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Everything posted by vsb

  1. lol kevkof if you dont know the answer you dont have to make up countries to seem knowledgeable
  2. not to interrupt your fe parade but apb has a pretty tight knit community too, even if we all hate each other
  3. they’re bullethose guns that offer no incentive to use as bullethoses either make them significantly more accurate or lower the ttk to somewhere around .7s get rid of the “unique” mods, that’s a garbage mechanic that only belongs on legendaries (maybe throw the ‘odin’ into a joker box if need be)
  4. watch as 2 weeks of premium makes people magically forget they were ready to lynch orbit less than 24 hours ago that aside continued transparency continues to be great (shocker), keep up the good work
  5. i’d love to tell you the secret but there isn’t one tbh it just takes a lot of practice/trial and error, mostly due to the different shaders inside and outside the character kiosk causing potentially massive differences i guess the biggest tip is don’t be afraid to use symbols to emphasize facial features, that will generally be the difference between a character that looks good in the kiosk and a character that looks good in every district
  6. just have your bank do a chargeback on your credit card then
  7. stop asking for free stuff
  8. just for that your pennies will be thrown at you, one by one, from moving vehicles over the course of several days we’re sorry for any inconvenience
  9. yes, you will be getting your $1.48 worth of premium back in loose pennies
  10. stop saying investor - we aren’t board members, we don’t get a share of profits, and we have no internal control over the company anyone who buys anything from armas is a customer/consumer, end of story how does getting “lost” premium back (and probably with extra days on top) become “mugging off”? and if orbit does decide to use premium as compensation, why wouldn’t/shouldn’t f2p players be compensated as well? why? its been repeatedly stated that players do not need to purchase the riot pass for access to new content, and riot passes don’t affect premium at all since a riot season is 2 months, youre asking for up to a year of free stuff here our thank you is the new content, as a long time player/big spender i’m perfectly okay with that if orbit really wants to commemorate dedicated players why not something tangible and easy like a “gamersfirst trailblazer” title, so i can let it collect dust with my beta titles and my server titles it mostly reads back like you trying to finagle free stuff onto your account and using loyalty as an excuse
  11. preset weapons are a pretty big risk when a single balance patch can render them useless, look at how many people were asking for atac patroller refunds after the ir3 changes the flag skins are also lackluster imo, how often would someone use a flag for a random country? kttw just seems like g1 realized players were desperate for account bound armas items, so they threw in other clothing packs that weren’t in kttc, added in a couple not-so-exclusive items, and then a bunch of filler content to justify $150 price tag
  12. agreed i think kttw would have slightly more value if the guns were all open slots, and you received all current and future weapon skins (similar to how kttc has all current and future symbols)
  13. rocker bundle with 4x4 and rhino kit rocker bundle with rhino kit only it is the the only way to get it account bound tho
  14. tbh if we had the forum mods working on the servers we’d likely be in the exact same situation anyway
  15. good catch, although owning the kttw pack i can’t recommend buying it to anyone else lol
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