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Everything posted by Tobii

  1. That you will never know. And the few times they do let you know, it's usually rolled back because they know it's a false-positive wave.
  2. The vast majority is from china because PUBG is 50% Chinese players, that doesn't mean only people from China cheat? This is not the case with fortnite, r6 or h1z1 either. Also it's not hard to find cheats still. Especially when it comes to PUBG there is a lot of ways to cheat without actually using a tool/injecting etc. /shrug Every country cheats, not just China.. That's just how it is.
  3. That's the case for most edits, but people are still paranoid. It will not. A tool that intercepts key pressing? Oof. I would mail BE and ask tbh. Got 'em! -_^ Everyone used to use it, until it got fixed/changed. So using that as your argument doesn't really work, since he stated that in his own post.. ^-^
  4. They said in the Q&A that FF was still active as well.
  5. Pretty sure this kind of post goes here https://forums.gamersfirst.com/forum/14-server-marketplace-auctions/
  6. Good news though! Shaders will not be a thing with 3.5. The files are not there/compiled and shipped with the game. So there's that.
  7. Fog is located in the shaders, so no, not to that degree.
  8. Locking the config is not going to happen. See any unreal game. (e.g. fortnite / PUBG that both use BE) People seem to think that these changes have way more effect on the game than they actually do. Changing stuff in configs is a common thing, and changing stuff in games that run BE is also common. See: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1302099699 https://esports.exposed/dauntless/best-dauntless-settings/ https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/6157ua/guide_competitive_high_fps_settings_v3 People are blowing this specific part out of proportion if you ask me. Shaders, that's a different talk.
  9. That would most likely be the case. People are just paranoid since they've been told that they can't change any files, but AL is fine. Seems a bit like a two steps forward, one step back kinda deal.
  11. This thread has run its course and should prob be locked. @RitualLobotomy
  12. Missing the point once again. Are you trying to go off topic on purpose? Or do you just not care.. Why do you bring anything password related in to this. I know you want to come across as a know-it-all, but there is more to goats shenanigans than just reading memory. My English has nothing to do with this, you just refuse to read what people say. I bet you understand Rick and Morty really well, don't you?
  13. You're the one attacking people with personal insults, so I don't think I need to cool off, just saying. And you're once again talking about something no one brought up or asked about. I am saying that Goat modifies and spoof packets, why drag the Tiggs incident in to that? Tiggs handing over her password has nothing to do with that. You're the best person on this forum to somehow miss the point, and then make it about you.. I am not sure how you do it though. Guess you forgot your glasses at Time Warner. /shrug
  14. Going personal instead of just answering and leaving it at that. Goat was doing more than that, but since you said he wasn't I guess he wasn't aware himself what he was actually doing. oh well.
  15. As improbable as it might be, it didn't stop goat from doing it. /shrug I guess it was added to APB for a reason :^)
  16. Matt said the same. But that doesn't mean it'll take a week. /shrug
  17. Where are you guys getting these dates from? I was assuming it would take at least a month or two.
  18. I believe they are doing so to make sure people don't get banned when they release BE. And then later down the road they'll just add all the features to the game so you don't need AL at all.
  19. I didn't quote you, I am not talking about lag switch or speed hack. He mentioned packets, dropping and timing out, so I answered with the fact that BE DOES ban for packet sniffing, manipulation etc, so there is a chance this might also be the case. At no point did he directly mention what you're talking about, so you're either equally as right OR equally as wrong in your statement as I am. So I am not seeing your point? If you want to make things about you just because you like attention, then okay. But it's getting quite dull already. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  20. Read what he said, then read what I said. Then get back to me.
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