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Everything posted by vsb

  1. i think it’s hard for most players (myself included) still hanging around to be totally objective, we obviously like regular apb a great deal as we’re still here after all the garbage years and riot is not regular apb, yet it clearly has the priority i can understand the reasoning behind riot - apb was never that popular of a game so why not attempt to make it into a different (hopefully more profitable) game? - all that said, i doubt it will pay off chasing new players is necessary but alienating a large chunk of the (already hilariously small) “hardcore” playerbase at the same time seems foolish at this point of apb’s existence the br market is supersaturated and riot, as a completely average br mode, doesn’t have enough to offer to stand out over games that are 10 years newer i don’t think apb lends itself to br gameplay - nebulous, free-for-all, no-objective fighting has has always been a weakness of the game, at one point even causing a (then) new mode to fail pretty spectacularly (chaos/anarchy districts) similarly, will apb’s current pay model stand up to a br focus? who’s going to buy expensive cosmetic items when the dumpy hazmat suit is a staple of riot gameplay? will anyone pay 20 dollars for a “premium” weapon in a br game - where finding free weapons ingame is the standard? what use does actual premium have - it has no effect on br cash pickups, there’s only one br contact to level, and apb$ is worthless in riot mode because all the standard moneysink costs (cars, guns, mods, ammo, etc) don’t exist theres a lot of smaller flaws (both with the mode as an apb concept and in actual gameplay) that make me think riot is going nowhere fast but it’s hard to judge atm, maybe the engine upgrade will allow orbit to truly pump out enough new content/fixes that it won’t matter how riot does, because the rest of the game no longer needs a miracle - but again, i doubt it
  2. i’m curious about this, could you elaborate - i know consoles lack a music kiosk but consoles are running on the engine upgrade aside from riot (as that’s still in testing) and seasonal events what are the other significant content differences between console and pc?
  3. that’s interesting is this due to microsoft/sony regulation?
  4. if you didnt get premium maybe you dont deserve it :^)
  5. why wouldn’t it apply to r195+ contacts? those are arguably more important in terms of rewards
  6. haven’t we gone over how giving cheaters attention only incentivizes them to continue? now imagine the ensuing idiocy when cheaters not only get their name broadcast to everyone but get their character model on display on a related note, i wouldn’t advise copying decisions from a company that handles issues like this lol
  7. the well documented correlation between criminal history exclusion and recidivism aside, why would orbit suddenly need to conform to an irl criminal punishment system now? would you prefer all cheaters are only banned based on a decision made by their peers? we have no direct information on false apb bans other than orbit’s statements about the fairfight debacle, let’s not throw around made up facts we were told the limits of volunteer GM powers the last time applications were open, why the sudden hoopla
  8. it’s a decent gun provided you have good enough aim to make use of the fast ttk, imo the carbine kind of overshadows the vbr regardless of aim skill tho
  9. reading comprehension at rock bottom levels
  10. it’s not like having one op secondary means that there can’t be another regardless neither the normal showstopper nor the showstopper ‘thunder’ are overpowered, i’m actually pretty surprised at how well balanced they are considering the other attempts orbit has made at similar balancing
  11. you didn’t hear the news? GMs now remove players who are playing too good in order to promote a fairer game experience for lower skilled players :^)
  12. regardless of what anyone else says about little orbit they have put work into apb if we get another year of development at the same pace as the last i think the game will be in a pretty good place product-wise, although whether it will be enough to turn the population around is another matter
  13. proposed solution for the low population causing crappy wait times is to implement a mechanic that will result in the population getting even lower - what will you do when there's only one district period, and you still have to spam to get in? agreed, altho it wouldnt really help the underlying issues a queue system would at least be easier on my mouse when there are full districts
  14. not really unique to sony, console exclusives on pretty much all consoles have been a thing for decades - altho admittedly xbox/microsoft seems to be getting better these days its not even unique to consoles, the same thing is happening with different pc distributors (e.g. borderlands 3's 6 month exclusive release via epic store)
  15. agreed that the dmr now unquestionably has a niche i just don't like that the mechanic basically violates the "rule" that every other gun follows, less damage after x range disagree, the gunplay pre-dropoff system (and even the period directly after tbh) was very polished imo - everything had a fairly logical input/output, and the game wasnt quite so cluttered with wonky guns with their own mechanics obviously there were some issues, things like the ntec and obeya outperforming their niche for example, but those were relatively minor fixes compared to the balance today sprint shooting itself was never actually a problem, and its "fix" (that didnt really fix anything) had unintended negative effects on other guns, i really wish g1 had just left that alone tbh in an attempt to not derail the thread, would you give the norsemen a significantly lower ttk (.6x) and leave their accuracy/bloom alone, a slightly lower ttk (.7x) and slightly better accuracy/bloom, or something different? and would you lower the stk or keep it at 11?
  16. except all the servers were inaccessible this time, character slots were so na players could play on eu servers while na servers were down (and vice versa)
  17. free character slot were given out in the past because specific servers were unplayable, doesnt really apply here
  18. this timing actually works much better for me, guess i can't complain
  19. i'm a big fan of consistency in games, i really dislike that the norseman series (and a few other guns) have unique mods even though they're "normal" guns its the same reason i dislike random unique mechanics like the dmr reverse drop off or the hvr accuracy/damage link (altho i understand the balance reasons behind them), just unnecessary complications of what at one time was a simple, polished gunplay system
  20. i doubt a new company taking over and continuing to enforce bans from an anticheat that they themselves state is not functioning correctly would encourage many banned players to start over fresh, let alone spend more money on the game
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