothing if you dont have otw characters)
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