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Everything posted by vsb

  1. pretty much everyone i’ve ever been involved in a balance discussion with has agreed that loyos need a nerf, i think you’re the odd one out
  2. if player 1 sent player 2 a gift and then issued chargeback through their bank, both players would be banned it was heavily abusable
  3. ntec is better and it’s free ursus is still very good, it just lacks some versatility
  4. give me my internet points please also do this orbit, bolt timers are gay
  5. it was removed because it was basically a ban button for anyone with malicious intent i don’t think there’s a way to implement gifting without the potential for abuse, so it might not ever come back
  6. you need a monitor above 120hz iirc
  7. yikes dude test B low yields are neither spammy or good for area denial - im pretty sure 8/10 times i’ll just end up pushing through a test B low yield because 1) i now have extra time before each grenade explodes, and 2) it has such hilariously bad damage output tbh i have a hard time thinking of any situation where test B low yields would be the optimal choice, other than maybe if you want to get sweaty and hvr/low yield test A low yields are still better for area denial because although they have a smaller radius they deal an amount of damage that’s actually threatening and can be put downrange faster
  8. exactly 500 is a little weird imo, perhaps orbit intended to give flak jacket a slightly expanded niche but really it’s just another (on a long list) reason to use ca3 over every other green mod id recommend lowering damage to 495 on test A making two low yields equivalent to getting hit by one conc
  9. i guess that could work, altho we already have the aces and the atac for faster cqc oriented ARs
  10. i'd rather not see the base functions of the issra change honestly, i think it should be pushed more towards its hybrid AR/rifle intent instead of just making it another typical AR
  11. so after some quick testing here are my thoughts obir - while i understand the reasoning behind this change i still hate it regardless of how "short" it is a bolt timer will always feel super clunky especially with the added mobility decrease from the long sprint delay, as someone who frequently uses the obir its incredibly noticeable (in a bad way) i didnt have time to do anything super indepth but it feels like too strong of a nerf, idk if the intention was to merely limit the obir's cqc ability or to completely neuter it but imo we got the latter option if we're fixed on the obir needing a fix here are my alternate suggestions: if bolt timer has to stay - remove the sprint delay entirely if the bolt timer is canned - lower the obir's total burst damage from anywhere from 450-400 and increase its range (to make up for the loss of some overdamage), this would still technically allow for quickswitching with the .45 but limit the effectiveness of the fbw low yields test A this is the optimal solution imo - with grenades that have under 500 damage and a radius around 4m (from quick testing) low yields are now less of a raw damage threat and less of an area denial threat, but without compromising their original purpose as a faster lighter option test B garbage - 1 second less fuse time is too small to offset low yields from frags, especially with the lower damage the damage seems overnerfed (even lower than test A?) but perhaps thats because the additional fuse time means ca3 users (re: almost everyone) can tank all 3 grenades without dying i understand the push towards area denial but it just won't work without the threat of serious damage to back it up
  12. sounds like a whole lot of work for something that doesn’t need to be done considering the current system already works 90% of the time
  13. i did test the changes, even though i already knew they were going to be garbage lo and behold having exact parameters meant it took me all of 10 minutes to confirm that the changes were indeed garbage and idk about you but “After a somewhat uneven start” (from the august blogpost) sure sounds like orbit was aware of their initial balancing idea mistakes
  14. you mean the first round of rfp changes which were so immediately and obviously off the mark that even orbit (weeks later of course) said “woops we messed up” ? i think you might be confusing correlation with causation
  15. armchair stat scrutiny is pretty valuable when combined with actual testing because it allows players to jump straight into testing, as opposed to bumbling around estimating values which still might end up being wrong
  16. bUT iTs A sTreAm iT hAs To bE orGaNic
  17. why the hell did this need its own thread instead of just being posted in the patch feedback?
  18. since the obir is now effectively receiving a cqc nerf, are there any plans to change its sprint delay to give it slightly more mobility?
  19. not looking forward to testing this
  20. vsb


    that's what happened the last time bans were broadcasted
  21. vsb


    living near a nuclear power plant doesn't increase the chances of cancer unless it explodes i guess are you forgetting the part where there were people listed on ffbans that didn't cheat, and some that didn't break any rules at all? stop forcing the issue into a black and white situation, its obvious that everything isn't fine but the cheating situation is definitely better than it was under g1 imo just because people disagree with you doesn't mean they support cheaters, stop acting like you and your opinions are the only options prove that no cheaters are being banned otherwise you're a liar see how that works both ways?
  22. because it doesn't make much sense to lose a mission when you are in possession of the objective keeping points but removing overtime would just end up with final stages being even worse than they already are because inevitably there would be a point where no matter what you do you can't win - i'd prefer not to end up in situations where my team needs 90 points to win but there's only 1 minute left in the mission, the higher the point difference the longer both teams are just sitting around not playing
  23. vsb


    lmao mans just swiped all the bullets from your gun op
  24. i know several people who use playclaw, but literally any program that allows you to force an image above active windows would work - you can even use discord/teamspeak/mumble overlays if you’re really that worried about the anticheat detecting a program that never touches the game itself edit: there’s also the 100% undetectable method of putting a mark on your actual monitor screen
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