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Everything posted by Tobii

  1. They look at two/three reports from the guy, and then they know anything he reports is just useless and ignore it. That's how it usually goes.
  2. Your hitbox isn't even showing when he "snaps".? You're aware you're playing a 3rd person game right? He's perfectly aware that you're running up to him. And it looks more like the game didn't update where he was looking, and when you finally get him in view it updates.
  3. Pretty sure the current issues are not the server related but ddos related. That's been the issue the last 1/1½ years.
  4. The official statement would be the same as everything else; It's against the TOS. Ninjaripper might be able to grab models without reading memory or inject, but it's still wrapping the game. I would watch out after the release of BE, since this AC is way more aggressive than PB ever were. Maybe message BE support? You can't use the "No damage should means no penalty, or am i wrong?" statement since a lot of the current mods/configs/shaders don't hurt anyone, but they are STILL against the TOS. Just my 2 cents.
  5. ==28/05/2018== Minor fixes and changes, 99% of everything should have sharp corners instead of round. Added customer logo that's on by default but can be disabled.
  6. Yes. Also ReShade injects into the game, so it's possible it'll get you banned when they enable BE. That, or it'll be blocked.
  7. It's hard to do anything when you're out of money. There is a reason people had to pay for the entire KTTC incident. And the event abusing as well.
  8. Then why aren't pro players playing 5 AWPS?...
  9. let me upvote you already! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
  10. Tell that to OL, since the devs now work for them. Or tell @Androvald yourself, pretty sure he uses the forum.
  11. How so? Pretty sure I got most of my info from the actual devs, not G1. /shrug
  12. You're not the forum, are you? The forum made me double post, hence "forum is being a jerk". I know you want everything to be about you but calm down there.
  13. Okay? Going off topic here but alright. Guess we're done here.
  14. This wasn't G1 saying that. G1 is the company that pays the people working on the porting. Look at the screenshots from the blog posts, they are from the devs, not "G1".
  15. CTRL + F5 should allow you to make changes and then hit the update style button. No need to remove the theme.
  16. Don't bother GhosT, you can't reason with the guy. /shrug
  17. ==27/05/2018== You can now toggle the navbar to follow as you scroll down the page.
  18. Seeing as the assets were broken on some of the blog posts, I think there's more to it than that.
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